This is an NFL and Trump board
This is an NFL and Trump board
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Actually, Trump likes soccer because he encourages Barron to play it.
>publicly supporting a man child
Incels who like watching buff black dudes in tights smash into each other? Sounds about right
Your daily reminder that Trumpkins are just angry ex-bronies who want to overcompensate for the mancards they gave up when they decided to unironically like and support My Little Pony.
A mi me gusta soccer.
Are you from r*ddit?
>buff black dudes
Yep, definitely a r*ddit newfag
>this is a Zion Don board
um no sweety
meme president
sergio ramos
Trump was anti NFL before. Did he flip flop on this issue too?
>Trump voters are bronies
that's a new one
Supporting a manchild who is obviously a kike sellout? That’s a no from me sweetie.
>Commies and Euros are anti-semitic
Like clockwork
>implying we like Zognald Drumpfowitz on spee
go back
Please go back to r/The_Donald you disgusting magapede faggot
Trump supporters are uneducated inbred shitbags that unironically vote against their own economic interests
This. Trump supporters are baby dick incels who are extremely insecure about their low testosterone
If you care about politics you’re a delusional faggot, and if you don’t find this absolute clown of a president funny you’re a humourless cretin
Fuck niggers, jannies and Donald Trump
I too enjoy being blackmailed with a golden shower sextape.
Especially /pol/lacks. They’re definitely beta make weenies in denial. They think being a conservative automatically makes them tough or something. This is an actual /pol/ meetup.
Trump is funny in a slow motion train wreck way. He also a perfect representation of the uneducated American white
>all this salt
fuck american liberals, fuck Trump and fuck reddit
American liberals are the only people here that like you Pedro Raul Ruiz Morales Gonsalez
For some reason I just thought of that pic of Tom Brady passing perfectly to the one white guy on the field surrounded by defenders
Anyone have it?
Even the people that liberal retards pander to know that they are the scum of the earth
I love how the uneducated Right will never win the culture here in America
tough shit, fuck them still
Stfu and go back to worshipping niggers
While the rest of enjoy a sport where whites dominate
I'd rather live with mexicans than niggers like you.
he should show people where he and melania have sex oh wait they dont because they live in separate bedrooms
>The wall will never be built
>Hillary will never go to jail
>Trump sucking hard cut Israeli cock and not putting America first
Anyone else regret voting for this clown?
Eh, I think it’s more realistic to assume that Mexicans are just low iq retards that don’t know what’s good for them. That would explain why their country is such an impoverished shit hole.
>Brazilian flop ball
>Whites dominating
fuck handegg
He's going to get rekted by either Bernie Sanders or Andrew Yang in 2020 if he doesn't get impeached and thrown in prison first.
I just hate jews and don’t care about football or Trump.
why do you hate jews
Commies hate jews it's pretty obvious by their history
it's our corrupted government the reason we are an impoverished shithole, you could say that being a democracy we could just not vote for them, but the bastards created a machine so perfect it's impossible to fight against
why wouldn't you hate jews desu, you don't even have to dip into conspiracy theory shit, they are scummy just in general out in the open
Trump is a soccer dude
They want his Democrat vote and they won't cut benefits, retards.
>stand for the national anthem
college is public school v2 premium edition. same bullshit, same rhetoric.
ad hominem? on MY Yea Forums?
>Has to copy memes
>Thinking killing unborn kids is fucked up is soi
He spent the last two years talking shit about handegg and how low their ratings were.
Also if I don't remember wrong, his youngest son is a huge football fan and is in the youth academy of a MLS team.
Why are lefty memes incapable of not copying righty memes
Why is the National Anthem even played before EACH games? Get rid of the national anthem, problem solved
you assume that's a lefty meme
GUARANTEED this is one user
So, when is the next NFL game be played? In September? oh I see...
The N.E Patriots will win it anyway. Wew that was worth the wait and pression.
I regret not protesting at the Democrat National Convention 1968 style since I was fucked out of the chance to vote for a moderate secular Jew and instead was forced to pick between two neocon puppets, although I clung to a sliver of hope that the one with the Kikebart guy calling the shots would at least build the wall and end the wage suppression.
Brady is retiring in 5 years max. Enjoy Paris Saint Germain for the next 100 years
Does anyone have that image that compares /pol/posters to migrants?
'righty' (/pol/) memes are all literally just pepe/wojak reskins
the last good /pol/ meme was jeb surge
Isn't a wall an ecologic cataclysm as well?
>11 minutes of play in a 4 hour final
I'm happy that he's putting up a wall so there can be lots of LEGAL immigration. I just don't want the immigrants breaking the law, as that is bad.
Immigration is an ecological cataclysm.
>righty memes are memes but I don't like them so they don't count >:(
Americans are an ecological cataclysm.