WSH 3-2 NYR (SO)
WPG @ CBJ, 7 pm
NSH @ MIN, 7:30 (6:30 Central)
CHI @ SJS, 10 pm (7 pm Pacific)
Other urls found in this thread:
thinking about ice
What a qt.
post the real schedule
I don’t usually watch Columbus because they disappoint me every time
what a coincidence, me too!!
the absolute state of ted
I'm aroused
I like dicks in my ass
>midwestern cuisine
were not thinking about the same kind of ice
imagine being that insecure that’
you pay to have a custom traitor jersey made to try and spite a multimillionaire athlete
that's great, Ted
HEY GUISE!!!! Ted's here.... .............. inb this thread........
I WILL WIN $750!!!!
imagine being so insecure you have to create a "tavares day" because opposing fans booed your guy.
yikes and grimpilled
I was......
business idea: replace the shootout with a round of fortnite
i was actually thinking about onion rings
>Grimp Illed
I wear >laffs jammies.
Sadly, the NHLPA might support that
not a fan of redheads
Jhahahahahah what are those
>another /ring/ bro
Our number is rising.. like fire...
what the fuck?
My aunt lives in Toronto. She sent me Maple Leafs boxers one christmas when I was a kid.
The more I think about it, the stranger it seems.
Being a streaky player is worse than being a bad player
pictures of your aunt?
meant for
>PK! PK! You've just won the Norris trophy, tell us what's on your mind!
>Ay where da white wimmin at
shit taste
lindsey vonn probably stalked him
it works either way, but I see why you might want to post a retraction
Who has been watching the new semi pro league football stuff, the AAF??
>Birmingham lost
Reactions; first, They lost; second, it's a football team in Alabama
Georgiev was trying to slide his stick out for a poke check but lost it because he was nervous going against ovechkin in the shootout so it looked like he threw it
that's not a controversial opinion, the announcer on TV said he thought he was trying to poke check also.
i've been thinking this, all day...
Wait but I thought the Isles were a >first place team and didn’t need JT?
Don’t the Leafs have more points than them?
How embarrassing
>most overrated player by far according to his peers
The Bitch ( / #view=home&op=translate&sl=sv&tl=en&text=subban) is finished as a top level player
I like georgievs pads and helmet. The babushka is cute and I always enjoy some nice bricks.
>go all in signing every upcoming ufa
>dont even make the playoffs
its not often someone fucks up this hard
not outside the realm of possibilities
gayest comment i've read all day
wait, are you telling me that columbus loaded up on guys and are still losing to the jets who are missing buff, lowry and morrissey?
How do you like your steak?
Of course he was going for a poke check. He went for the poke check, missed and was completely beat. Whether or not he throws his stick, it's a goal, so it doesn't really matter.
How new are (You) then, baby??
Holy fucking yessss
That’s what work gets you
>two of them were against >my team
top gayest fanbases:
1. >laffs
2. >shorks
3. >cantpucks
Yeah you'll say Pedosota but that's a whole nother list obviously.
>time to change to the 3 point system I think
lana rib has the best soup and sandwiches
I cannot recommend this blue dream strain enough my fellow stoners
>winniggerpeg justs
Yes.... ....... ...
The jackets have awoken
been here since 2005
you're a faggot
black, like my men
jets are 19-0 this season when tied after two
Not anymore
buddy if liking cute babushkas is gay to you you're probably the biggest faggot
>i really like hith padth
>the babuthka ith ceeeuute
>i alwayth enjoy thome nithe brickth
either a woman or a faggot wrote this
What a Chad
Buddy the fuckin Coyotes are undefeated when leading after the third maybe you're just a faggot
how insecure are you faggot?
Med rare - Med
>and thanks
Ted drinks vodka. IMPOSTER!!
