There once was a man named Slippy G

There once was a man named Slippy G
He slipped on his ass and he did a big pee
Poopity pee pee poopity poo
He slipped right down to number two

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what time is it in china 2.0 and why did aguero dye his hair?

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You're the same kiwi also that didn't answer my second question

Could you repeat it

What time is it in North Mexico?

Extremely knowledgeable, respectful, and moving post. Well done, sir or madam.

Why did Aguero dye his hair
for you

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Why the fuck are native Americans in Hong Kong?

Of course this faggot loves deflecting

I was trying to help out my tasman brother you fucking retarded bogan

The kiwinigger does the same shit every day.

>muh Reddit
>muh seethe
>muh cringe

He's obviously nonwhite so it's the best he can do

By deflecting moron, don’t do that shit

that's not deflecting you dumb redditnigger it would be deflecting if you posted it fucking hell go back you cockholster

>what time is it in China 2.0?
>dumb kiwinigger: oh yeah well the USA has a lot of Mexicans, and a lot of chinks too!
You go back fucking retard

Are you fucking retarded or are you just another typical John Howard-boomer with the US' cock in it's mouth

there one was a man and his name was slippy G
spent all his life at a club called liverpee
sat on the turf as the ball went to demba B
poor old slippy G's title-free (he'll always be)

lol poop


Aguero Blanco.
