>Dismantles Man Utd
>Exposes the Smeagol

Attached: D1khpd5XQAEDNkD.jpg (383x680, 47K)

He will score 8 goals
Screencap this NZ Twain

>Messi performing in the QF

it will be a sequel

Attached: D1sihDOWkAEE0jw.jpg (837x525, 113K)

>Scores the best header ever even if he is the manletest player ever

>van der sar face

fucking LMAO

>Getting scored on by a manlet via a header

Has any keeper been more cucked ?

United will go through and Yea Forums will implode.

If tsu wins the CL and Messi chokes out, will that settle the GOAT debate?

>If tsu wins the CL and Messi chokes out,
That's the last 3 seasons