Basically due to the amount of straight stupidity and negativity that encompasses all of Yea Forums, I have decided to stop participating in that community. Unfortunately that also includes this hockey pool. It's not so much a /hoc/ issue as much as it is the fact that the general attitude of the site no longer appeals to me, there is simply too much negativity flowing across the website, too many people with too much time on their hands with nothing of value to say, and just too many stupid stupid threads and posts that I am sick of seeing day after day. The longer I stayed, the more that stupidity and negativity started to creep into my own posts. It's no longer fun, which is a sure fire sign that it is time to leave. I'm aware I wasn't always the most positive poster either, but I did enjoy talking to the majority of you at one point or another.
>be hellebuyck
>knock mask off when scared
>knock net off when scared
FUCK the jets FUCK this pussy faggot
based refs giving him a benuldy
Yeah, you wrote it so I agree you retarded dyke
check, faggot
one of my all time favorites ackshully
mad faggot detected
go somewhere else to talk about cute pads, this is a based masculine general with no faggots allowed
Glad to see you came out of the closet Sam
well done please and with ketchup
the strong will survive
got eeeeem
>cast iron
Hello tryhard
have you ever tried to make a Stanley Cup out of tin foil? it's a lot harder than you'd think
It tastes good and it's what we use at Burger King fuck you FAGGOT
*boring joke about canada "not winning the cup"
wtf lol
remember when the preds hung a "regular season western conference champions" banner lmao
>its bad enough we had to sit through a nigger history month, but now we have to sit through some chug history too. fuck jordin tootoo.
wow shannon
hoc didn't exist until like 2012
>not being here first
ketchup on steak is good, retards
>we have this persona being drunks, drug addicts
who knew they were so self aware
Yeah I tried to glue tin foil to the core of a paper towel roll and you can glue tinfoil good so my parents got divorced :(
Can't fault any of your arguments.
I do think that sports might lend itself to shitposting moreso than a lot of other boards would, just because the fans are so uninvolved in what goes on in a game. We can't influence the outcome. All that we can do is react to it, praising >our team and shitposting about the opponents' team.
Even on places like /pol/, you can at least share your own thoughts and ideas for how shit ought to be run if you were in charge. On Yea Forums, you can throw out the occasional "I think that this team should trade for this player," or "I think that the problem with this team's game is X," but most of what we're left with is just reacting and shitposting.
It does make a difference. Teflon does't let it rest in the pan well. And it's 10x easier to clean
so many fucking newfags in here lmaoooooo
If every single one of you was dragged into the street and savagely beaten to death the world would be a much better place
Burger King
Imagine thinking anyone cares about any of this
thanks for the two yous you idiot swecuck
*nibble nibble*
Come to Burger King and talk some shit pussy
No, user, that's actually just you talking to yourself.
Not in my fucking thread
You probably have the best chance of that happening to you, cuck.
I'm an oldfag since 2014 and I didn't get the reference either. Maybe you're just fucking gay.
who finland here?
get baited stupid fucking newfag
GOOD post.
based inbred swede giving out free (You)s
how did you try to make the cup on the top?
Lick my taint you pathetic wagie
I've been here since 1993.
>161 points in 723 games
who even cares about this eskimo
are inuits considered chugs?
Here lad.
says the amerigroid
The only place shit like that is happening is in your country to pussies like you lmfao you'd get the shit beat out of you in any Burger King in America FAGGOT
what the fugg??
i feel like there's a reason why 1993 is a peculiar year
in the 00s Yea Forums was a dead board and the only traffic on Yea Forums was on Yea Forums
What about mee?!
Shur the FUCK up you FUCKING retard
hey he's off limits
good luck to you buddy. been thinking of leaving too
Please just fucking do it Sam
The second youre out I'm moving in and fucking your mom
I cooked it well done.
Does your mom know you post her vagina on here?
Nice job cast iron cuck
For me, it's sipping on some proper nutritious drink while watching my Rick and Morty DVD collection while my girlfriend goes out to do here girls' night out.
I've been to Burger King in Monterey, California. Nothing happened besides me helping a truck back out from the parking lot and a dude pointed me to where the straws to the soda was.
What'd you get?
