0 Spanish, Italian, German or French teams remain in the Champions League
Whenever people say argentina is white, is it because of the flag?
Where is the Emirates flag?
cringe and bluepilled
Anything would look white standing next to Brazil
>juve is portugese
It’s because they’re the halfbred spawn of nazis and Italians hiding from mosad in the jungle
Well you're right,the best player in Juventus is portuguese
>2 english teams wont slip against ajax and porto
For me it’s the catacuck Barth-alona & Poortchageese Jewvent>US teams
>not israel for spurs and ajax
sheesh i hope we never sink so low
>Where is the Emirates flag?
Here I am friend.
Basat i roigempastillat.
Man U and Liverpool should have the stars and stripes, City should have the UAE flag.
Barça is spanish. After they get knocked out is when they are back to being scatalans.
>being this desperate for political memes instead of having some healthy banter
Good post.
cristiano ronaldo is portuguese
cristiano ronaldo is juve
For me it's NORF FC
Imagine following a team not only from another country but from a whole other continent.
very good post, my friend
fc porto is mexico bc herrera and corona
Imagine following a team that doesn't have players from your country, and players from another continent are more relevant in it.
>we're white i swear!
they aren't important like that
>Spanish Empire
Argentina is white!!!
please let me believe
Count Barce as not Spain and it's the league of Bros.
The one making it.
They invented racial classification.
you were part of it
Child B
what a retarded premise
I let them blow on my flute
t. LaDarius Washington III
Kind of based
Anyone who doesn't think B is commie scum
force them to play rock paper scissors.
winner take all
Why do people always forget that Man Utd is Jewish owned too?
Is it because Woodward is the public face rather than the Blazers?
it's more like this
both pathetic
t. ajax supporter from amsterdam
Not all of us have teams in our hometown :)
Can someone explain to me why Barcelona uses the Catalonia flag?
Do I then have to listen to the child playing the flute? If so, A. If not, B
based as fuck image, you're alright argie.
now this is a champions league im interested in
>ajax not jewish
So cute watching spics argue who's whiter
I take the flute from B and break it, kids are annoying and i want to sleep
They don't have jewish owners
Turin is near Switzerland so it's almost the holy alliance of the Nations League in the quarter finals
visca catalunya ostia
>No Spain flag for Barcalona
They will always be (esp)
Not true you fucking asshole
American tier post. Milano is way more near swizerland than torino
have B two more flutes. Nothing there states that she ran out of mats.
Let me know when Milan are in the quarter finals of the CL and I'll make that post again, Benito.
cringe and faggotpilled
Based and very redpilled
it really do be like that though
wait how is the girl balancing that candle ? hows tht candle coming out of his ass wtf?
there is one closer to you than in yurope :)
>muh flag
Standard Yurocuck copout when they have no further arguments desu
First world countries aren’t good at povertyball(except the Dutch)
Make them fight for it
Fuck off
It's about time we got a non-Spanish winner. Barcelona won't make it past the QF
A is problematic because you're saying a governing body can essentially steal resources in the notion that allocating resources to produce a better outcome than the natural state of affairs, which is unethical.
C is straight up commie retardation
B is the only one that makes sense
>retarded choices have red hair
>not retarded choice has blue hair
waht did they mean by this
I'm really the 1st one to answer A should pay B for it?
>americans pretending to understand spanish politics
Say that to my face nigger
Change Tottenham and Ajax to Israel
Is this how Valverde prepared the team for the match against Lyon?
I just hope Farcelona dies :D
Remove kebab
Okay, now these are elite nations
Put spurs Ajax and jewventus in an Israeli flag
Whoever made this image is baseadinho af
Why make a flute if you can't play it. If you aren't going to learn to play it, fuck off and give it to A who will appreciate it.
#Respect from Mumbai
It belongs to B who can choose to sell it to A or gift it to C.
use this for juve
>look at liverpool
>kek hard
Makes you think....
that's literally the communist choice lmao
make child B teach A and C to make flute, then child A each B and C to flute flute. and then child C tell the tale of his hardship to get good material for fluting
and then i rape all 3 of them
>even though i don't play the flute and didn't make it you should give me the flute because reasons
I see what you did there.
Child A should pay child B for the flute, child C should get a fucking job
fuck communism B is the only good option
If child B can't play the flute how can the flute be any good when she made it?
Who said it was a good flute?
give it to A, and tell B to make something she will find useful. and tell the straight white male that he's exactly where he deserves to be
C is literally a nigger
kekpilled and based
Unironically redpilled
The actual owner of Juventus is Jewish, retards. Google "EXOR".
portugal based as always
I still won't watch your league
maybe you should read a book
Fuck of stalin
Child C because others are girls.
Ronaldo is Jewish?
