Is this the type of body that Americans wanna see? It exists in football (soccer)
Is this the type of body that Americans wanna see? It exists in football (soccer)
>no name roid monkey
Tom doesn't look too bad for a 40 year old man
Post him in his 20s
why do amerisharts care so much about male physiques?
>why do amerisharts care so much about black physiques?
it's just the women and fags who watch it for that reason
that's why the entire country watches it you fucking fag in denial
that's all you ever hear about
Would get broken in a half like a twig by the black beasts that play American football
Our blacks were bred for generations to be as powerful and masculine as possible, they are the most impressive physical specimens on earth
Honestly pretty sure Brady is a lot stronger and has more muscle than Giroud, just has worse muscle insertions
Brady has about 40 pounds on him.
Now say it without the BBC in your mouth you fucking cuck
Based cuck postee
never sure if it's nigs, crackers, or chinks making these types of posts
>my dad would beat up your dad
why do people say this?
The point of soccer is not to beat up the other team to death.
Are you such a nigger that you can only think of sports as a way to beat someone up?
More like
>my niggas would beat up your niggers
I will beat you up