Apart from The Witcher 3, what are the best recent RPGs? (2010-present)
Including JRPG, SPRG, TRPG...
Apart from The Witcher 3, what are the best recent RPGs? (2010-present)
Including JRPG, SPRG, TRPG...
Dragon's Dogma is the GOAT, now fuck off and never come back you filthy Yea Forumsirgin.
why are so many people posting here instead of Yea Forums these days? seems to be more common, what's changed?
Usually Yea Forums doesn't have very many people that are actually into sports. Are they next to each other on 4channel board listings or something?
Ita all general there so they cant make this threads and expect posts.
Video Games is why you incels can't get laid.
Please have sex.
>Ita all general there
Oh, not like here then
persona 5
v is the biggest board of 4chin now
deus ex human revolution
it's always been a big board
there's no generals on Yea Forums, because they moved off to /vg/, a board dedicated to generals
Very redpilled post.
Yea Forums sucks so much, they need to go to other boards for actual video game discussion.
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Bloodborne and Dark Souls if they count as RPGs
divinity original sin 1 or 2
This, FIFA is the only videogame that really matters, the rest is just incel bullshit
skyrim with mods
Take the anime pill.
I really didn't think it was that terrible, then again I didn't play any of the others beforehand so I didn't have anything to measure it against.
I also managed to get it for like £8 which probably helped.
EA Sports UFC 3- patrician
FF13 and FF15
>I really didn't think it was that terrible
I didn't either for the most part.
>he isn’t still playing EA MMA and flash koing everyone in seconds with Brett Rodgers