Have you ever been kicked out or banned from a stadium?

Have you ever been kicked out or banned from a stadium?

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Why is he even allowed to take that stuff into the stadium? Special celeb priviledges?

Why does basketball look like such a dirty rotten poor sport? People sitting on fucking $20 walmart foldable chairs and players wearing cotton t-shirts as uniforms

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When did he get this fat holy shit

ive been kicked out of bars but never a stadium

Even if I could afford it I wouldn't do it, watching sports is much better when you're drunk as shit eating junk food in the comfort of your home

>when you fuck so many 13 year olds you get more enjoyment by farting and spilling chilli in public

Jack Nicholson what are you doing man

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>Based Jacko spills chili
Lebron trade confirmed.

I saved that picture my man, really really liked it

>all these retards ITT not knowing what The Onion is


>be a multi-millionaire
>bring some reheated chili from home

Now I see how retards like Beto are so popular. Don’t procreate.

>Yea Forums thinking theoninon is real
Holy shit, we are boomer Facebook tier now

proper lad

The Onion hasn't been satire for years

In fairness I think he is actually that fat.

i'm not allowed to bring my own food and i'm not a millionaire

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I’m glad the onion found a way to stay funny in current year times

They're still willing to be silly and lighthearted. They don't always go for the low hanging fruit there's still some creativity there.

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