Should he be allowed to play professional football again?
Should he be allowed to play professional football again?
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Did he diddle little boys or girls?
Anally shagged a 14-year-old
Unironically should move to the Chinese league for a massive payday away from the media spotlight. They won't care that he sexted a 15 year old and even out of practice he'll be a top player over there.
15* year old
Fingered a 15yo girl
should come back to sunderland to make the documentary ultra legendary
That's not even pedophilia. Do we apply that word to every minor shagging now?
I thought she got in his car, he kissed her and then she freaked out and left? Did he actually penetrate her?
When you're trying to create artificial controversy yes, if you're a sane individual then no.
I was under the impression that he gave her the old minge mangle but I'm not saying I'm defiantly correct
wouldnt have been as bad but he specifically asked her age, googled the age of consent and then went in there anyway knowing it was illegal
so stupid, you';re a fucking footballer what are you doing diddling 15 year olds when you have the prime totty of sunderland lining up to... ok maybe it was fair enough
Fame and money usually encourage excess. This is why you find millionaires getting put away for fiddling their taxes even when they would have had more money than they could use through normal tax. You feel like you could do anything and the mundane life doesn't satisfy anymore.
Ok but why is he in jail?
Because age of consent is 16 in britain I think
Yes, why not?
>"hey can I just check how old you are?"
>*googles age of consent*
>"Is it illegal to have sex with a 15 year old?"
>"Okay, let's fuck!"
>AJ's lawyer's fw
AoC is 16. He could have maybe avoided jail time if he was just random lad but he did it with criminal intent (he googled the age of consent while firing in) and he was a well known PL footballer. He was also phrasing it as "I'm doing something for you, what you doing for me" which adds a bit of coercion to it (not really, but as far as a court is concerned)
If you dont fi find 14-16 year old girls hot, you are a fag.
Not fags, they would be just lying to themselves and society.
I mean, if you don't want to have sex with them for moral reasons thats fine, but compare them with diddling like 7 years old kids, it's just pure dishonesty
True. But AJ didn't review his jailbait shagging loicence, and wasn't a Pakistani so the courts threw the book at him.
fucking based Croatia(aoc is 14yo mr fbi pass through)
> 'walk free from jail within THREE weeks'
that headline's a bit misleading considering the nigga's been in jail since 2016
Im not defending what he did but banging a fucking 14-15 year-old doesn't make you a pedophile.
Your english isn't as good as you think it is
Nigga did you not read the words right after that in the same sentence
Reported as child pornography. There is a special place in hell for baby rapists like you!
Yes but he'll lose interest after the clock hits 16
>girl is 15 yrs and 360 days old
>illegal to fuck, considered a child
>wait for 5 days, mentally and physically the same girl
>alright shes good to go lol
>but banging a fucking 14-15 year-old doesn't make you a pedophile
Yes, it literally does.
Milk truck arrive
Convicted of grooming her. Not just a simple "meet a young slag and stick a finger in her" but they determined he was trying to convince her to fuck
Don't be retarded, laws are not applied blindly by the book. In most cases the crown will determine whether or not it's worth prosecuting, and even then the judges will determine the sentence on a scale considering the context.
As explained here
It's the circumstances that saw him prosecuted more than just the crime.
Literally it doesn't though "LITERALLY" paedos = pre pubescent sex, are we saying this 15 year old had not started puberty?
He'll need to rebuild his match fitness so whichever team he signs for will probably have to have him play with the under 18s at first.
Your kind of argument is exactly the same as shooting someone in the head intentionally and saying it was not murder.
I did understand the thing but why would they capitalize THREE and include the quote if it isn't something shocking. For someone who's just eyeing the headline, their impression might be that he only spent 3 weeks in jail.
