>4 English teams, 1 Dutch team and 1 Portuguese team in the CL quarterfinals
4 English teams, 1 Dutch team and 1 Portuguese team in the CL quarterfinals
hahaah I wish brother but Porto is flaccid right now
MU fans omegalul
>4 English teams
And man city is a Qatari football club
Liverpool and United are going out.
>4 english teams
We shall see about that tomorrow
Thanks, Oldest and Greatest Ally
>Fag United
>Not getting sodomized by PSG tomorrow
>man u
Could've traded in one English team for a Swiss team. But still pretty close to being elite, fucking based.
Based teams but Liverpool
English teams
united are gone
liverpool have a very high probability of going out and city mate its 3-2
and I know its
but never forget what happened in
>city win the league
>spurs win the CL
>utd win the FA cup
>chelsea win the UEFA cup
This would be the nightmare scenario
We both know spurs wont win CL
First of all they are pakistani redditor alliance country clubs - second of all they are going to lose. Third of all - one german, two spanish, one french and one italian team will qualify to next stage. The uwill wreck your kike and quatari asses bongs.
5 based anti-britain teams / 3 cringe """"""elite"""""" cup teams.
Hmmmmmm... really makes you think.
feels good man
Fuck off you're not even from woolwich
Spurs are allergic to winning anything of importance
>city is a Qatari football club
The absolute state of this brainlet
Yes but Lyon will qualify
Mad as fuck Qatari customer. All of the ragheads are the same to me.
The McCanns did that.
It didnt change the number of good guys tho
That's what we want you to think
teams from la liga will win everything again anyway
Really based countries I must say.
I just read that the quarter finals are on 9/10 april. What determines which club plays on 9 or 10 april? A draw?
why are french posters so shit?
>celebrating reaching the quarterfinals
the absolute state of british football kek
atletico will win the cup, so don't bother getting your hopes up
*throws another million pounds of tax payers money at you*
Based and redpilled posts from elite nations.
Cringe and bluepilled posts from inferior nations.
> Spanish teams winning
They don't mix well, therefore you are incorrect. It's just a shame that RM didn't meet City. That would've been a mismatch.
>atletico will win the cup
We're talking about the CL not the EL. Enjoy your lack of Falklands you fucking animal.
atletico is in the champions league, they defeated juventus 2-0...
Just ignore non-elite nations m8
City are shit.
So is Spain. Get out of this elite thread you peasant.
You realize you live in the island of rape rings and acid throwers don’t you.
How did Spain get so poor?
Who knows? You sound like you are poor yourself. The only economy that matters is your own economy, you should know that.
Good post.
based post
Are you imploring that it’s coming home?
I genuinely think Spanish and Portuguese posters are retarded and the worst kind of "people". Even niggers post funnier and more intelligent things.
Hahaha no. We would have destroyed shitty. That's what gets me mad of this elimnation, I,ve been craving CRAVING for a game against those bunch of nobodies for the last two.
This was the perfect year, the perfect time. We were not going to win the CL this year but It would have been the perfect corollary to this unmatched run to meet shitty and fuck their shit up really hard. Then play Ajax or whoever in the next round and lose. Don't matter.
They did that themselves actually, the malice and inbreeding of the perfidious Albion knows no bounds
Good morning fellow /elites/, hope you have a fine day
why is switzerland smaller than the other dudes?
Go pep
Feels good to be elite
Due to fewer based Swiss posters on Yea Forums, but have an equally large place in my heart.
Then you should see Roma
Every day is a fine one with friends like you.
Porto poster is based. I'm actually organising a few city breaks around Europe and am going Porto because of him and also going to go to an FC Porto game.
This is oddly satisfying to look at
I did that and it was full of chinks. Uppon arrival in Porto run to the train station and go to Braga, the superior city
If you support teams in the CL that are longtime rivals of your team because you defend muh league, you need to go back to your Playstation and never watch football again.
How on Earth do the Spuds win UCL when they can barely pressure for the Prem?
There is no way the West of Ireland is that rich
Your rich are richer than most rich, that's all this map really shows. Median income would be more meaningful.
>greatest ally
Only historically illiterate baboons say this. Which is 90% of this shit country.
Hey Portugal, do NOT speak about Portugal like that okay?!
Gas yourself frenchie.
GDP irrelevant for Ireland because stupid shit like having to pay to get your bins taken by the council isn't taken into account
Google UK is based in Ireland for example, Ireland is used by a lot of companies like that to avoid tax so your GDP is disproportionately high.
based /elite/ thread
How can 4 countries be THIS BASED?
my best mate in school was portuguese, you guys know banter, it must be a time zone thing
Excellent post
my brother