"Anthony Joshua explained why he admires Ronaldo and ... got into a mess, British boxeur strongly criticized for his statements"

>British boxer Anthony Joshua never hid his admiration for Cristiano Ronaldo and this weekend, the Telegraph, made a point of reinforcing it, with a phrase that earned him strong criticism.
>"He's my sport hero, I've always said that the only things that can f*** you as an athlete are women and taxes, he's been f***** by both of them and he's still smiling and being strong. You need to have mental strength and he has already demonstrated it. He is a family man, but he continues to be dedicated in what he does. He looks sporty on one side and the familiar on the other, and strikes a balance between the two. He has everything and that's why I like him", said the 29-year-old fighter
>Now, Joshua's words did not go down well, especially with a women's defense group, all because of the alleged rape case in which the Juventus striker will be involved. "It is inappropriate, insensitive and disrespectful to make jokes about allegations or cases of sexual violence or abuse in any context," said Katie Russell, a spokeswoman for Rape Crisis England and Wales

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based and redpilled

What is Ronaldo standing on in this pic?

Unironically based and redpilled

Fuck women but on the other hand fuck niggers too.

>le humble black boxer man
Also how can he complain about taxes when he gets paid tens of millions for knocking out 40 year old taxi drivers?

You just know.

>le humble live at home with his mum to avoid paying taxes man


AJ lives with his mum?

So fucking based. Who is Messi inspiring aside from midgets who work at freak shows? Absolutely no one. Meanhile all the top athletes in the world want to take pics with Cristiano and have him as their idol.

>"It is inappropriate, insensitive and disrespectful to make jokes about allegations or cases of sexual violence or abuse in any context,"

Wasn't a joke, just truth


>a sport
lmao, even WWE is more of an sport than niggerpunch

Boxing is cool. There are more black fighters because they are just stronger and faster than the rest

They both look like they've taken a few cocks in their day.

>In April 2017 it was reported that Ronaldo was being investigated for another rape allegation by the Las Vegas Police Department originating in 2009.[556][557] Documents, confirmed by Ronaldo's lawyers, state that Ronaldo paid a woman US$375,000 in a non-disclosure settlement.[556][558] Ronaldo and his lawyers issued a lengthy statement denying all accusations, describing them as an "intentional defamation campaign" with parts significantly "altered and/or completely fabricated",[559][560] a claim which Der Spiegel categorically refuted

I'm totally innocent.. Here's a load of money pls keep quiet

>a criminal is inspired by another criminal
yeah it's like the late john gotti, may god give him eternal rest, saying is favourite movie was the sopranos, marone...

This picture is what true masculinity and brotherhood btw men look like. No women can understand.

on jah

Why are you complaining?
This. It'd be a shame of Joshua does the whole "humble apology" after this manufactured women's mock outrage

literally /strongmind/

>one faggot covering for another

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It is kind of funny you can almost see how fragile the game is, she expects him to say he was just joking and then she can push for an apology from there. Really all he has to say is it wasn't a joke and she has nowhere to go.

This. AJ is a fraud and a duck



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Cristiano is inspirational to people like Joshua because his reasons for being at the top are transferable to other sports - hard work, dedication etc. Messi’s talents are god given. They can’t be learned or acquired.

Femy is such a fake ass fraud

wasn't messi given ridiculous drugs during puberty too? imagine if he had Ronaldo's mentality

He was given growth hormones so he could grow a couple inches higher and not be a literal dwarf. He was the GOAT before the drugs.

>"It is inappropriate, insensitive and disrespectful to make jokes about allegations or cases of sexual violence or abuse in any context," said Katie Russell
but it wasn't a joke katie

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*starts backing out when AJ comes back*


This. 6'6 Joshua with 6'1 Ronaldo and somehow they're both about the same height. Hmmm.


The twink is standing on his toes

Exactly user

God imagine the type of degenerate cocaine fuelled parties rich young athletes must enjoy.

Imagine being in some villa on the top of the hill and having the finest 15 year old virgins to choose from, directly kidnapped from Ukraine.

His tippy toes kek

Why have degenerate coke fuelled parties? Intimacy and family are much more fulfilling

this look at lawrence thomas. his life was nothing but cocaine fueled parties and in the end his family saved him

>fucking women

Smartest thing AJ has ever said in his life

>Boxer going to any event in a tank top
Is there anything more cliché? I can see all them rich folks marveled by the big nigger, talking about him and being surprised when he talks back like some talking chimpanzee