>"Ääääääääääääääh... ööööööööööööööööh... perplex.. ääääääääääääääääh"
Jesus Christ what a fucking hack.
>"Ääääääääääääääh... ööööööööööööööööh... perplex.. ääääääääääääääääh"
Jesus Christ what a fucking hack.
looks like he made the video at his farm's outhouse toilet
What is he saying?
fuck loew and fuck zoomers
Which Turk is going to replace him?
Basically nothing, just stuttering about for 2 minutes like the OP pointed out. Probably he's taking a shit as said.
Something about Jews
germans hating the ethnic germans on their team
they don't know true suffering
>generally not happy
>angry about how löw informed them
>"boateng, hummels and me can still play at a top level"
>not happy that it appears to be a final decision
>thanking fans for the great time and support
Should I prepare my white flag?
Thanks for the translation bro
how do you say "exposed" in Bavarian?
Did they find out when the public did? That would be fucked. Also why would it be a final decision, surely if they have a good 2019/20 they'll be in consideration for more games.
thanks, Germanbro
the german federation put out the news before they knew, menawhile löw went to munich unannounced and told them in 5 minutes during a training break that he would kick them out forever
>didn't declare war on the Jews
>didn't call for Germany to reclaim occupied land
who gives a shit
is he disabled?
Seems pretty fucked to tell a 29 year old and two thirty year olds playing at the biggest club in the country that they're done forever. They've had a shit two years for their standards but they should be at least in consideration for another five years or so. What attackers do you even call up instead of Muller? The pacy nignog who skipped the confederation cup to get a tattoo and nose job?
One of my all time favorites desu
RIP in peace
most of them wont make it to the senior squad though
you call up the lads who won the confedcup
I mean we all know Müller could have done better but to call him a hack is ridiculous. He has a point. Pretty fucked up to tell two guys that are still playing well enough that they're done forever. Plus, as we all know a horse that good doesnt jumping haver that it have to be.
black guys are the future
whiteboys like müller have no place in the team anymore
But who's going to investigate the space?
>a horse that good doesnt jumping haver that it have to be
legendary thread
Löw low-key is a freaking psychopath that's just not how you treat players you worked with for years. Also there's literally no reason to just axe them indefinitely when he could just not nominate them for a few games or maybe slowly phase them out and let them take take the hint
he did the same thing with khedira and no one cared then, I wonder why
Because Khedira is shit.
>Es hat sich ausgemüllert
>implying these three aren't
So Wagner and Werner? Wagner couldn't hack it in the BuLi and fucked off to China and Werner started in the World Cup and was underwhelming. Do you play a 50 year old Gomez or Can or something?
they probably bullied him in russia
Yeah it was. I'm glad I was able to be a part of it.
did the same with kahn, ballack and frings
They should have let Jogi sniff their underpants, that's all he really wants
wtf I love Mueller now
The German national team had a tradition of sticking to players who were good at one tournament and then became mediocre. Podolski is the most notable example for this. It can't hurt to introduce a more competitive culture inside the team.
podolski is VERY based
true Polak
Podolski got a pass because he peaked with 21 and was the team mascot afterwards
just the occasional reminder that Klinsmann tried to pull this on a few American players and they revolted and got him fired
The boomer genocide is real
The issue is that we have obvious improvements for the players who would be replaced and our players have won fuck all combined, and germany has questionable sidegrades for these players and they won a world cup together four years ago
Basically klinnsman was right and low is wrong
If Bayern sells him a literal dream of a Müllerless Bayern in my lifetime will come true, please make it happen
Except Podolski was good at multiple tournaments (2005) 2006-2008-2010 before he sucked the first time in 2012. As a result he got a lot less time on the field which meant in 2014 he only played 50 minutes the entire tournament.