Louis Van Gaal announces his retirement from football


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Aloysius Paulus Maria "Louis" van Gaal

F you glorious autistic bastard

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Tf thought he was dead

Yesterday he said something like this on dutch telly:
>loads of players, clubs and associations want Louis van Gaal, but my wife also deserves a life with Louis van Gaal

Classic von Gäl

Now that the dust has settled, what was his filosofee?


Always liked the guy, wished he stayed longer at Manure, but fuck long term projects

Was manager is one of the greatest PL games

Thanks Louis.

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did he had hope to manage Real but zidane cucked him into retirement?

truly /ourguy/

>Van Gaal wanted to make clear to us that he can drop any player from team. It was all the same to him because, as he said, he had the balls.
>He demonstrated this literally by dropping his pants. I have never experienced anything like it, it was totally crazy.
>Luckily I didn’t see a lot, because I wasn’t in the front row.

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Utd payed him to much

His rants were legendary

The best Dutch coach in modern football

Genuinely a football genius

yea, he saw only that damn bladder...

He had a great career, one of our best coaches in history, you knew something could happen anytime when he was around and I think he's a great pundit.


so da fans are also satisfied wif louis van gaal"


fuck you

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Shame he went to Man U when they were a dumpster fire.

this deserves a sticke