
New Zealand v Bangladesh

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GOD I wish I had a vagina


Uh. You know the test was canceled right lad?

>87 run 9th wicket partnership
>TJ Murtagh 54*
ok this is epic


Shit thread.

Grim OP



Was hoping for a Norwegian thread tbqh

Why did an Australian want to assassinate the Bangladeshi team and go to so much effort to pretend he hated Muslims?

thought it was a ODI for a second and switched it off after the 9th wicket fell

Cancelled. They're leaving.

I think it's time to discuss NZ not being allowed to hold international cricket any longer. the place is too unsafe

/cric/ is alright for today


feeling anxious lads. Heavy news day and got a big weekend planned . Life is just quite overwhelming isn’t it .lunchtime beer on the card

don't date doctors

Post. Poned.

bang are flying home 'as soon as possible'

hahah its just the news mate it doesnt affect you

>New Zealand
at least something good came of this

They keep talking ion the news about shutting down the channels. This is the end of us lads

fucking hell you sad sack of shit get yourself up and stop being a bitch

affects everyone . The bogan who did this is just a fucking brainlet desu

finally some good news

I heard Australia played Pakistan in New Zealand today, what was the score at stumps?

How can we stop Australian acts of terrorism lads?

ok I’ll try . The world is a bit chaotic tho have to admit

have to agree with the aussie, you are being very gay about this

aussies fear the big strong rajiBVLLs

All I can say is about fuckin time


Legalizing firearms in aus would be a good start. They’d all kill themselves by accident or out of depression as teens.

You're going as well mate

You go 'oh that's a shame' and move on not spend all day crying about it like a woman and acting like it's making your life so hard

Oi lads get your Sunday best on and scrub up real proper, we will be having a lot of curious international visitors the next following hours. We need to look sharp.

I said I would try Jesus Christ calm down

miss him so much lads

>mass murder in Vegas
>the /hoc/ team goes on to compete for the championship
>mass murder in Kiwiland
>matches get cancelled

Kiwis btfo

Sorry for letting you down.

fuck me Shahzad is a big lad

Extremely female response cob, you wear programming socks or some shit?

Also prayers for Wellington, #ynwa #justiceforthe96

my Afghan in a closey tip looking good


He always was haha

Shahzad will take them deep


sorry but you remind me too much of a girl at work who always goes in a tailspin when stuff like this happens because she has to show everyone how DEVASTATED she is because she's soooo caring about all of god's creatures
god. women eh?

the field is adjacent to the mosque that was shot up

why is everyone so fat in this test

t. virgin incel

>7,223 watching now
Irish and Afghan cricket on growing relevance watch

Where is the problem then? You said adjacent, not in. No issue really, just hope you have high fences because recovering a 6 might be awkward otherwise.

and dont get me started on captain marvel. everyone knows girls can't be supehero, it has been drilled into me since birth and now they think they can do it. makes me sick

this weird creepy virgin in my office gets really upset whenever I express my distress at mass killings. can't figure it out

The field's literally at ground zero in a mass shooting.

Where do we all meet up if Moot closes 4channel?

the great imageboard in the sky

really want to take a pair of tweezers to Ihsan's forehead

lawncunts joint 2bh


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the lunch

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McBrine getting a sniff here

Afghans have this one in the bag

Meet up at my house mate

i thought Yea Forums was blocked for you lads

Are we autoshongled? In our time of need?

state of sage-o
there's more cricket discussion in this thread than the last one

Fucking sebbesity

holy shit hotpockets

yeah wtf

why are we being autosaged sebbo?

I wish there was a bipartisan approach to not trying to score political points from this shit while the bodies are still warm. Ghouls on both sides


sebbo Bell

slobbo gets triggered when you include attractive women in the OP

t. trying to score reddit points

based Yea Forums power user

haha gay
if you don't exploit tragedies for political pointscoring, then the other side will

auto saged for literally no reason

I wonder who could be behind this........

standard behaviour from the unpaid custodian

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oooo ooooo very sad! for bangladesh

if you took the same amout of effort into a diet like you do with your janny work you might amount to something you fat fuck

so true

How do we recognize each other?

Some of y'all are alright. Don't go to the cricket game tomorrow...

man I wanna fuck a minion haha
who the fuck they gonna tell

slogzad GOD

Uh oh..... akseli’s finally flipped lads

They call me "The Man With No Name."

The news just said he claimed he was a navy seal and had over 300 confirmed kills.

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by calling each other "cobba"

>Bags found at a central Auckland street, initially thought to be suspicious, contained scaffolding equipment.

based tradies

i love when they say memes outside of where you would usually expect to see memes

shall we make a new thread?

Thought it was cute how he stopped at a crosswalk and let 2 people cross during his getaway

eight chan m8

we can have our very own board

Nah, I reckon we'll reach 500 before this 404s. Yea Forums is dead

think it will balance out the bad karma for shooting those people?

anti autoshongle thread is up in protest

Is the shooter dead?

Those lads were probably heading to the mosque. Just stat padding his totals.

thoughts on the Endgame trailer?

In custody


Not enough Captain Marvel and too many white males on screen.

can no longer support right wing nationalism

voting greens next election

for me it's the Keep Sydney Open party

Are they opposing lock-out laws? I'll vote for them.

it used to be a protest movement thing afaik but now they've started their own party
I oppose lockout laws just as I support environmentalism but these lefty microparties are useless cancer that attract the worst types

for me it's being a 35 yo boomer who got to experience nightlife before the fun police took charge. Banning indoor smoking was the thin edge of the wedge, now you can't even have a smoke with you meal in the beer garden.

how good were the 90's ey

When Black Friday comes
I'll stand down by the door
And shoot the muzzie men when they
Dive down onto their local mosque floor
When Black Friday comes
I'll collect everything I'm owed
And before my friends find out
I'll be on the road
When Black Friday falls you know it's got to be
Don't let (((them))) fall on me

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Bring me the head of senator Fraser anning