>tfw not based friends with Tsuuuu like Evra
Tfw not based friends with Tsuuuu like Evra
I wonder if he got Ronaldo’s permission before he screencapped his texts.
This is the power of Spanish football. The rest of the world cant even bother to spell check the name of their teams, lmao
Also based Evra
Ronaldo really has everyone counting on him.CR7 shounen anime when
>*sends selfie*
what did he mean by this
Evra is a loser, he symbolizes the third worlder who dickride others to be associated with their success
all he does now is his cringy instagram vids with his fake laugh and his tryhard meme phrase
do normies text like this all the time? how do they manage?
I know. It seems exhausting.
so what is the point of that selfie?
jesus christ marine slow down
wtf why did he send a selfie to evra?
so many fucking smileys
I have started really to appreciate him, he seems a nice person. Based Tsu.
why does Ronaldo sends pictures of himself?
>wins nearly everything
>united still haven't got a better LB
To show he's finished the job on his way home. If you are not ugly this is normal
t. ugly incels
Shouldn't Evra be asleep? Also Ronaldo is the giga chad, randomly sending a picture of himself because why not
>home we gonna smash them
is evra involved in his rape case?
he cute
Now they're gonna claim the "blow me" was premeditated and disqualify him. Thanks Evra.