There are FAR too many soccer threads on Yea Forums and it has led to a lot of American posters becoming frustrated and feeling isolated on this international board. That needs to change.
Instead of obsessing over the dozens of professional soccer leagues and global/continental competitions, we really should be making more threads about the wide range of American Football competitions across the world.
What are your top 10 favourite American Football leagues to follow and who else is pumped for the world championships?
For me, it's the Argentinian American Football NT. It's been a while since they had not won anything relevant but they still can come strong every single time, and they always have world-class players despite occasionally overrating the cornerbacks or the o'line men, a championship at a time.
I wonder if the Australian American Nigger Kneel team will win the next Hand egg world cup Definitely will be tuning in for that
Hudson Sullivan
make it a general
Zachary Jackson
You're hosting the next one. It was meant to be this year but it's been pushed back to 2023 due to lack of interest. You came 5th last time so home advantage could get you to the semis.
Benjamin Sanchez
If I ever go overseas again, I’ll make it a point to watch an American football game whilst overseas.
Brayden Rogers
What is american football?
Connor Gomez
fuck no
Asher Rodriguez
American football is gridiron football with American rules. Gridiron football is a result of americans and canadians playing football without rules. The canadians were playing something similar to rugby while Americans were playing something similar to soccer. Alot of americans don't work here. It's only 9 am in eastern tomze zone 6 am in pacific
Justin Taylor
Rugby with helmets and 1 forward pass at the beginning of each play
Angel Rogers
Not a bad interpretation, but it should be: only one forward pass is allowed each play.
Angel James
Why are you people so obsessed with americans
Cooper Howard
I wish there was more baseball threads on here. Too bad Japs and Koreans never post here, and I don't see too many Dominicans, Cubans, Venezuelans, and Puerto Ricans here either.