Who here /colorado/? I autistically really like high school football for some reaosn

even though i never played football in HS, i still find it cool in my home state.

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I'm from colorado springs and can somewhat agree. WJ.P HS has gotten some good scores against guests here but that's pretty much it.

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Don't mind me, just best pueblo team passing through.

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Bell rings blue.

Colorado desu, do people really go out of their way to watch high school football, are you sure you're not in texas?

If you live in the southeastern part, specially -10,000 pop cities, its almost law to go to one.

>The perfect team doesn't exi-

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If you're a southern hick or a western sloper. Denver and Fort Collins don't give a fuck.

t. From Fort Collins and live in Denver

>From /cs/
>Not supporting rampart

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Pueblo south is better.


>t. Jaime Ortega-Lunes
You’ve got to go back

My hometown team of lamar, the savages, honestly suck desu.

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This whole small town American thing of everyone going to the HS football games on friday nights seems really cosy , would participate

who /grandjunction/ here?

>tfw got to watch a game in the inaugural season of this beast
high school football is just better in texas

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>tfw when texarkana residents stop drinking tecatae for 1 min to shitpost on Yea Forums

You niggas drink Tecate?

>t. knows nothing about where anything in texas is

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Were the kids roided freaks?

my high school was playing the home team; lots of freakishly big kids on their side, so roids are a possibility. plus kyler murray was the qb at the time. led them to a couple of championships iirc.

were there a lot of Mexicans?

no, but if there were I'm sure I would have seen you there too.

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Based and redpilled.

who /beatniggers/ here?

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Anyone from walsenburg up in here?

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