>entire board is flooded with divegrass garbage
give them their own fucking board already holy shit
Entire board is flooded with divegrass garbage
Other urls found in this thread:
American "sports"
I know. what the fuck is this? Make a fucking general you niggers. I don't need 30 threads on your gay ass girl sport.
Nah you can fuck off to Or just hide in your general, there’s little difference.
shouldnt you guys be washing bryce harpers balls or whatever you guys do between NFL seasons
Don't you have to watch the new video of Blacked.com?
Still way better than egghand
>give them their own fucking board
Yea Forums is that board.
you have american sports - Yea Forums
Fuck wogs, fuck jannys, and fuck wogball
>Make a fucking general
You have no idea how much of a gay little redditor you’re being.
Seething Burgerman
It's not like we make a billion NBA threads every time the Lakers lose a fvcking game. Who are all these faggots?
*in a gay nasally yank nerd accent*
>I don't need 30 threads on your gay ass girl sport.
Nash is a huge Spurs fan
It's daytime over there, go outside you fat cunt.
This is our board
Oh here come the Euroniggers to defend there retarded """sport"""
>nooo stop posting about the most popular sport in the world!!
reminder that Yea Forums stands for
>american sports
No one watches basketball. That’s the difference.
>make a fucking general
fuck off, redditor
They should still be at work
Just stay in your general for your niche sports mate
/cric/ stands with /hoc/
choke on a twinkie fattie
>there retarded
Yet, MJ is the biggest sports star the world has ever seen till today.
Don't you have multiple faggot ass generals you can hide into if you want to lick JaMarandez's asshole you pathetic pansies?
And the whiny bogans can go there as well.
Fuck off to Yea Forums with the rest of your american 'sports'
Your board??? Who the fuck are you? You don't even have your own flag you just color swapped ours.
Tottenham? No wonder he only won the "put the pressure on San Antonio" trophy.
Your country has more niggers than Africa hypocrite
>implying american football isn't an alternative sport
Then the mutts started breeding with the mongrels, and people started losing sanity even further. Ay caramba, horrible and dark times indeed. the mutt has many names, yet no beginning or end. la creatura... la abominacíon... la luz extinguido... el americano el goblino... Like all the primordial forces and energies, he was present in our universe from the beginning. Not until recently, however, did the proper circumstances obtain for his manifestation in the world of men. Eventually, the even more mixed abominations started being fed meat of deceased by the corporations to cut expenses. When the time was right, Jews opened up the portal to a nether dimension by using the vigin blood sacrifices of few extremely rare blancos that they kept alive for this specific purpose. Unimaginable dark energies descended upon this realm, turning abominations into something, something not of this world ... They were finally ready, the perfected goyim ...
But then there was, the wall. It's still protecting us, even to this day. No one knows for what purpose was it built, but some say that it was used to keep our corrupted cousins that ventured north from returning. However, it is very old, and sometimes la creatura sneaks through the cracks, kidnapping children.
>europoors don't know asp is for alternative sports
Literally only heard of him because of space jam
imagine if the pats get btfo in the wildcard against the browns
that's what happened today
no, just move all the amerifats to a different board.
Fuck OFF divegrass loser faggots. Your sport is so gay it should have a panel of judges awarding the score.
Americans are generally overweight and ignorant
LMAO. A bunch of ghetto blacks routinely buying his shit doesn’t make him the biggest sports star ever.
Dumb American sports belong in
Yes niggers MAKE A GENERAL and stay there. I don't even know what redit is. Stay in your fucking generals and quit spamming your meme sport hear
Kek, poor Lelkers
t. handegg subhuman
Run along to your page 9 general you fat tongan cunt
why do Americans hate Europe so much? it's kinda upsetting
>Waaah why is the most popular sport on the planet so popular
t. rugby subhuman
Yea Forums - Soccer Posting
All other sports go in Yea Forums
if the pats lose you niggers spam Yea Forums
why is steve nash a povertyball analyst now?
>the only time americans post outside a designated general is when they complain about the lack of designated generals
t. cricket subhuman
Dude that happens like five times per year. You ppl are always astroturfing this place year round.
average bongoloid thread
Because nobody gives a shit, the only time you guys get out of the generals is to make repetitive Tom Brady threads.
They started indoctrinating after Truman took office to hate European landI.It used to be only East Euro,but then USA realized West and South are totally useless for any large scale projects ,so they pushed for american supremacy further around 70s-80s.
Now their media is telling them to hate themselves.So they went a full circle.Some politicians constantly asslick "NoRdIC coUntries" aswell.
But, you have heard of him. No one can even remember the names of football players like Pele, Maradona because they don’t carry the same allure of the name Michael Jordan/His airness.
The first billionaire athlete. Literally used in inspirational posters and speeches.
soccer is a pretty dumb activity.
I don’t understand it. He’s in LA. There are way more interesting things to do rather than being an analyst.
Football is the most popular sport in the world.
