>this is called in bounds in Europe
This is called in bounds in Europe
here's a gentle tap on the head, go back to bed now.
Whole ball needs to go out. Even if nothing is touching the line, if 1 mm is hovering over the line, it's in.
>possible sideline in your own half half a minute before the goal
What's the problem with this pic?
That's actually a hard call to make, but the rule does state that the ball must be across the line with its entire circumference.
The whole ball needs to go out, Amerimutt. Stick to niggercollide and floorsqueak.
this. brainlets see grass so they think the ball crossed the line
A horse that good doesn't jumping haver than it has to be
>what is the third dimension
>what is a sqhere
We cant get those trains running again soon enough ... dont worry frenchbro next time will be permanent
This is not the rule in question, when it came to the VAR decision it has to be 100% certain to change a decision which it wasn't, even if the ball did go out it is irrelevant (not that it did).
this is called in bounds in the US
>projecting this weak
even if it was totally out (which can't be determined from this angle), the goal has little to do with the mistake
>fat stupid american is unable to grasp the concept of a sphere
God it was so satisfying when they lost that game.
Ajax won 4:1 and even had a few chances to score more goals.
It's true Real was unlucky (2 posts, that Benzema miss, some other shit) but they've had all the luck in the world in the past 3 years, and they were incredibly lucky in Amsterdam too.
but he's surrounded by them
Why are all the people seething againstus using that us flag? Are there really that much easy mode fans in the usa?
buttobliterated CHIs
I actually think VAR being able to challenge the decision because the ball *might* have been out ages before the goal was bullshit.
It worker in the smaller club's favour last night (no dis#respect to Ajax) but VAR is just another tool to protect the position and interests of the clubs who are big right now.
Thing about VAR is they say they use it to see if there was anything that would rule out a goal but question is where does that authority end? Say a team score from a direct free kick, could they go back and see if the free kick was rightly awarded because it lead to a goal scoring moment?
Not surprised a mutt doesn't understand what a sphere is.
The ball is not on the ground in your picture, from the other angle at this exact moment, half the ball is over the line.
No. VAR can't go beyond a game stoppage
No, it's from stage of play to stage of play, whistle to whistle etc
I mean what do you expect? This is considered a sphere in America.
This is considered more dangerous to children than guns in america
I'm pretty sure it is, not memeing
it was fucking retarded they were allowed to even look at it on VAR. how far back was that in the play?
is there no rules as to how far back you can pull something up?
>oh look, a player's shirt was pulled 3 minutes before the goal, let's remove the goal....
End your life you literal retard.
Yes. For free kicks and corners. Its not hard to understand, stop letting retard commentators and media shitheads coerce you with their non-opinions
there are literally more people in the USA that die from obesity than from gunshots
Think of it as a fat American spilling over to the next airline seat.
>el seething chicano
>Arguably the world's most bandwagoned club
>America has a massive spic population with internet access
It's a recipe for butthurt
there are more obese people in the US (90m) than actual people in France (65m)
>could they go back and see if the free kick was rightly awarded because it lead to a goal scoring moment?
No, they also can't rewatch yellow cards and anything that doesn't lead to a goal, penalty or red card
exemplary post
>is there no rules as to how far back you can pull something up?
yes, it's if the action flows directly into a goal, if they fuck around in midfield or the ball goes back to defense etc they don't disallow it.
>NO ERA in bounds
>even the american announcers were literally too stupid to realize that balls are round
What a country.
are halalniggers going to spend the next 5 years crying about this now? implying it would have mattered if the ref had called it out of bounds
Thats really stupid, isn’t it
how else do you define it then? 50% of the ball gone out?
No, it isn't
To be honest, RM needs to be robbed for at least the next 50 years to start to pay back the multiple times they were helped
May I remind this pic? The whole ball needs to be out. The very end still looks in
This was when the slip began
that's inbounds
learn to football m8
Fucking kek
it's as stupid as your players being out of play when they touch the line by 1mm
Kids cant buy guns either.
so close
Yeah but this angle is the optimal angle to determine if the ball is completely in/out.
The VAR's angle can't determine that, so it is really stupid to call VAR on that situation.
The refs could've gone back on a decision based on poor camera angles
VAR is fucking retarded
This will decide the league, mark my words
Goal doesn't stand Real still lose.
Not it's called not being entirely sure it's out of bounds so you go with the first call the ref made.
Funny thing about it is, it works exactly like that in the other sports, even in the USA!
>VAR is fucking retarded
No, the ref that was in the VAR room is retarded. This is a clear break of the car protocol. In no way it was a clear mistake and the replay should have been quickly dismissed after a few seconds.
VAR should be handled by specialists, not refs that actively try to sabotage it, knowing that it will take power, paychecks and bribes away from them.
VAR is just another tool to legitimize corruption.Before VAR you were watching a bad ref making mistakes, now you are watching a legitimate organization picking who should win.
The people behind South Korea in 2002 are the ones behind the VAR push in 2018.