Is he the liverpool of anime?
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Who is the Ash Ketchup equivalent in other sports?
I don't know the outcome of this battle but Ash should have his ass handed to him at least 6-2 for using this faggot friendship team
Unironically, Messi and Argentina
Thanks for quality picture
This is so dumb. If he Ash won some and lost some and would be far more interesting because people wouldn't know the result and actually care about this shit
You mean to tell me in the whole series Ash has still never won the final league or whatever it's called?
Remember when Ash choked the league in the last second?
Is your Orange?
The fucking STATE of Goodra
League Cup tier
Soon to be 0-7 in 22 years.
fuck me
The fuck, why? They could easily let him win and then pull a "I don't want to become champion because I want to explore the world" excuse
How is life in Venezuela?
i feel embarassed when i remember i cried when this can lost against that dude who had a pikachu too
ash was always a can who didn't understand types and pokemons
also faggot is like 30 by now, he should grow up
Shit was amazing, it was /vp/‘s own 18-1.
so what is the point of the Pokemon anime if Ash a. doesn't even catch all that many Pokemon, b. uses Pikachu/starter Pokemon every generation, and c. never wins a fucking thing
My sides
based Ritchie and his chad Pikachu
Holy shit, /vp/ is based. Pokémon was supposed to be for faggots but now I will browse >your board.
He was raping Ritchie and was about to win until his CHADzard disobeyed him and went to sleep.
Charizard disobeying Ash despite him having all the badges proves what a hack fraud of a trainer he is
literally this
nigga was a crook
not how i remember
Ash's Charizard was always a jumped up dragonlet though.
what the fuck are those abominations, I swear to god everything post gen 2 is pure autism
Na, it's the Netherlands.
Ash can't be Argentina, because Argentina have won World Cups. Messi can't be Aah, because Ash at least won a secondary tournament while Messi can't even win the Copa. Netherlands never won the World Cup, but did win Euro 88. And what was the secondary competition Ash won? The ORANGE League.
is Pikachu LCIM?
>sleeps and loses in its first league
>chokes and loses in its second
Why do people rate this shitter again?
cuz he beat articuno with a massive type advantage that one time i suppose
Ash needs to fire his pikachu already
also this
Ahs cannot just win pokemon leagues he has to be a shitty trainer bc they have to reset his power every season to view the new pokemons and make publicity for the games, if ash becomes too succesfull the history will just make no sense, ash is just the white man being controlled by the jews.
now THIS is Yea Forums
>not rating metagross
what the fuck are those zoomer pokemons
this was a really good post up until the end
I don't get it, for big competitions Ash used to get his actually good pokemon out of storage right? Why would he go into this league with a bunch of nu-gen retards when he has Charizard and Infernape in his box?
Charizard sucks dick.
His Squirtle and Pikachu jobbed horribly there
Even this gay guy with a ruffled collar can beat that geek who embarrassed Ash
these nu-pokemons are really shit
>Primeape is STILL out on loan
Literally fuck Ash
>the absolute state of LaprASS
>Charizard sucks dick.
um no sweatie
Isn't as retarded as others, still looks like a roomba on legs. First and second gen had round, soft, eye pleasing pokemon shapes that looked like they could be genuine animals you can find in the wild. All those post gen 2 things look so pointy and jagged, as if they were actual alien forms made out of metal. I feel like watching Michael Bay's version of pokemon whenever I see them.
>the shantytown of Lapras, Pidgeotto and Noibat
Ash never drew a dime
ash vs paul for the semifinal of the sinnoh league was kino
Nigga had a Kingler and a Snorlax in his storage and almost never used them.
had no idea Pidgeotto was that ass
Man, Pokemon these days look like some deviant art autist designed them.
zard is far too arrogant to warrant such a win rate
The designs were never good.
The designs have always looked like that
Don't take it seriously. He at least beat the Orange League and the Battle Frontier and he could've easily beat every single league if he used his best team.
Being the strongest trainer in the entire franchise is already good enough at this point.
>Orange League
>Battle Frontier
These are Nations League tier competitions
So elite?
How is he the strongest trainer if he isn't #1
The end was the best part Mohammed
Imagine bragging about winning the carabaou cup
Was Gary the one we were supposed to root for all along?
he isn't. i remember one of the tournaments he was actually doing really well and then some guy with like three legendaries just rolled him.
>Goodra 100%
now THAT'S an image made pre-Kalos finals
Yes, its basically one of those chad vs virgin memes, ash got stuck in the friendship meme while Gary always had the drive of a champion and didn't slander around like a retard, what happened to him after gen1?
this one is complete through kalos i think.