This diseased clusterfuck of a general seems notably autistic tonight
string cheese is /ourcheese/ here at /hoc/
Thinking: vanilla concrete with Reeses and peanuts
Plz no bully
Back from a two week ban reminder that Tavares is overrated shit
no u
>Rick and Morty
Based boomer steak
tell her to bring the double dildo she like me to put on her
live a little, lad
Exactly. This is what I've been posting for weeks
Pekka pikko
>guy with a 2017 Atkinson all star jersey
So fucking jelly right now.
you're doing the Lord's work, user, and thank yu for your service
Buddy if you don't watch hockey at Burger King and sing along to your teams songs you're barely watching hockey
Fuck jannies and niggers
I got banned for 80 days
>scrounging for Scandinavian (You)s in /hoc/
>his team doesn’t have a based Swede fan who creates gamethreads with comfy handmade OP logo images and provides (You)s to the lads
i shig
A double cheeseburger without pickles If I remember correctly. We were a group of 9 friends who went to San Francisco for two weeks and everyone except my gf at the time and me were vegetarians or vegans, but by ex didn't mind eating that shit so I went alone to Burger King when we stopped in Monterey to eat on our way to Big Sur
hi anime retard ready to get blown the fuck out again?
what's that hovering face?
Onion is just one word twice connected with in an i
i'll heem you the next time you're in my neighborhood
Not a bad order I was just wondering because a lot of finns and Danes I knew alwaysgkt spicy crisps and I wondered if it was a Scandinavian thing
I take that to mean you’ve come up with an actual hockey argument, unless in your delusional mind your REEEEEEEing and autistic screeching over image macros counts as some measure of triumph.
So many sensitive cucks in /hoc/, you never know when the (((mods))) are gonna come down on you
autism: the post
Is there anyone in the NHL that can fight toe to toe with Nilan or other enforcers in the 80's??
What did you do user?
why would you deny him a (You)
Reaves, Wilson, Lucic, Stoner, Marchand
Somebody high as fuck right now.
drafting laine was a mistake
he’s fucking useless 5v5
If I knew you in real life I would probably kick the fuck out of you. No offense but that's just what guys like me do to wimpy little babby men like you. Its the natural order of things
A gorilla roars
A dog barks
and buddy I hurt people
>I wondered if it was a Scandinavian thing
No idea. Could be. I personally don't like spicy food, but my dad and one of my younger brothers love it.
>people still think drafting finns in the first round is a good idea
i don't know if he'd be able to handle it. handing out (you)s is hard work
Marchland will have a career ending punch if he licked anyone then.
Stfu keyboard warrior
gwg folks. Good night, Jackies.
Is Sestito still in the league?
I just thought it was weird because they all kept ordering the spiciest shit at every restaurant we went to and I thought wypipo hate spicy
and WHY did you deny ME a (You)?
buddy nobody gives 2 shits what you gotta say, ca-peesh?
Oh my, that was quite cringe inducing.
Buddy come to Burger King and I'll induce a coma for you FAGGOT
you lads look smart. i have a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to double your (You) investment in very short time. risk free.
i don't have too many (you)s to give out. i barely have any for myself and would like to ration them out for the week. nuthin personnel kid. if i have a (you) to spare, i'll split it with you and the onion boy
Okay BUDDY I’m going to kill our entire family
I hope you find peace in death. Seek it soon.
>both bad guy teams are now losing
Buddy that's a bit much
I'm listening but shant be (you)ing till you provide more info.
i hope i can find a way to acquire more (you)s
imagine losing to the mild
thread theme
it’s spelled ‘capiche’ you uneducated cretin
I think drafting finns is a great idea, for everybody besides >my team.
No they’re chorbs
lol delete this post idiot
Buddy I’ve killed my wife’s family
I killed your family
And I’ve killed John f Kennedy
>matt dushit
Friendly reminder
everyone talks about relocating the kitties, relocanes, or yotes. but seriously, the poo jackets franchise is an absolute travesty of a professional hockey franchise in the nhl.
