what does Yea Forums think about the potential impact of refugees in sports?
What does Yea Forums think about the potential impact of refugees in sports?
i like sports
I'd seek her asylum if you know what I mean
Funny how you fags don't mind refugees when they give you boners
do you think overcoming adversity makes them hungrier for success?
why do you separate refugees and humans in general, user?
Great, their efforts will achieve victory through diversity in order to build a wholesome, inclusive society for us all
I'd welcome her into my borders if you catch my drift
Im overcoming right now
dat lat
It's funny because Chile is unironically waiting for black kids born here from immigrant parents to start growing up and becoming super sports stars.
She can't be syrian methinks
She looks like a girl I quietly had a crush on for 3 years during high school.
deal with it faggot.
Right or left?
I welcome them
Funfact: the one on the right (her sister) is currently in a Greek prison for human smuggling (she helped some fellow refugees to enter Greece illegally)
refugees do no good
*is offside 10 times per game*
It means legal race wars.
I'd like to impact her sports bra with my refugee if you catch my drift.
>when you try to meme about a board without knowing anything about its culture
absolute cringe desu
Refugees can't skate so I don't care.
the Australian government literally takes pakis who are good at cricket off our refugee island and gives them automatic visas pic related
canadian refugees turning up in norway, sweden, and finland in 6 months when our country thrashes itself apart will be able to
Honestly, based
First right, then left
sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself for the greater good
>wall of text
This is a good complaint though
so is this white?
Positive for the country they're escaping to, negative for the country they're fleeing from.
can't tell the difference between middle easterners, persians, iberians, italians and greeks desu
wtf why is this slut stripping off?
t. homo
don't get me wrong, I'd give her refuge if you know what I mean
See filename
What do you mean? Like when some “refugees” plan a terror attack on a Sporting event?
There is literally nothing wrong with stealing every 7/10+ cutie and sending all the men, boys, and old ladies back to shitholeistan you tripfag cuck
I misunderstood then
have a picture of a random athlete as compensation
if you could limit immigration to beautiful fit intelligent women you would, the problem is you get the exact opposite.
>sending all the men, -- back to shitholeistan
then who's gonna drive the buses and make kebab?
desu, you need a high hq to understand lefty memes and philosophy blah blah blah
robots or cute gnomes bred for those purposes
sorry, a horse isn't an athlete
she's built like Colin Kaepernick
Well we received a shit ton of Spaniard refugees back in the civil war and we didn't acted like assholes.
This unironically
Spaniards are an upgrade for you guys
extremely debatable statement
High-tier jiggle physics right there la.
Sure you do
>you will never feel a pair of lips around your dick
Wow they found the one bangable sandnigger woman in all of the middle-east and put her on every news article as mode.
No, I wouldn't let her in unless she had a Syrian passport. She'd still have to go back after however.
Immigration is immoral anyway you spin it.
You're either making it worse for the host country or draining the shitty country of their best people.
Evropa will be filled with BLACK alpha males, soon your divegrass teams will be full to the brim with chiseled melanin men. Arab girls like in your OP will be getting bred by them creating the new 21st century Evropean
understandable picture, but is the artist any different to the people in his drawing?
Not with that attitude.
You gotta keep practicing.
no, in fact he's the worst of the lot
>still a KHHV in my 20s
>implying it isn't over
there was this illegal beaner on my soccer team growing up (i was the only non-hispanic on my team) and he was 6'4 and was an absolute shithouse centerback, we conceded like 4 goals all season because of him. Just imagine some overgrown illegal 16 year old beaner yelping in chilango spanish as he jumps for a header and his knees are level with your fucking neck
i like beaner refugees because they can actually play soccer but im afraid that arab rapefugees are just going to be shitty ballhogs that try to do neymar dribbles down a flank whenever they get the ball
who is this spic spouting SJW shit in every thread
hope youre not talking about me
pretty based, then right.