Well, he gave up battling after his second league loss and got a nice job through nepotism so at least he is smarter than Ash.
Gary never became a champion either. He became a professor.
Shit, what a waste of potential, no surprise everyone was pissed to those hack writers
>Still using a Pikachu
Despite the memes, Gary was an even worse trainer than ash. He lost at an earlier round than him in their first league, and ash beat him hard in the second one, so much he quit being a trainer. At least he had the decency to cut his losses early, while the other one keeps failing after two decades?
>someone somewhere watched every single episode of Pokemon and recorded on a spreadsheet every single W/L for every single one of Ash's Pokemon throughout the series
Reminder that Ash IS NOT ALL ALLOWED TO WIN THE LEAGUE because PCI (Pokémon Company International) keeps vetoing the scripts where he wins it.
The directors in Hoenn and Kalos intended to make him the champion, but were vetoed in the last minute.
Some old fart directive thinks that Ash winning will mean the end of the series.
Gary had the savvy to realize that he was in an anime where he wasn't the protagonist and got out early.
>At least he had the decency to cut his losses early, while the other one keeps failing after two decades?
That's why he will always be a more based character, fuck ash, fuck pokemons and fuck the smash bros. franchise for keeping adding them to the game
>Pre pre Evo
The real MVP
Reminder that Ash had his first kiss already
Misty/May/Dawnfags punching the air rn
>lost against Erica's Gloom
>lost against some Parasect as Charmeleon
>lost the first fight against that Poliwrath in the episode where he finally starts obeying Ash
>lost against the Dragonite in the Orange League final
>lost against the Blaziken in the Johto League
>lost a in the Battle Frontier
I haven't watched Pokemon in like 15 years but Charizard definitely has more than three losses
Based and pokepilled
Is Pokemon battle a sport?
>el venezolANO señores
fucking ballack
No but me Cummings in her asscrack should be it
it's only league matches maybe
no friendly shit
You are heading the same way with AMLO
>that high percentage and still zero titles
Is Charizard, dare I say, the Ravager of Rattata?
I doubt it
They're the only 3 that matter, Pokemon after Diamond and Pearl is zoomer territory
character wise maybe but I would still bury my dick into the Gen V girls so far whoever pulled it out would be crowned Battle Tycoon
>perfectly good team only to ruin it with fucking unfenzant
The new region is Yea Forums related
>based on England
>fire starter is soccer rabbit
>grass starter is a drummer fan in the stands
>gyms are soccer stadiums
>Ash vs Tobias
>Guts-boosted Megahorn from Heracross doesn't KO Darkrai
Will there ever be a more blatant example of refball?
More like Greninja, unironically enough
>The hopeful that carries most of the team despite numerous setbacks, becomes semi-captain, only to choke in the final and then gets ruined by a literal career-ending injury
Reminder that Liverpool will be in the next game
Why to the jap cucks never let him win? It's been 25 years for fucks sake
to be fair, it could have been done with wiki information too
it's autism, but a bit less autistic
Was Ash's Charizard the Balotelli of Pokemon?
To teach a lesson to young japanese about how losing is ok. A lot of sports anime has their central team never winning the championship for the same reason
>"strongest trainer"
>Zero titles
Ash is actually Klopp
he got knocked out by a guy so retarded he couldn't even bring the right ammount of pokemons once
So Orange League is the Euros, and Battle Frontier the Nations League?
Who of the Netherlands or Portugal is going to win the Nations League this year, lads?
Nation League is like the Pokemon contests. Nobody cares
>he rates the plasticness that is Unovan televidia
So are the villain team going to be based on Muslim rape gangs or the IRA?
Grookey, Sobble, or Scorbunny?
Soooooo, the IRA?
It's obviously going to be Team Norf vs Team Souf.
Or they trot out not-Mosley with team /fa/ 2.0.
Unlicensed knife owners
Wait, Memezuela isn't blocked on Yea Forums now? Or are you using proxy?
Greninja takes 2/3 leafstorms from Mega Sceptyle in the Kalos leagues and survives them
Netherlands or >us.
Muh nostalgia because he's 1st gen.
Only the main internet provider is blocked
Or when Charizard tanked two Hydro Pumps against Gary's Blastoise
Maybe this is Ash's chance to make it "coming home lads!". He just needs to BEAT SAM FAKIN POKEMANZ
Why didn’t they let mewtwo compete in tournaments? He was clearly the GOAT trainer and only lost because of bitch tears
>th-this is our year
losing to a Pokemon while battling with Pokemon would probably be too damaging for most Trainers' egos
Damn ash's team is looking pretty beastly this series