Europeans are so delusional they actually think Ronaldo is a better athlete than NBA and NFL players

Europeans are so delusional they actually think Ronaldo is a better athlete than NBA and NFL players

> His jump is higher than the average NBA basketball player, just one facet of an incredible athlete.
> This enables him to reach heights of 44cm (17 inches) in the air from a standing start and 78cm (31 inches) with a run-up

Hmm... intereresting. Lets verify that will we. I found stats for the recent NBA combine.

Ronaldo not only isnt better than average, he isnt even better than the WORST performer in the NBA. Worst combine standing vertical was 25 inches (63cm), and worst mac vert was 31 inches (same as Ronaldo)

Youve got to be kidding me... the so called "best athlete in soccer" cant even outjump the WORST athlete in all of NBA?

What a joke.

I actually just went out to my basketball hoop and found I could get my whole hand about 3 inches above the rim which is well over a 30 max vertical cause I have about an 8 foot standing reach.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Jumping in hard court is easier than jumping in grass, retard

Have you ever thought about killing yourself? This obsession is beyond sad.

triggered lol

Dont basketballers jump for a living


pick 1

>the daily mail

Americans typically pick both

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doesn't ur mum hump for a living

yes, op is retarded.

>better athlete than NBA and NFL players
Niggercollision and apehoop requires 1/10 of the athleticism soccer or hockey requires.

apehoop is jogging up and down a small court for 12 minutes and niggercollision is 5 seconds spurs of action.

Fuck off and don't @ me you fucking shart in mart burgerfat

are you saying they falsified the test results?

This. Its hilarious, met some brits on holiday who said Ronaldo is more athletic than any american sports star. They actually think jumping 30 inches is impressive. Literally anybody on in my rec basketball league could easily beat that.

Pic related for the europoors, 48 inch vertical. An actually remarkable athletic feat.

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reported for posting a picture with a gun, enjoy 15 years in the queens jail m8

I agree with you OP but I do think divegrass players train for long-distance running more than they do for leaping ability desu

we just having a laugh mate

anyways it was your media that said he could outjump NBA players. which I found to be hilariously untrue.

how skinny and weak are europeans they actually think jumping 30 inches is an impressive feat?

I literally can beat that, and I almost never lift weights or exercise.

Just to clarify. The Daily Mail is not news and isn't considered a source by any respectable institution, it literally posts false headlines for low IQ plebs to gobble up so they can make ad revenue money. If you get wound up the daily mail to the point you share with other people, you are playing right into their hands, they'll delete it in a few days time. Funnily enough the main consumer of The Daily Mail's online output are Americans. They are the ones constantly pushing stories about how it's illegal to tweet or to own a knife etc.

even Messi has won aerial duels against Ronaldo

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I thought it was good. I get my news on Brexit from there
Which site is better?

The Jeremy Kyle show

doesn't ronaldo?

The combine stats are bullshit, I lost all respect for them this year
They said some dude was 1.6% body fat when any /fit/ regular would tell you he was 13% minimum
Most NFL shit is lies to cater to BBC loving NFLcucks so they continue believing superheroes exist (oh and they’re completely natural too)

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Apologies to OP, thought he said NFL
Please don’t downvote me

combine is literal slavery
I love watching those dindus run while a bunch of white guys with notepads and glasses sit on the sides

>just having a laugh

You're thinking of "dive"

Defenders in football normally aren't great athletes, nowadays their composure with the ball and passing ability is being prioritized over size, strength and speed. Normally their ability to read the game and stop the opposition before they successfully find themselves into a threatening situation is also considered more important than their overall athleticism.

The reason why Cristiano rapes 99% defenders on the air however isn't only his superior athleticism. Timing and positioning are equally important and he excels in those fields too... plus an attacking player will always have the advantage when a cross is made because the defender must make a choice to watch the ball - which means they won't see the strikers's movement - or watch the player which could delay their reaction to jump and compete in the air. Naturally, since Cristiano is one of the best finishers the game has ever seen, a single mistake can be lethal. And it's hard to play perfect defense for 180 minutes.

No you.

Good post

Makes sense now that the GOATs in any sport are mostly offensive players desu

Ronaldo can jump nearly as high as NBA players while being as fast as the fastest NFL players.

The stats come from a sports show made in 2013 where they tested his standing jump by him keeping his arms on his hips to simulate a real game experience

Your not going to get a serious measurement of things like jumping height for soccer athletes because nobody seriously cares about these stats except Americans

You’re retarded.

NFL skill players (the fast ones) actually jump even higher than NBA players.

Check the combine if you want but I’m not gonna spoonfeed you any more.

Why are Americans such superior athletes in everything? Is it due to our freedoms?

>nobody seriously cares about these stats except Americans
If they did maybe they could have done something about TSUUUU's two headers yesterday then, no?

Why dont you check some stats out instead of asking to be spoonfed in a thread?

>heh actually I was pretending to be retarded
no matter how much you try to fit in, you wont.

With a run up and using hands he only jumped 31 inches.

Absolutely pathetic.

Michael Jordan jumped 48 inches.

Hell even Steph Curry can jump 35 inches.

