>all sports are cancelled for the next decade
How much would your life be impacted?
>all sports are cancelled for the next decade
How much would your life be impacted?
imagine having a daughter
not much. probably go shitpost in Yea Forums.
leftcuck vs /pol/shit would get a lot worse in general
I'd invent one and go play it in the park every week
>No one has been able to refute this yet
not okay
true, i only watch sports to distract myself from politics.
I lose the only thing I can talk to normies, so I might as well take the vow of silence
probably kill myself. sports are the only escapism I enjoy nowadays
Yeah, probably this. Sports and music are the only things I can really talk to most people about and even music is limited since I'm mostly into meddal.
A lot, considering I am a starting pitcher for the Cleveland Indians.
is that an important position?
When would I drink? How would I escape those godawful sex nags for 2-3 hours?
>Work half the game once a week
at least you probably rich. can you give me 100 bucks?
Not very well, football is everything to me and I wouldn't have a career anymore.
I would probably not drink as much and have free weekends
Sports give me pride though (city, school, etc)
You have to accept that women get married and have kids just like you would.
It's the ultimate cuck if your daughter is a slut with no self-respect
I watch a lot of news and youtube vids when sports aren't on. Probably do a lot more of that if they weren't on permanently.
Hey Trevor
huh, made me think
I don't watch sports. It wouldn't affect me at all.
What if she were a lesbian or bi?
Watching sports is actually quite a boring hobby. Most matches are boring and predictable.
I don't think the few great ones make up for the mountain of carp i watched through.
>what is forging relations with the groom's family
Daughters are a microcosm of politics.
>Not fucking her yourself
Flag checks out.
Heavy impacted since Europe will erupt in a deadly revolution and perhaps another world war involving a mass genocide
I would kms as we're bound to win the euros and/or the WC for the first time in my conscious life
pretty much. arranged marriage is 200 iq move. they know that without it girls go for whats considered cool in sodom and gomora. old religions knew how bad of an idea it was. progressives are a downgrade of human thought.
hehe, based nation of basment rapists
It would probably improve
In fact just about everyone's life would improve
>implying you won't just lose in the finals as always
Why does Yea Forums think that they are cucks if they don't fuck every female they interact with?
As a general rule every woman you meet you should fuck at least once.
Having a gay son.
What do you think brought up religions? They figured out that women are a liability but required for breeding so they made rules to limit their ability to fuck shit up.
Even the unattractive ones?
That's not being cucked, it's being cursed.
>wanting your son to marry an unloyal treacherus beast that is a human woman, instead of marrying a loyal strong man that will provide to the family as much as your son and watch footy with you instead of naggin at you for watching it
A gay man is a woman without the only good qualities a woman has (her physical attributes), why in God's name would you want that in your family, especially as your son, it's a curse no man deserves.
It would really, really suck.
Football games and F1 races are scheduled "good things" to me - I know that on a given day, in given time, something enjoyable will happen to me. There are probably one or two movies in year that I wait for, couple of albums, but it's nothing compared to amount of sports events I am interested in. Losing it would suck.
And yeah, conversations about sports are perfect if you need to normietalk
just took a huge shit lads
huge if true
Someone raised your wife, who you made that daughter with.
That’d be nice. I hope my daughter is attractive enough to get good dick
Pretty girls are better people desu. Most ugly girls get told they’re hot by drunks and betas until they believe it.
Houllebecq was right at least about boomers that most hot girls are stuck with sleaazebags and low confidence due to a lack of guys with the courage to talk to them
Fucked and ugly fat girl who wouldn’t shut up about her sexiness. Fucked a size 0 32D beauty and she thinks she’s hideous
I'd think about things logically
am i still allowed to commute by bike?
As long as you don't try to race against other traffic.
Very little. I would have to find something else for background noise
>imagine unironically having this chain of thought
i guess this way of thinking is why pedophiles fuck their underage relatives and go to Yea Forums to talk about figure skating
At least I could still watch American Football.
Can I do sports? As in recreation?
If yes, than I'd have to stop eating or become a vegan.
If not, then not that much. E-sports are not sports tho. And you can always bet on everything.
Having gay son is manageable if you have another son who's straight. But having a slut daughter would be a nightmare.
thats why honor killings are so popular in pakistan
For the better, I'm sure.
Maybe among hunter gatherers. Women are too mundane in civilized societies and when pussy becomes the same, shit gets fucked.
I would gain a couple of hours every week
Guys make for better girls than girls themselves. The Croat is correct.
I might as well kill myself then.