What Sports are they good at?

What Sports are they good at?

Attached: 255px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png (255x170, 2K)

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Ping Pong

Exporting people?


illegally letting 13-year olds participate in olympic gymnastics

Athletic single disciplines which profit from doping and abusing children.

world domination

competitive dog eating

Money laundring and modern colonalisation.




What about the caca? they eat that too?

Cooking gutter grease
Stealing Intellectual property
Scamming you by taking the long way in cabs
Growing long ass finger nails
Smelling like piss

ruling the world while making you think they don't

[-5 social credit score]

[-10 social credit score]

[+2 social credit score]

Hacking American companies and stealing schematics to reverse engineer

autocratic countries will never be good in sports with no doping.

most of them according to recent olympiades

>No doping

Okay, this is epic.

Ping pong

How are 13 year olds superior to older womens and why are 13 year olds not allowed to go to olympics if they are good enough`?


Debt traps

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Ping Pong, Badminton and Go.

Based Xi kicking off the neo-colonial empire before Europe or the U.S. get a chance

Chess, the greatest sport of all.

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They have their own form of chess, Xiangqi. Kinda interesting game.

colonizing africa

You see, China won the Chess Olympiad in both 2014 and 2018, and has one of the three strongest national teams in the world, the other two being Russia and USA. They also have one player good enough to realistically challenge Carlsen.

They're trading with them. Something alien to wh*Toids that had to invade and kill people and then act like they were doing a favor

Sucking schlong

having smol dicks

Good thing China is the People's Republic and totally not an autocratic nation then

Top kek, bunch of sports actually.
But since I assume you know how to use basic internet, this thread is boring shit.

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Boiling eggs in pee pee

Breaking the law
>illegally getting 10 year olds into world gymnast events so spee related
>leading exporter of counterfeit bags, electronics, shoes
>top of the league in human trafficking

And I guess like ping pong


absolutely eradicating any trace of culture they ever had prior to communism

Data mining


*blocks your path*
*politely steps out of the way because he's the nicest man in sport*

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Hăo and +3 social credits
Huài and -17 social credits

human rights abuse


badminton and table tennis

the majority of world-class players in both those sports are Chinese
pic related is the number of Olympic medalists in ping pong by country

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Olympic weightlifting. Lu Xiaojun is GOAT

Table tennis. Also a lot of Olympic sports.

Hit and runs