4channers like to make a disctinction between a pedophile and an ephebophile, although no one outside of this website cares.
yeah but acting on those urges when you're a known football player is really fucking stupid
it's a vague term. it is generally used to mean having sexual relations with someone under the age of consent.
while the mainstream media will have you believe a girl under 16 should be considered as attractive as a tree or a cabbage, and if you think otherwise you're mentally ill, you shouldn't go off the other end of retardation, and argue that just because you find something attractive means you should be able to fuck it.
the reality is girls at that 14/15 age, are off limits. no one's saying you shouldn't find them attractive. just that they're off limits.
Texted a 15yo
15 is a Northern womans peak.
It does in the eyes of the public
Sure. But thats societies problem for stigmatizing him. Im sure the majority of people condoning him, actually want to fuck teens themselves, but its taboo to admit it and harmful to their social and professional lives.
No it is not at all, you are using incorrect definitions when there are clear definitions on this, the crime is the crime but no where is PAEDO used in the law, you are as bad as the sun.
Is this the Adam Johnson that played for city?
>waaaah i'm not a pedo because i got the hots for 15 year olds because i couldn't fuck them when i was 15 myself
Yes, he is a pedo. Enjoy being wrong and virgin.
come to leeds
No one is signing him where his fitness would matter, he's shit and not worth the backlash. He could fuck off to China and just walk around like Messi every game
You are the one that is wrong and now projecting yourself.
Yes, but he was at Sunderland when he nonced that lass
A woman from Newcastle will have three kids by the age of 17
>waaaaah i have no arguments thus it's you who are projecting
t. virgin pedo (can't even shag 15 year olds)
>while the mainstream media will have you believe a girl under 16 should be considered as attractive as a tree or a cabbage
I gave you the argument and you just said it was wrong even when you said "literally", learn English better next time.
so why are there masses of men calling him a pedophile, a sexist, a misogynist, and a rapist?
>waaaaaah muh muh muh muh- it's you!
Just fuck your local prostitute, wear a condom.
Rightly so
>greentexting your own arguments
wew lad
Only the first one m8
Are you retarded or just pretending?
>debating ethics
Well what did we expect
Because they are part of the society that views his actions as wrong and they join in because thats considered the right thing to do.
Dont you have some views that you know you cant just openly say at work or school?
Even some scientific facts are taboo. Like difference in iq between races.
>You can't just have sex with children!
>shes just a baby!
>I did understand the thing but why would they capitalize THREE and include the quote if it isn't something shocking. For someone who's just eyeing the headline, their impression might be that he only spent 3 weeks in jail
Because its a shitty tabloid writing a headline. And only retards eye headlines, you should always read the whole thing with the subtext
How could you have impure thoughts about such a sweet, innocent angel?
>but why would they capitalize THREE and include the quote if it isn't something shocking
Journalism clickbait
>its legal for adults to have sex with a 16 year old in bongistan
Absolutely disgusting. Brexit and economic collapse cant come soon enough
sources say that if you can't hide your sexual urges and end up fucking or being a touching a girl under 18, then you pedophilia lol
It's the same in most of America
>seething he gets used up 18 year olds
i don't think he's banned by the fa, so he is allowed to play professionally.
small miracle if he gets back in the championship though, and the banter would never stop.
Absolutely based. My GF is 14 (15 in two weeks) and AoC here is 14. Sucks for you britbongs.
>being physically attracted to 14/15 year old girl
>not having the common sense to stay a million miles away from their underdeveloped thinking ability and irrational puberty brain
Our age of consent laws are different. If you are over 18 and have sex with someone under 18 that is illegal. But if you're 17 and have sex with someone that is 16 that is legal but if you're 17 and have sex with someone that is 14 that is illegal
Not everywhere, there was that boy who was 17 jailed and put on sex offender list for having a 16 year old gf
Chelsea might take him
>In March 1999, Rix was sentenced to 12 months in prison, of which he served six, for having underage sex with a 15-year-old girl. He was placed on the sex offender registry for 10 years and banned by the FA from working with youth players under the age of 16. In 2013 he told The Independent that he thought she was of legal age.[17] She was actually two weeks short of her 16th birthday (the legal age in England).[18] On his release from prison, he immediately rejoined Chelsea in his old job.