Deal with it
Even Ameriblobs know Pele and they're the most self absorbed people in the world. Michael Jordan is famous, sure, maybe top 20.
t. handegg subhuman
Guys it's not about how popular your sport is. It's about how low quality your spam threads are. When you're getting 5 replies per it's obviously not a situation where you need to keep spamming. That's the real problem.
I hate USA so fucking much. I seriosuly wish this country never ever existed along with all its inhabitants. It's the quintessential cringe nation. Nobody makes me cringe like sharts with all their fake happiness and fake representation of europe and their brainwashed "sitcoms" with shitty animation and shitty characters with extremely shallow personality (and no, don't you dare cherry-pick me some good sitcom, we both know 90% of American tv is actually brain cancer), no politics or critical thinking about the current state of the world.
I am so fucking happy Mutts get depression when going to Paris and seeing what Europe actually looks like, it's like they take the redpill and they stop living in their made up world.
I hope this will cause most of them to commit suicide and i want to see their population die completely, along with Canadians, who look like discount Amerimutts
you niggers keep spamming shit that never gets posts, stay in the active threads you stupid faggots, no need to open up the catalog and see a bunch of 1 post threads that are annihilating some old discussion threads for no reason
can't have eternal threads anymore cause of this fucking bullshit, eurotrash destroyed the broculture
high iq post, as always, by the eternal american
This is our board, mutt.
Back to
You hear of the name and you forget about it. Pele isn’t associated with anything more than being the best striker, worldcups and all that.
MJ has his sneakers, Nike keeps promoting him till this day, and the president honours him. His name is used in TV shows/Movies, He’s bigger than sports.
I hate USA so fucking much. I seriosuly wish this country never ever existed along with all its inhabitants. It's the quintessential cringe nation. Nobody makes me cringe like sharts with all their fake happiness and fake representation of europe and their brainwashed "sitcoms" with shitty animation and shitty characters with extremely shallow personality (and no, don't you dare cherry-pick me some good sitcom, we both know 90% of American tv is actually brain cancer), no politics or critical thinking about the current state of the world.
I am so fucking happy Mutts get depression when going to Paris and seeing what Europe actually looks like, it's like they take the redpill and they stop living in their made up world.
I hope this will cause most of them to commit suicide and i want to see their population die completely, along with Canadians, who look like discount Amerimutts
you'll never escape it
>autistic rant
>no reddit spacing
Rent free.
Shut the fuck up paki scum
fuck off tyrone
Lmfao @ seething yuropoors
We son't like tour damn gay "sport" srop forcing it on us
Eurofaggots this is not "your board" if anything its ours. But really it's a community board so quit starting pointless new threads that kill off our thriving generals about real sports (non pussy sports).
Thank you.
Not an argument Miguel
>Having a nigger president is OK
>Having 40 million niggers is OK
>Having 55 million hispanics is OK
>Having 30 million illegals is OK
>Being 56% white is OK
>Inventing feminism and SJW´s is OK
>40 million interracial marriages is OK
>putting blacks on your money is OK
>inventing affirmative action is OK
>imposing federal quotas for employment of non-whites is OK
>giving $3+ billion per year to Israel is OK
>fighting wars to suit the Saudis and Israelis is OK
>losing wars repeatedly to Third World countries is OK
>having America ruled by liberals for 16 of the last 24 years is OK
>the fact that Hillary Clinton got a massive majority of votes is OK
>banning the American flag from schools because it upsets Mexican illegals is OK
>cops getting machine gunned in the streets by Black Lives Matter activists is OK
>losing control of entire cities to BLM rioters is OK
>making it a crime to misgender someone is OK
>making it legal to give other people AIDS is OK
>jailing people for refusing to bake a faggot cake is OK
>jailing someone for 15 years for putting bacon in a mosque is OK
>destroying historic monuments because they hurt niggers' feeling is OK
>America is based as fuck and totally not cucked
This. Whenever I see a post that makes me question the depths of human stupidity, whenever I see a post that's so absurdly cringeworthy that makes me want to smash my head against the wall, no matter which board, it's always an American flag behind it.
What the fuck is wrong with these "people" I will never understand. I can only assume that racemixing, mcdonalds and niggercollide has turned their brains into mush.
Don't you have world wars to be losing?
And give me one reason why should we let you alone in this board so you can flood it with Tom Brady threads and pointless hockey generals that aren't even sports related.
You could just enjoy a sport that actually matters
when you actually start participating in some of them, maybe, maybe not
If they split Yea Forums into Yea Forums and /amsp/, /amsp/ would be a ghost town in a few weeks.
>rent free
>rent free
>rent free
Maybe you should have won the WW return fixture and this planet would be a better place then Klaus.
No one is saying fairy ball can't post here, they are just saying don't spam the board with shitty threads
t. handegg subhuman
*hovers over flag*
thank you for you very valuable contribution to this thread, very valuable country of *hovers over flag again* New Zealand.
