Introduce VAR

>introduce VAR
>go out in the ro16

Coincidence? I think not.

Attached: real-ref.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>0 CL post VAR
Really makes you think

Genuinely amazed the 3rd goal wasn't disallowed by refball


The ball was 100% out

>introduce var
>season ends in january with 0 titles
whoa is this why they call them refball madrid?

Tydligen inte

all clubs have 0 cls post var

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Smart observation facundo

Except for Bayern in a couple of months.

I said have, which means the present

desu 3rd goal shouldn't have counted since the ball was clearly over the line. Even the replays clearly showed that but for some reason the goal was counted.

Yes, yes

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shut the fuck up milanfag

t. scatalanfag

like that is an insult, on the other hand you are a fucking albanian

Get your eyes checked, you daft cunt

>clutching at straws

The ball is round, Mohammed

Attached: 9d2.jpg (340x480, 44K)

everyone knew the ball was out that's why the ref didnt bother going to check the screen. there hasnt been a precedent of this happening that's why they were taking their damn time discussing what sposed to happen. no set rule so carry on play and clearly a goal on principle. that said, next time this happens it could be disallowed

when in doubt you should credit the attacker

Even if you are right (and you're not), UEFAdrid already cancelled one of Ajax's goals in the first leg and doing so again would have made the rigging too obvious even for the average layman. Accept that you got dabbed on by a team of kids and that their old man (Schone) didn't score more blooters.