He could sue Daily Mail for slander. He’s not a pedophile. 14 y/o are not pre-pubertal.
Stop sexualising her, you monster!
Ya it depends on the state but its country wide that anyone over 18 cant have sex with anyone under 18. Some states age of consent is 16 others are 17 or 18
it honestly depends, some look like kids
and fucking them is another thing, you are taking advantage of them, a 14 or 15 year old is really dumb and easy to fuck if you are a man, the boys their age are still pretend bumming eachother and playing computer games
you think you're too mature to pretend bum your friends?
yes, even if i had any
his own daughter was 17/18 when he fucked the 15 year old. at that point, perhaps it's best to stay away.
That could be applied to 25 year olds also. Some people are dumber than others.
Im sure you know some girl your age whos favorite movie is harry potter. Same as your 14yo niece.
He should have just fucked his daughter instead.
>have to be 18 to have sex
>have to be 21 to drink
>can drive and join the army at 16
at least she was legal
Definitely. We don't just pretend anymore
post her feet (as a proof)
also how old are you and do her parents know?
yes some 25 year olds are dumb, whats your point? i meant more impressionable and naive, yes i know you are now going to say some 25 year old can be too but thats not the point and you know it, theyve had 10 more years to gather experiences
when i was a teenager, if you were only 1 or 2 years older than a girl you could talk rings around them, so if you are 10 years older then it must be a joke, you have a car and money
a 25 year old is not as impressed by that as she has fucked men already, thats basically my point
Isn't your AoC 12 or something fucked up like that?
Bet AJ can't wait to get out so he can post with his buddies in /fs/
Your point is moot.
Are you saying she shouldnt be impressed by money?
Also what impresses a 25yo wont impress her again in 10 years. Are they also manipulated and tricked? Yes, maybe, but thats how our e tire social lives work.
i don't get why people have such a problem with 16 being the aoc, certainly if you are an adult yourself. you have such a big need to fuck 15 year olds?
these fucking 15 year olds succubi keep seducing men
I don't even understand your point.
You should let other dudes fuck her and "take advantage" of her because after she's had an arbtirary number of partners it's okay for you to bang her? Dudes her own age are noble knights etc.
All the high-status chicks "Stacies" in my high school were fucking dudes in their mid 20s who ran nightclubs and were bartenders etc.
Although me myself couldnt get involved with a dumb little girl, i find them hot. And i know some guys are too.dumb to date their own age. Guys do mature slower.
what are you on about? how can fucking children as an adult being wrong be moot?
yes 25 year olds are manipulated and tricked by men, what is your point again? a 35 year old can be manipulated and tricked, anyone can, but when children are manipulated and tricked its wrong plain and simple
take 5 years off that 25 year old, shes still old enough to make dumb decisions, probably has made more than a handful already
now take 5 years off that 14 year old, shes fucking 9 dude
you wanna fuck kids, go for it, dont try to rationalise it so poorly like you dont see the difference between a 14 year old and a 25 year old
They arent chilldren you moron, they arent manipulated if they want it. Biology drives us.
so now they arent manipulated? keep it straight
He doesnt understand that chicks always prefer older guys.
Many 17-18 year old chicks I know live half the time with their boyfriend who's like 23-25 and has a job/apartment.
It's just how it is, there's no point in moralizing about it. If they didn't like the situation themselves they would just leave lol.
Incoming transfer to Young Boys
>He doesnt understand that chicks always prefer older guys
i said that if you are even 1 or 2 years older than a girl they are easy, you reddit spastic
when did i say a 17 year old with a 25 year old was wrong?
when i was 16/17 i fucked girls who were younger, its easy, if you feel no shame from it then fair play, but this is moral argument im having
biologically you can fuck an 11 year old if they develop at 9, but would you? we are not beasts, we make our decisions
You are an idiot. There is always a choice and there is always a degree of "manipulation" which is conditioned by other factors ie if you like a person physically, you are more inclined to believe them. But there is a choice always.