Who watches football? England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, N. Ireland, Spain, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Czech Republic, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Iceland, Denmark, Turkey, Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Mexico, India, Australia, New Zealand, Saudio Arabia, Qatar, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, America, Canada
Who watches American sport? Americans, some Canadians
I wonder who's more suitable for a general containment thread?
NFL is offseason anyways, just take a rest from Yea Forums and let us enjoy our footy alone, the only time you top the board like this is when the SB is on, when people seem to actually give a damn about your sport.
I actually like the soccer threads (-:>
>US govt
try the kikes, everyone in our leadership are kike shills, who complain about the holocaust 75 years after the fact whilst they commit their own genocide
They don't care about the sport, they care about the adverts and the dancing at ht
>MJ is the biggest sports star the world has ever seen till today.
Every single soccer top player is more known than Michael Jordan.
based americans are the biggest subhumans
someone post the pasta
The natural state of the board should be flooded with threads with 5 replies after big games though, the point is that the genuinely funny or interesting threads will get posts and stay bumped.
Newfags don’t even know how an image board is supposed to work anymore, they genuinely think it should be full of generals
Eurotards get triggered that they have to post on an American board because they don’t have freedom, only dive ball. Sad!
Lol your country participated and lost, twice.
That everyone forgets about once they retire. David beckham is the only world famous football star and it’s because he came to America. MJ is way bigger than Beckham.
There is a board for American sports
Don't Americans spam this board during the NFL playoffs?
>American board
>Japanese owned
>anime everywhere
>written in english
I'm tired of all these gay ass soccer threads with no brett farve to save us from this gay ass shit anymore
>he posts this in English
Yea Forums isn't an anime website anymore, it's a website that happens to allow anime.
Go back to your NBA general
Fuck off you fat Mutt
You're not even featured on half of the maps produced in the world
You'll always be australia's autistic little sister
This is good bait
>>Yea Forums
your handegg, niggerball, boreball and whatever other cuck "sport" you like go over there. enjoy your board.
fuck off english teacher
the absolute state of this board
Eat a dick nigger
Steve Nash ironically works for TNT soccer coverage.
Imagine taking Yea Forums this seriously. Try going outside
is this the banter thread?
>make a general
i've never heard of whoever that is
>spee is a soccer board
>Yea Forums cant even compete for a Yea Forums cup
Give it up faggots this isnt a soccer only board
>years later and divegrass is worse than ever for Yea Forums
Really wish they'd take internet away from third world countries like Brazil and Europe.
Being an overpriced bullshit selling nigger doesnt make him a better sportsman
>Canadian on command to suck american dick
I'll never understand why big dudes like Germans play shitty divegrass instead of a man's sport. Hell, why aren't there any impressive German fighters?
>I want to see BIG german men wrestling
Hilarious and original
Pretty sure that there are more people worldwide that know who is Jesse Lingard than Tom Brady or any NFL, NBA or MLB player.
You people realize that this thread is just as worthless and your opinions will never amount to anything right?
Football will never leave this board and no one cares if you think there are too many threads involving it, crying about it is pathetic
america is such a sad place
Americans are only vocal about things they hate. If something is good, why start a fight about it? Thus, everything seems terrible because we will never mention the things we like about europ.
>Canadian cuck defending their american masters
Like pottery
>he doesnt know how to filter soi grass
It really isn't. See:
Everything is worse than it seems due to the natural tendency for Americans to complain the fuck out of things that are bad.
>make a general
>make a general
Shouldn't you be protecting your valuables from gypsies and rubbing garlic on your door instead of posting on Yea Forums?
OP, the man in your pic loves football unironically. Fail.
It's so funny when Americans start crying when the world cup and CL are on. They can't believe how popular the sport is
is the pilot gonna be ok?
Remember when Yea Forums was all about alpha based bro bar culture? All those off-topic power rankings threads that everyone could participate in. Or how about chasebowls? Or pomplamoose?
Yea Forums was better before the flags (and overzealous mods), all it did was divide us
>back when no one knew it was the aussies false flag trolling everyone
I don't want to go back, we cant let the roo's divide us again. Most of the flags may hate eachother, but we all rally against the australians
absolutely based
yes we need more threads about what some tv host thinks about Lebron James
>that slight shot at the leafs in the end
literally 11/10 for me
dont sperg post with that flag ever again
when's the last time literally all 10 pages of the board were filled up with skip bayless shit? Never? Fuck off retard
>board is majority american
>still flooded with poverty ball bullshit
lay off the new thread button you stupid euro cretins
Anything related to twitter should be instant permaban on sight for any board to be honest
Soccer is a low IQ sport. Even the red ass baboons from south america can follow it.
That super bowl was fucking abysmal, handegg is grounded until next season.
How is that different
>board is majority american
It isn’t. Only the really shit boards like /pol/ are majority American.
Damn right it is, none of these "american sports" shit around in these parts
Aha! It is another episode of Yanks seething they're not part of football and thus can't relate or enjoy the moments like the rest of this board. Cringe and downvoted.