Get ready to get dabbed on, amerilads.

Attached: mx.png (472x648, 168K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Corona on the left

Attached: Imagem44.png (990x860, 659K)

The what?

was Mier grabbed by the cartel?

>guy with FAS and ADD wins the retard cup, beating a couple downers and several people in vegetative states

Una vela...

whiter than your Joaos, Guilhermes, Simãos..

Attached: mier1.jpg (626x353, 59K)

USA 2-0 Mexico

What about Lainez?

Attached: 1523544835910.jpg (500x372, 35K)

super sub bro



Attached: 125px-Flag_of_Jamaica.svg.png (125x63, 1K)

>the Reggae Boyz

Mier...da xd

Where's Chicharito?

I'm actually looking forward to this gold cup for once. Both USA and Mexico have new coaches who wanna win and prove themselves and both have exciting up and coming talent. Hopefully neither of >us choke before >we meet in the final.

Attached: USMNT Gold Cup 2019.jpg (530x675, 89K)

>Ochoa still alive
>Chicharito beheaded by Jalisco
nice team you have there, Mejico

The U-20 WC is at the same time, the people up there still doesn't know which tournament is he going to play.

>that masculine Porto chin
my girlfriend juat said she wants to watch your league because of it.
fucking Portoposters cucking me with their physical and intellectual superiority


it was not your flag, it was Liberia

>lose to Senegal
>become nigger lover

they're playing a gold cup? when?

Liberia is a US colony.

Maybe in this tournament but Lima is unironically the future
>inb4 MLS
Yeah yeah, I know, but his ceiling is way higher. Hopefully he gtfos from that Bay Area cesspool to a decent European side

Lima isn't that good. He's playing for one of the worst MLS teams and isn't even playing well (got subbed out their last 2 games). He only looked good in the January friendlies because it was against Panama/Costa Rica's version of camp cupcake.

Sergino Dest is the RB of the future though.

USA vs Mexico theme

>that backline
put Van Rankin at LB and Erick Aguirre at Rb. Then take out Tecatito put Vela on the wing and Guardado in the midfeild.

It's just a funny name calm down JaMarcus

*blocks you're path, eh"

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-16 at 12.47.22 AM.png (696x890, 701K)


Attached: Blake_Lawrence_Burke_and_Mattocks_training_for_the_gold_cup.gif (640x377, 842K)

I rate Keegan Rosenberry higher than him t.b.h.

How is soccer something people seriously talk about? It's always on. There are a million leagues from every country. Who gives a shit? Every game ends up 1-0

>le beer nickname guy
Is this meme still a thing?

ok this is epic

Mier is already over the wall

Attached: Meanwhile in CONCACAF.png (747x751, 441K)