>imagine owning something, but having to pay $100,000,000 to another man to use it, and he gets all the glory
Ronaldo owns Juventus
absolute retards
the basis of communism is owning the fruits of your labour
replace flute with profit and then see how you capitalist cucks shrink back on this stance
The only retard is you. You're entitled to the fruits of your labor if the tools and the land are yours. If you work your craft thanks to someone else's tools you're just a means to an end.
They pretend to be an independent state (caralonia) while still enjoying the rax benefits of Spain (proper).
Essentially they are Spanish Jews in all but name.
Catalonia is a meme. Its Spain. They won it fair and square. Think of Texas always saying its not part of the union. They'd get btfo if they tried to secede.
the league is indeed kind of boring, but the games between the top 4 are always a roller coaster of emotions. specially if you bet on them
does juve?
wtf is messi doing at the bottom left corner?
B should rent to A and the govt should provide subsidiaries for C
But we do Franco Emilio de Leon Flores Jordi Jorge Diaz Garcia
>enjoy the tax benefits of Spain
asSpain don't want to let go of their money region since the rest apart from basque country is a shithole
You stupid spics should really stfu and go back to selling oranges, beaner
So I guess some rich fuck is entitled to the fruits of your labour because he allows you to use 'his' tools and 'his' land. Just like the feudal landlord generously allowed the peasants to work on 'his' fields.
>you're just a means to an end.
So I guess you live off capital yourself, huh? Otherwise you would be describing yourself, and that would be just incredibly cucked, wouldn't it?
>don’t watch my secret sport
>don’t follow my secret teams
Low iq post
pretty sure I could knock the fuck out of everyone in this thread in a 1v1 fist fight
Which ones pique?
If you're great find a way to earn the materials to build your tools, start your own business and make all money for yourself.
Otherwise you're doomed to wagecucking. Such is life.
how can a community like catalonia not secede from a shithole like spain?
Only a small minority can be capitalists and usually they got there because their dads were capitalists too. The idea that anyone can be a capitalist if they try hard enough is mutt propaganda.
>Otherwise you're doomed to wagecucking. Such is life
Capitalism isn't inevitable any more than feudalism was. And at least you can have the self-respect to hate your oppressor instead of venerating him.
singaporeans are neolib social fascists from the future, fear them and distrust their works
You can't be anti-capitalist and pro-globalist.
>others are girls
Why is the Turin Jeeps logo so boring?
pls, continue arguing. i like making scenarios in my head where i'm an anticapitalist, anticommie national socialist and wrecks libs in argument.
although, i'm with mario here, i'd like to listen what kind of faggotry kikes have fed nigel. keep going...
what do you mean? lefties are anti cap and pro globalist.
Yes, I know they're retarded. Your point?
who is? come again, paisano?
>image is an ancient thought experiment of morality
>retarded zoomers pretend it's an economic question and go full ayn rand (read: full retard)
>thinking the flute fairy just magically makes flutes appear and flutes don't actually cost real money to make
>zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zoomers!
Gramps it’s past your bed time
it's still B, mehmet
she made it, she gets to keep it unless she chooses to give it to A or C
Messi confirmed Liga Nos watcher
C is the only correct answer.
was B already paid for her labor or did I just steal the damn flute from her.
This, the missing info is how come I am able to even make this decision? Did B relinquish ownership of the flute at any time? If so, I would give it to A. If not and I have somehow taken it from B without their permission, then it belongs to B.
>she made it, she gets to keep it
Why? The purpose of a flute is to be played.
unnironically all white but that wasnt even brought up and never is, you retards being moors has nothing to do with skin colour, even if you lot are only niggers and pakis
puta que o pariu, lixoboetas são mesmo sub humanos
>Only a small minority can be capitalists and usually they got there because their dads were capitalists too
Utter bullshit. What's stopping you from saving some cash, opening your own stall, making it profitable, buying a shop and then go from there? No capitalist is going to stop you doing that. Only yourself because you'd probably shitpost on Yea Forums all day until it collapses.
>there are no oppressors in communism/socialism
For me, it’s the Portuguese Empire
inb4 the commie bastard disregards it
>most lefty cucks are anti capital/private property and pro globalist
also both white, but who cares
what is a white person to you exactely?
because since youre likely a bit more tanned than all those youve posted youre not white by your standards
not that i give 2 shits, youre a moor for 2 reasons and 2 reasons alone
if youre a filthy lixoboense subhuman or a filthy fifica costumer
nothing to do with race like you mongrels obcese over
>Say that to my face
You need to learn some proper grammar, before arguing like a lunatic.
>both white
There's no native person in Lisbon darker than that dude on the right.
I don't know exactly what you think the moors did here, but whatever it was, they were in you city, too.
>nothing to do with race
Just an inferiority complex, then.
Not him but when did Milan creep up there?