Today confirms he was a ronaldo babby huh?
Today confirms he was a ronaldo babby huh?
Judge him next season
this guy will flop without ronaldo. zidane would have won literally zero champions league titles if he didnt have ronaldo
Nobody expects much from him this season and by next season he will have Hazard.
when did Ronaldo win a CL?
it's only the 1/4
madrid already has the spanish hazard, what do they need another for?
The imitation will never surpass the original.
One of ronaldo’s best seasons was possible because zidane was benching his crusty ass and giving him time to rest, he was winning with forward trios of isco, asensio, and morata
>Hazard is close to Ronaldo
and Eriksen
and Kane
UNEXPOSED man is returning to risk his status, we will know next year.
Yes. Can't wait to see him fail at Real.
Ronaldo also didn't play against Udinese. He's unneeded for anything besides 5 games or so every year
Sure but he used him pretty much perfectly, I doubt 3 in a row would have happened with any other manager as well.
>hurr durr penaldo a shit.
Thread about El calvo hijueputa
>Hurr durr ronaldo won 3 champions for Zidane.
Get your shit together Yea Forums
>zidane is unemployed
>ronaldo loses 0-2
>zidane is employed again
>ronaldo scores a hat trick
is it just me or does he look like a Bond villain?
Its actually the other way around
I don't see that happening with any other combination
He should have stayed retired. He’s gonna get exposed so hard this time it’s gonna be ugly
Holy shit, Ronaldo has turned into the ultimate Deus Ex Machina, only gets out of the cryogenic chamber in order to kill titans. What a fucking beast.
kek. true.