>implying this wont be Real's starting 11 next season
Implying this wont be Real's starting 11 next season
>no Giroud
Tottenham is literally more relevant than Real Madrid right now, so why in the fuck would eriksen leave to a less relevant club? This isn't 2008 anymore dude.
come on....
f yea
>Chubisco in the midfield
ayyyy, another season of zeru tituli
Real isnt that based
Tottenham owners are jews, madrid got money. You do the math, nigger
stop making us look bad
Its him, kroos or old ass modric
>Tottenham is literally more relevant than Real Madrid right now
you delusional murrican spuds bandwagoner
jesus fucking christ
Ramos is the starting CB that should leave Real Madrid, not Varane. Hernández is a pace merchant that only shines in a five at the back formation. Hazard and Isco are redundant and together they slow down the game too much.
Ramos wasn't present against ajax second leg and against juventus second leg last year...we saw what happened
They won't be getting Mbappé though
I also like Varane more but realistically speaking, Ramos will be the starting CB.
They keep saying this every year but nothing really happens.
modric it is, even Gross is better than Isco in that position
if you're living in a fantasy world, why not get neymar too? and bring ronaldo back, and sign messi as well
Where's Icardi?
Wanda and Florentino in the same club at the same time is just a time bomb.
LOOL theyre going to sell that fat spic to some chinese team in the summer
Zidane genuinely loves Isco
I hope you are kidding
Not with Chelseas transfer ban
No Chance PSG sell him for anywhere near what RM can afford they bought him for like 170m euros and is probably now worth double that
Maybe, but there will be a bidding war for him in the summer if he is available to buy. Levy will jew the maximum amount out of him even if he does only have a year left. Also not really what Madrid need to focus on when Benzema, Bale and Kroos all need to be replaced
And isco loves food and not showing up for the training
Kane will be way easier to get than Mboopy
Eplel marketing pleb
>It's a I think irl football = Fifa thread
None of those players maybe save Hazard is going to RM. And at this point Chelsea will improve without him moping around The Bridge.
>Hazard on the right
>fucking Isco
>implying Kanté will leave Chelsea
>literally who as left-back
Absolute garbage, but I didn't expect better from a Mexican.
/thread but i do think kante would go psg if he had the chance
only if you want to leak goals like crazy and have kante collapse on the field of heart failure from trying to run enough to cover the defensive shortcomings of that XI.
>not won a real trophy since 1991