The annihilator of Arsenal
The crusher of Celtic
The assassinator of AC Milan
The liberator of Leverkusen
>score on them so often he joins them
absolutely based
Really makes u think
>beat the shit out of a team
>their fans end up applauding you because you are THAT good
>join them and take them to glory
He was the hero all along.
>If you can’t beat them, buy them
Are Juve fans, there I say it, the biggest cucks?
Also obligatory
>the slasher of Celtic
>the slasher of Arsenal
Says it all, measly statpads against shit teams like arsenal while the GOAT battles with the titans single handedly leading his teams to victory
>the annihilator of arsenal
>the crusher of Celtic
>the menace of Milan
>the lance of Leverkusen
>the licker of Leverkusen
Absolute STATE of this Argie manlet fraud.
Mfw Milan has more cl then all teams put together
U wot, m8?
>b-but penaldo only scores against malmo and waxtap!
Penaldo fags won't touch this.
>you now remember the memes of CR not scoring in big matches
These stats are fake amigo.
Messi was in la liga way before Ronaldo.
I knew something was fishy with this. Pic related Ronaldo’s actual numbers.
fake news.
imagine having to fake stats to support messhit
when did Ronaldinho join real?
The absolute state of meshills faking stats