>american education
American education
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a horse that good doesnt jumping haver that it have to be
Huh, I guess I never thought of it that way
Common core was a mistake. Public schools are literally a step above the retard classes. It’s all brain washing
>the """""cool""""" teacher trying way too hard.jpg
honestly cannot argue with this
Public school was never good. Most of those retards should be in the trades.
>(((American))) education
reposting this on Reddit for free karma
High IQ post
>an entire generation taught how to be submissive pussy faggots by dikes, feminists, faggots, and communists
well said
You're not Germany, you cunt
>american Historical Shows
>American Teachers think a hashtag can have a space in it
but the taliban beat the spetnaz so the IRA beat the taliban but can't beat the spetnaz?
that shit makes no sense to me desu
I like how the last episode just goes full out with vampires vs zombies
>tfw you are too old to experience zoomer grade school
>Napoleon isn't a better general than Washington
What the fuck.
I know it's AMERICA FUCK YEAH but jesus fucking christ.
Take all my Yea Forums gold!
Joan of Arc vs William the Conqueror is even worse
the Viet Cong fought history's greatest military (up until that point) to a stalemate that led to the superior army's withdrawal in shame. no way they would be beaten by WW2's losers
This honestly it always boils down to rat juice
There was no stalemate. America had that war in the bag, we lost that war thanks to the losers (Media and hippie fags) back at home
wish I had a swedish education
not gonna defend the fucking group of psychos that was the Waffen SS here, but to be fair, they fought the Soviet Union, the US and practically most of the rest of the world at the same time
also, they were genociding jews left and right while fighting, too
no disrespect to the Vietcongs, but that's a bit harder
i agree
kek, that seems like a teacher who has given up on his/her ADHD zoomer class and now just desperately tries to make them pay attention by whatever interests them
>America had that war in the bag, we lost that war thanks to the losers
No we lost because the generals who led that war were complete retards who thought burning villages and destroying people's livelihood would make the Vietnamese like them. They fought an offensive war in a conflict that was defensive from the outset. We didn't protect civilians homes, villages, or cities so many of the South Vietnamese continued supporting the North just to end the conflict. The war was a strategic failure from the outset.
This has nothing to do with common core. This is just a teacher wanting to be hip
it's pretty obvious the SS would win, they would kill all the population lmao
stop copying the german you fag
vietcongz would still win on their home turf imo. massive home advantage is why they were able to hold out against the murrikans. same reason why the afghanis terrorized the soviets (besides free merikant shit). other way around they'd get fucked I agree
Here is an actual offical american history exam. Try getting correct euros for free (you)s without googling
Trades take skill and aren't for morons. The only reason we are in desperate need of people in trades right now is because idiots like you undervalue them and everyone thinks they need to go to college/university. Trades are probably the best thing to go into now if you want a secure job and good salary.
desu it seems like a poorly designed exam. Multiple choice history tests are the worst because if the teacher has dogshit syntax you might not even be able to understand what they're saying. If it weren't a high school class where the objective is pass as many people as possible, I'd have preferred a written exam.
t. History major
this desu
It's an ap exam. It has multiple answers and free response. The questions are pretty clear desu
Here is the free response
>Trades take skill and aren't for morons
Imagine believing this. Trades take skill in the sense you become need a skill to practice them, but there are all kinds dumbasses who are electricians, truck drivers, and plumbers etc. Just as there are all kinds of dumbasses who become university professors. Accept that some people have the ambition to chase dreams while others look for the easy money. There is nothing wrong with either.
Multiple choice is often used in highschool because teachers can't be fucked to read essays. Lazy teachers just want to marks as quickly as they can and enjoy their free time. Also, multiple choice is easy to rig to ensure that grade averages are at a desirable level. It would be much harder for students to bullshit through an essay, especially when it's not just about knowledge on a topic but also about writing skills. At a university level, every history course has a major essay component.
>It's an ap exam.
AKA a class for people who didn't realize you can enroll in college classes while still in high school and have much easier classes and no bullshit Pass/Fail test at the end.
2 are correct 1 is wrong
Truck driving isn't a trade, but yes, of course there are some dim-wits in trades. However, being an electrician certainly takes a lot more skill than working at a fast food restaurant or doing a mundane factory job which is what I was comparing trades to. Should have made that more clear.
Woops, should probably be CCB
Not everyone can enroll in college classes while in high school plus most colleges have a cap for college credits taken when you're a high schooler
A (C fits as well though)
>german pasta
I guess. I was lucky enough to live near a massive community college that strongly advertised dual enrollment to the local high schools. Never took an AP class and never wanted to either.
as ever germany represents both the worst and best humans can achieve
The Vienna Congress reinstated all those small meme states and dukedoms after Napoleon got BTFO
People were increasingly annoyed by the shitload of borders between all those meme states within the German lands. You couldn't travel for long until you had to cross a border where people just spoke a slightly different dialect of German. Seemed ridiculous.
The original version of what would later become the inspiration for the European Union.
I wish I'd learned a trade at 16 rather than going to university. I could've been an engineer or owned my own company by now. Would likely have a life and a family by now. The education system lied to me.