Why do penaldofags hate him?

Mess0y barely talks or comments about anything

Attached: download (19).jpg (286x176, 7K)

Because he is better than their idol

Insecurity obviously.

I hate both

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There are more Ronaldo haters than Messi haters on this board.

false, nobody hates poonaldo because nobody cares about #2

This. People just hate Messi because
it’s hard to admit that a manlet is a superior athlete.

I don't hate Ronaldo, in fact I think he's quite funny and a great player. It's just he doesn't compare to Messi and I like making his cockgobblers seethe

this. ronaldo only gets ""hate"" in the tedious anti-messi pro-ronaldo threads that NZ and romania spam all over the board

Yea Forums have been a ronaldo board since 2016. Sorry lads