>Tripadvisor and Trivago

They trained to jump high before they even went through puberty though, it would be a joke if Ronaldo could jump higher than them. I doubt he’d even have put in 1/100th of the hours of training that they’d have put in trying to jump higher

OK I did, I checked out the verticals for Offensive lineman at the nfl draft. The top vert is 45 inches by Chris Conley. This is WITHOUT a runup.

And just for a laugh I looked up offensive lineman jumps. The best performer is Joshua Miles with 36 inches.

> Ronaldo cant even outjump a 350 pound offensive lineman


you dumb fucking emu, you literally cant train for vertical.

its mostly all genetic, you need to have fast twitch leg muscles.

all the highest jumpers at my gym are lazy pot smoking niggers who never seriously worked out a day in their lives.

americans are simply genetically superior.

thats why basketball and football are so much more fun to watch, you get to see ridiculous superhuman feats of athleticism on a daily basis.

Dunno why people doubt the athleticism of American athlete's they're fucking monsters, although they wouldn't have the technical skill to succeed in "soccer" which takes a life time to perfect

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>Basing Ronaldos stats off this meme video

Face it, obese school shooter: if we cared about American """sports""" we would dominate your shopping mall nation, whatever made-up stats you entertain yourselves with during the three-hour commercial breaks you call entertainment.

>you literally cant train for vertical
mate mate mate mate mate

you literally cant... its 90% genetic
its all genetic. strength =/= explosiveness. fast twitch muscles activate a lot faster which is what you need for things like sprinting and jumping.

has any portugese player ever won an olympic medal in sprinting or long jump?

no? then your people have no chance of making it in the NBA or NFL

yeah, except for olympic lifts, which everyone knows are used by athletes to train explosiveness, you ignorant lardass

it's genetic in the sense that the cap is genetic, but you don't reach the cap unless you train specifically for this purpose

read a book

this should be stickied at all times

Bengt Saltin, a professor of human physiology at the University of Copenhagen's Muscle Research Centre in Denmark, says the balance of fast twitch to slow twitch muscles is key.

Fast twitch fibers produce the same amount of force for each contraction as slow muscles, but they get their name because they can fire far more rapidly - making them better for explosive, fast and forceful sports such as the 100m final.

And while training and practice can obviously improve muscle performance, evidence suggests slow twitch fibers cannot be converted into fast twitch, meaning that what athletes have is what their genes gave them.

"If you don't have at least 70 to 80 percent fast twitch muscle fibers, I'd say it's unlikely you could be among them (the world's top sprinters)," Saltin told Reuters.

Basically what he’s saying is that with training anybody could run an 11 second 100 meter dash or jump 30 inches.

To get into elite territory like 40 inches or sub 10 seconds you need to be blesses with good genes or there’s no chance.

No amount of training I could ever do would give me a 40+ inch vertical

idk about the NFL but isn't the NBA literally "lol just shoot 3s bro" now? that unathletic white boy lukek doncic seems to fare pretty well aside from his 20 turnovers per game which btw have nothing to do with his lack of athleticism.

>No amount of training I could ever do would give me a 40+ inch vertical

Americans have literally taught themselves they can’t compete. Vertical jump can absolutely be increased by training. Just go on YouTube and you can find dozens of videos about dudes who increased their jumping ability to be able to dunk through training

You’re demented.

*dunks on you*

Yeah, bro, totally.
And most important cristiano has a small penis that does not compare with nfl or nba players' large bbc. Man, just thinking about it makes want to get a gf so i can watch her get railed by one of those bul... eh, athletes.

This is the most American post I've ever seen

god bless this country

Obviously sarcasm doesn’t translate well

Based and redpilled brotha

Based and redpilled

It’s honestly just nature. Nothing to be ashamed of.

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who tf cares?

based and redpilled finally meet...

>Nba combine
This isn't a large thing like the nfl combine is.
Only 10-15 players get accepted all of them are top prospects, and all of the top prospects at that time are above average in terms of athleticism.

Gerald green has a 48 inch vert?
Though it was wilt with the highest recorded vert.

That and offence and scoring in particular is more flashy that defence.

Yes after he scores

> tf
> tp

A haha actually yes multiple tines look it up virgin schoolshoter

They probably meant Ronaldo is the most athletic human and weren't including subhuman monkeys

I'm pretty sure that if an NFL player charges towards a Football Player at high speed the Football Player will be dead.

> look on wikipedia
> see porttugal only has 24 olympic medals all time
> 1 (one) in sprinting
> all other medals are in irrelevant shit like sailing
> look up the singular medal winner



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This. It's broscience by cuckolds.

Guardian, BBC

Why are you talking about europoors in the third person europoor?
>b-but i-im a-mer-
shut the fuck up englinigger

It's because nowadays the sport is so soft they'll book you for the lightest shit.
But nonetheless, the ability to read the game and make interceptions has always been highly valued and the proper way for a defender to play.
That's why Maldini, Baresi, Beckenbauer, Nesta etc. are the best defenders ever.

LOL nobody cares faggot, how many CL goals has Combine scored?

>insecure America assmad that no other countries play their sports with them

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>our niggers jump higher than europeans
Good for you, you should let them fuck your wifes so "your" children might jump good too

you honestly thinks if the world played basketball like soccer america would dominate? inches are not everything,and yes ronaldo never trained for that because he doesnt need, nba guys train all their lifes for jumping;