Unless its like some sick brainwashing operation on actual.children like in that movie abducted in plain sight.
So being attracted by 15 y/o girls makes you a "paedophile" in bongland ?
Also, in France 15 is actually the legal age of consent so he wouldn't have done any jail.
Also, if it was some random woman who jerked off a 15 y/o I bet she would have a fine at best.
i know, but it is easier the younger they are
>some sick brainwashing operation on actual.children
thing is, you dont need to, they have already gone through a decade of brainwashing up to that point, theve been taught to want to fuck cool guys theyve been taught that sex is something to give away that you are younjg once have fun
if you fuck them you are just completing what they want for young girls, to most likely have their heart broken and end up 18 covered in peircings and tattoos, probably with an abortion under the belt or on the horizon, its just sad
this is too much of a moralfag argument maybe, it just would be nice to have a world where this horrible lifestyle for young women wasnt the norm, and if you fuck a 14 year old as a grown man, you are contributing to it
no not at all, i just have not slept in 30 or so hours so im rambling
i stand by it though, you are in your 20s and you fuck a 14 year old, you are a bad hombre, she doesnt need your gritty user cock
>you are in your 20s and you fuck a 14 year old, you are a bad hombre
t. reddit
Yea Forums(nel) is truly dead
nope just told you thats not the case, ive been lurking since 2005
i should amend my earlier statement, that if you end up marrying the girl then its an ends justify the means situation
Jesus christ read some basic sexual and social psychology and stop being such a prude.
while 14-15 year olds can be hot, he still knew the law then broke it, and also cheated on his wife and mother of his kids. hes a cunt and a dumbass so deserved his sentence just for that
You'd have to be super dumb to not sign this guy if you're a League One team. He'd start for Huddersfield, Cardiff, Newcastle etc right now. He will carry your shitty League One team to the Championship for sure
aoc should be risen to 21 anyway, 30 year old women need to protect those fertile 18 year olds from all the potential men they might want to date or even husbands they might find.
Maybe not a manlet neckbeard from Yea Forums but if you were a teenage girl im sure a grown up athlete who is rich and famous would be much more appealing than the spotty boys in class. its like if you were still in school and a popstar or actress was into you, not a bad deal
No it doesn't, but acting on that attraction and knowingly taking advantage of their emotional immaturity does.
>stop being such a prude
i guess this is what it comes down to
if you had a 14 year old daughter and a 22 year old met them online and entered a sexual relationship with her (possibly her first) and breaks her heart and you see her turn into a mentally fucked up slut feminist who doesnt get married and have a good fulfilling life maybe even turns into a dyke god forbid
what happens to you as a child has a profound effect on the rest of your life
If I had a 14-year old daughter I'd teach her not to be a whore. I'd also teach her to use proper punctuation.
Of course he should be allowed, he's served his time. Whether clubs will be willing to take the PR risk is another thing. He might find a League Two or National League club willing to take him.
if you tell her not to be a whore she's just going to want to be a whore even more
of course, but if that popstar or actress was actually touching you up you might end up not enjoying it and it could fuck sex up for you
people always go why the hell did that boy say anything when their teacher was fucking them, maybe the fantasy (every teenage boy has done it im sure) is not the reality, i dont know
i just know kids should be protected, not turn into cokewhores passed around footballers, what you also have to imagine is that there was previous abuse in those cases, its not nice man
someone will, just need a chairman who gives no fucks and theres enough of them about, ched evans got another chance and he raped someone. i mean you could argue he didnt but the majority of the country thinks he did
Just as planned.
yes, lots of these kids come from fucked up broken homes, why would you take advantage of that? my keyboard is broken
>Yea Forums - Nonce
it doesn't matter what you teach when what the TV, internet, tabloids and all her friends know and show is that whoring gets you easy attention and publicity.