Oi m8 u got a ur porn card for that hentai?
Oi m8 u got a ur porn card for that hentai?
wow brexit really means brexit
Why is the UK so authoritarian. It's ironic it's the same country that wrote the book 1984
I'm already a week into no fap so I don't care. Enjoy your porn tax faggots
is it?
It was something they wanted to introduce a couple years back but had to quietly shelve the idea once they realised it was a stupid idea and impossible to enforce
not ironic at all the brits have always been like this. 1984 was the expression put into words. "wouldn't it be bad if things were like this hehe"
For real tho, is this real?
>not remembering that it was already set to come into effect before and nothing came of it
The same thing will happen again. Conservative MPs know this is the ideal issue to make them seem like they care about the youth, but they're just going to keep delaying it, because none of them want to make the papers as the first MP to buy a porn pass
You can't call someone muzzie scum on twitter either
You can't even carry pepper spray
I'm unironically wondering the same thing so I don't think it is
things are so shit right now, how the hell is May still there dumb bint
No, this is just more top shelf American "banter".
Its an old story about something which never got passed.
I feel like I hear about them banning porn every year but nothing ever come of it
>be bong
>butter toast
>get arrested and spend a year in jail
>get out want to watch some television
>no lisence
>get fined
>put some porn on to relax
>no porn card
>get sent back to jail
>be Amerilard
>get shot
At least I have the freedom to get shot
imagine spending tax payer money on paying some guy to go on porn sites to see if they check his id before showing lewd pictures.
the good thing is that we are so degenerate that it will never come to us or we would have a national uprising
How will this work? I mean they banned torrenting sites in like 2011/12 I've been torrenting almost every day since.
>mfw brexit in 3 weeks
I don't know, but if this ever became a real thing I'm obviously never giving my passport/drivers license to a porn site. I'm assuming otherwise adult sites won't be banned though (Yea Forums, reddit, tumblr etc.)? You can't ban everything with nudty, and what constitutes porn over art?
Well this just fucking great. Thanks Corbryn you Nazi.
>Tfw have to buy TV license and Porn license to watch Babe Station
>How will this work?
i doubt it will, i think it's just a combination of pandering to tory voters and mps who have no idea how the internet works
>mfw in a few years after economic collapse the UK becomes our 51st state
>not porn loicense
>How will this work?
It won't
I'm getting rid of Sky when my contract ends, but I find it disgusting that I have to pay for a TV License which I don't use (which directly funds a paedophile cult). A porn license too is absolutely insane. I don't think I'd ever bother to vote again, but whoever is responsible for this shit wouldn't get it.
this is great in my opinion. pornography like this is abysmal and makes people become lazy, plus these losers males who watch pedo cartoons need to get outside and contribute to this world
>thinks he can vote without a voting license
Shine ya shoes massa?
>implying this is a bad thing
In what possible way is it a good thing?
can we see your licence to vote first
I know your pain buddy we have a similar thing were you have to pay for state television even if we only watch netflix
Trump fires the royal family and become King of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms.
a horse that good doesnt jumping haver that it have to be
This. If I wasn't for porn I might actually be able to get an erection from a solid 7 normal girl who doesn't have giant fake tits.
you can get a government job browsing porn sites now
Brexit means Brexit
Out of touch old men and mumsnet cows thinking you can regulate the web is always funny. Unless they go full China, they can do absolutely nothing.
>When someone first clicks on a site, they'll be asked to register with AgeID and verify their age using a Mobile SMS, credit card, passport, or driving licence.
>Users will then be able to use their AgeID username or password to access all porn sites that use AgeID – though some may use different age verification systems.
>Clark said: "It is a one-time verification, with a simple single sign-on for future access. If a user verifies on one AgeID protected site, they will not need to perform this verification again on any other site carrying AgeID."
it won't work, everyone that knows how to use a computer has said as much since they slipped in the legislation, only dinosaurs in parliament will actually find themselves blocked in their office, then they'll realise what a terrible mistake they've made. but then it'll be one of those things that just stays in place, because nobody wants to be the guy that brings up undoing the porn law in parliament, like japs with their dumb porn censorship.
>a horse that good doesnt jumping haver that it have to be
What is this meme?
>verify their age using a Mobile SMS
This can't verify my age on its own. Anyone can have a phone. Also, I shouldn't fucking have to.
Is there anything good left in the UK?
What are you under the impression was good to begin with?
The Prodi-
>ireland will ignite in a huge fire
>scotcucks won't do shit
i like it
actual german autism, spread the news
>giving your phone number, CC details, passport or driving license info to anyone you don't have to
Some German had a stroke whilst posting about Man City winning 1-0
Jokes on them it'll just lead me to find increasingly more esoteric things to wank over
ah, so the EU was too normal for them?