All four in the quarter finals

>All four in the quarter finals


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You're welcome

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Imagine if none wins it
That would be kinda embarrassing

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>NT is top 4 in the world
>4 teams in CL QF
>talents like Rashford, Sterling, Lingard
are we witnessing the renaissance of English football?

Lingard has the potential to exceed Giggsy, he's that good

>lead by an argentinian, a spaniard, a german, and a norwegian
kek at the state of england

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>none in the semis

Why are english managers so shit though
They even took foreign managers to manage their NT

>"B-but t-the c-commonwealth will s-save us with special t-trade deals after B-Brexit!"

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He's a real prospect that's for sure

Man City's top scorer is Argentinian.
How do you feel about that?

>You now remember this

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>talents like Rashford, Sterling, Lingard
top kek

How pissed off are the tories that we don’t want to leave Europe just yet?

I don't actually.

The current NT manager is English. He guided them to semis last time.

Great bants from those guys, they're having a laugh themselves.

>German humour
Why do they even try?

He completely fucked it up. Playing 7 defenders against a shitty Croatia team.

Chiquillos, no sirve bien el WhatsApp q hago

>13 Feb 2019
Well they went 0/3

Se tu mismo amigo

I fucking HATE Lingard.

>hating on a young kid

They just quoted the thread themselves.


Croatia have objectively the best player in the world

He had played three central defenders and two wingbacks against everyone else too. Anyway Croatia were the best team in that bracket.

>young kid
he's older than old looking guys like fabinho or kane

Thank you, retarded German left-voting roastie woman without any clue about football for posting this abomination.


would pay money just to see an all english semi

Mandzukic is a monster in big games I agree

He's a man

>yfw they rig the draw
>yfw all 4 get KO'd
Ajax> ManU
le grand meme

>top 4

You're right, top three at least.

One full Brexit please.

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England is the best NT right now after France and I'm not even joking
they play very nice and the only reason they weren't in WC final is their inexperience

>Barca > city

Opinion discarded. No need to read further

You're wrong
the reason the team didn't get to the final is because they're wearing england shirts

We took you potatoes and then we took your Rice

The arms on that cunt on the right. He looks like he's about to dig up me nans driveway.

Imagine if they all win





May Allah grant him eternal respite. Insh'allah.

>last time 4 eplel teams made it this far
>barcelona won the treble
I'm liking this

>5 EPL clubs in the final

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>Sold his nation to Brussels the second he freed himself of British rule

He's got speed, pace and velocity.

Have some respect for the dead you Irish shit. You don't see me insulting Bobby Sands do you?

Disgusting behaviour


Don't forget his acceleration and quickness

>faggots STILL don't get the Lingard meme
Is it your first fucking day, all of you?

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a team always wins the cl in the nation he is coaching in. Unironically could be an english teams year. 2019 is very memey

Which German team won the CL when he was there?

haha yeah imagine that kinda embarrassing haha

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this is our year lads

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this was edgy like 10 years ago you need to stop

That second one only happened because Barcelona committed probably the largest refball that's ever happened in football against Chelsea in that semi. Not even seething, the EPL has done some refball here and there but I couldn't believe what I was watching in that Chelsea vs Barcelona second leg.

have anyone official spoken against it or admitted foulplay
>what am i asking

Those Chelsea Liverpool games were always amazing

why do chelsea customers ignore all the blatant bad calls that went against barcelona in that game?

that's cute

Hahahahaha you are old