Indian Wells final
Thiem vs Federer
Miami open starts Wednesday
Then clay
Indian Wells final
Thiem vs Federer
Miami open starts Wednesday
Then clay
best OP in a while
grabbing pizza lads at the venue expect more updates when match starts. Our girl andreescu is killing it
digusting racist announcer
Andreescus ass is amazing
Foxposter pls go
cringe and bluepilled
Go little leaf! Beat thr nazi.
why is titipas acting like a cuck? flirting with osaka but helping her to date a nigger at the same time wtf
>teenager wins women's tournament
>fossil wins men's tournament
>osaky you will never be white
>date this nig
Based titsypass
Bibi cramping
i want a gf with this physique
Hopefully a better face though.
I want a gf
Her face is fine. She's like right on the boarder of attractive and unattractive which is strangely attractive
>it's "another literal who player wins a wta tournament and will likely fade into obscurity" episode
Getting real tired of these re-runs
>Doubting the stongest mind autistic pole woman
She's already developing those eastern euro babushka arms at 18 tho. Look out when she gets a little older.
>Nadal said he won't play again until the Monte-Carlo Masters on clay in mid-April. "Idon't have doubts today that I will be ready for Monte Carlo,'' he said.
No, what you're describing is Halep. Andreescu is brown bag tier
>what you're describing is Halep
That's true
>then clay
Finally. grass and clay much better than futsal/bbal courts.
hard court isn't tennis
All the cameras are setting up for the future of women’s tennis. Our girl is beautiful
is she? I don't even know what she looks like overall, every time I try to watch her I just end up staring at her thighs
>yfw the GOAT wins 101st title
>muh clay
well miami is the last HC tournament for a while and he will skip it, so no surprises
Kerber is so autistic it's so cute :3
>Kerber has never won a Premier 5 or Premier Mandatory aka Masters equivalent
That's pretty pathetic.
Do you think they fucked?
Fed is a humble family man
>mätch is literally over after 3 points
Gay tee pee at it's finest
she looks like she well you know the rest
>le can’t break man
Fuck Frauderror but Tmeme deserves this anal raping
It's over.
like she fucks swiss guys?
Theims getting dabbed on hard holy shit.
When is shankerer going to start missing the court?
Losstria BTFO by stronk swisschad
I reckon second set first service game
When he retires
>That fucking point
More entertaining than the whole match between Thiem and Raonic
>meme lob and tweener 10is
is thiem next gen®™?
Neterer shows himself
Roger is such a chad
tfw no umbrelloli to shelter me from the broiling sun
>mental midget zoomers in charge of confirming breaks
imagine my shock
Thiem giving Federer a good fight for best choker
Thiem is Nadull-tier behind his baseline
zoomers simply cannot compete
>Winner speed: 33mph
memearino would be proud of that dropshot
Memes aside, this is the closest I’ve seen Thiem playing like Nadal. It’s like he’s channeling him, at any given minute he’ll start scratching his ass between points.
Kyrgios said, 3 years ago, that thiem will win rg within three years... He has said it so it shall be. Put all you're money on thiem winning rainland sorrows if betting is legal where you live
maybe he should've waited till clay season to channel Nadal
>Land of the free
how is he playing like nadal?
This is a 9/10 in US of A
losing to fed
Actually it ain't you dumb fucking p a k i
Pretty comfy match tbqh
>the absolute state of zoomers
Actually in the midwest, basically redstates that would be a 10/10 milf. You'd have married husbands fighting over that.
I wish, I just wish I was joking
>Thiems team, no pun intended [chuckles]
Espn is the worse
She looks bloated with feces
>one handed backhands
>minimal grunting
What a match
Is this 8/10 in the blue states? NY
I was wrong lads
Second service game of the second set
This match is more WTA-y than the WTA finals was
rfed btfo
olderer needs a quick roid smoothe
ach nein nein nein
Imagine getting breadsticked by fucking tmeme lmao
Roger Redditer is S H O O K AF
Did he age 10 years inbetween sets?
Any YouTube streams?
It’s ogre Fred is finished
>dat dtl bh wnnr
Haas looks like a mix of Federer and Thiem
absolute state
the STATE of this grandpa
this site allows limited free viewers but it's working for me atm
Thiem is playing really good
I just realized that they always cut away when the ball boys/girls retrieve the net balls. Back in the olden days they always showed that and it was a nice little sideshow. There was even a Seinfeld episode about it. Damn I'm old.
>eson literally cuts to commercials in the middle of a game and we missed the end to make it 5-5
fuck u boomer
Based T H I E M
Boomer BTFO
You dirty old man
hey federer maybe you should stop hitting to his forehand
Dom still has a strong backhand though
Based on the tennis threads several years back, I can't blame them.
Reminder that I literally predicted dis
>tfw Federer loses
i honestly believe frauderror is slightly retarded
not a dumb monkey but still below average
Everyone did
where my ami at? I know you are watching
no he doesn't he literally over runs just so he can hit a forehand
>Free pass to the final
>Lose anyway
Well this was quite the meme tournament.
Imagine the joy fed boomers felt when Djokovic went out and they deluded themselves into thinking the old man would have another easy run to a title and the disappointment they feel now lmao
how the hell did federer lose to this guy. retirement soon
>play for the ocean
what did he mean?
>play for the ocean
>lebron btfo
>federer btfo
>ronaldo can't even play back to back matches anymore
>play for the ocean
Austrian TV has Günter Bresnik (Thiems coach) as co-commentator, he said fighting for the oceans is a very important issue for Thiem and he doesnt wrap his rackets in plastic because of that
fucking retarded basedboy
Good man
Also see
So he's like the Austrian Aquaman or some shit
where was Kiki
getting pee pee'd on
Time for cuban heat
Reminder Bernarda Pera plays today in Miami qualifiers
Cheer her on.
I thought the final was tomorrow :(
I think everyone with Adidas has to say mention it.
Tsitsipas posted this
To be fair there is a huge garbage island floating in the Pacific
Do you like Caro?
>but helping her to date a nigger at the same time
who is the milf in white dress? love white dresses
The new Miami Open looks terrible. I hope they at least sped up the courts
are you talking about Kerber or Bianca? I dont get it
also who is the tall women in dark red dress who is interviewing Bianca?
>Wake up
>Remember 38 years old GOAT lost to a zoomer
I think it's his last year, he wouldn't have played RG if it wasn't
>run for the oceans
>buy our brand new spring 2019 shoes and get a 5% disount for summer 2019 shoes too!
>consume more plastic clothing polluting ocaen every day it manufcatured
>listen more fancy rap and buy more buy more buy more
>travel, eat, shit
Why? She is sympathysing.
>The new Miami Open looks terrible
how do you know?
also where is this pic from? is caro aleady there? post her trianings, candids, maybe acidental street shots by fans/with fans pls