

Attached: Soy boy.jpg (1440x2055, 1.68M)

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what a fag

>be their biggest defender
>cause their extinction because these breeds are not adapted to wild life anymore
What did he mean by this ?


he's (morally) right you know

>graphical design is my passion

What a fag.

Why is he floating like that?

Makes you lighter being vegan

why aren't you vegan Yea Forums? are you really that insecure of what people might say?

>teaming up with PETA

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I personally like x (where x=meat) therefore anyone who doesn't like x (meat) is a fag a cuck and onions boy

What’s wrong with being vegan. I know there are a bunch of soi boy fags that are vegan, but you can eat like that and be a normal person.

Dominion 2018 (Full Film)

Trying a vegan diet is fine, but officially partnering yourself with PETA is as thick as you can get.

Being a Vegan =/= being a Peta cuck

based PETA volunteer

Maybe his butt hurts.

>animal abuser and sandwich eayer are two different people

>not even wearing studs
>cow is on artificial pitch will probably try and it it and die from all the plastic

Imagine being an elite athlete and literally destroying your career and athletic ability cos you are falling for the vegan meme

Imagine being vegcuck

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those faggot vegans don't understand that they're alive because we eat them
they think if we dont eat meat we will raise hundreds of millions of those animals for free?

animals are fucked if they're relying on a manure CB to defend them lmao

>why aren't you vegan?
It's a huge pain when eating out. Going to a restaurant is OK if dull because you're usually stuck with "the vegan option" (singular), but it's hell when a friend is cooking.

that's how the slippery road slope
first you begin vegetarian, then vegan, then petan
(and ill in the process ofc)

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