Ted Cruz?
I'm thinking about shorting the (You) stock market.
Matt duchene would be alot more useful if he didn't try to do everyfuckingthing himself...
only if ur a dumb wop
Relocation is based on the financials of the team not muh cups you moron. There’s no way the BJs make less than those sunbelt shitters
Jets finna bouta choke again
They make the playoffs not like those three
Gary thinks a Houston location would be great
How about I delete this idiot
The Islanders are the only team that really deserves to be relocated
The only time their fans come out to watch them play is to boo a player from another team LOL
Doesn't Ohio have some bat shit law about teams leaving?
>imagine thinking the team that drafted the bust of the century is a good guy team
Mexicans don't watch hockey
look at this fag raging
m8 call a cab to the airport get on a plane to nz enjoy the complimentary food and entertainment meet me at the cook and ill delete your sorry little twink ass
Just imagining being 70 and BTFOing some 18yr old newfag makes me rock hard.
isles will win the Cup before the >laffs
Houston dels?
did you guys see Shore get a neon knee? brutal
imagine never winning a playoff series in twenty years of existence. imagine still losing games after acquiring every possible free agent, while depleting your draft picks to 1 (one) for the draft next year. imagine all of the previously mentioned free agents gleefully leaving the team asap this summer.
The faggot threw that stick. If you think it slipped you're probably a faggot too.
Imagine being mad at Ohio
imagine all that but then you also have to live in ohio
Can we plan on me staying for a week to get used to the time change and shit and we can fight on like the 5th or 6th day? I'll pay you just get so much radiation from flying and it wears me out
Imagine... oh..
>while depleting your draft picks to 1 (one) for the draft next year
I told you yesterday. It doesn't matter if they don't have picks in ONE draft year. They are still stacked with prospects
Why wouldn’t you want to live in the comfiest state in the union
>this thread right now
yeah you can sleep on my futon
This comment reminds me of this time I was offered sex with a 24 year old Instagram model. In exchange, I was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner. Of course I declined, because I am a person with high moral standards and strong willpower. Just as strong as Ajax, the super strong bathroom cleaner. Now available in lemon scent or vanilla.
Okay old man
>stacked with prospects
they have a shitty prospect pool
Hell, I used to be (You)
but which one taste better
wait, blake wheeler can score?
patrik laine did a thing
Wow good job, Laine. Very cool.
Ah yes, I remember good ol' Paddy O'Laney
did laine contribute somehow on 5v5?
hes scored over 20 every year for the last 5 seasons
I’m mad very mad
Can torterella be fired now omfg
You seem like a cool dude can't wait to fight
yeah but he had 13 goals and 63 assists before tonight
>go all in
>still miss the playoffs
>all your players leave
fucking stupid asshole.
this is the kind of shit my dad laughs his ass of at on facebook.
it was a joke about how many assists wheeler gets you donkey
maybe it’s time to accept that torts is not a good coach
it’s a joke about him being le assist man you numbskull
imagine seething so hard you just desperately throw your stick at the other teams captain
literally said this when they hired him
retarded ohians argued with me
I can't wait to see this fight
will there be a stream?
hes getting fired
Jarmo please fire him
good joke
jarmo is a retard too though
>all the good guys have won/are winning
perfect night of hockey if the shorks lose desu
imagine seething over a 5 word post
what actually happened
is that he put on a rangers jersey
which instantly makes any player
play like shit
who is in torts doghouse now that the nigger got traded?
and you didnt get it, you idiot kangaroo fucker
Just a stream of piss onto your forehead mate
Ohio deserves all its failures. Awful state, awful people.
why is it that leafs consistently make the worst posts on 4channel in general but especially /hoc/, I thought hockey was "their" sport
stupid fucking ohio
Don't @ me again you son of a whore
that nigga is always in the doghouse
let's go wi-uld
>fail to get a joke
>cry for 5 posts
poo peeland shitter shattered
for me its the power tendie
The Last Waltz is so based
Your Dad sounds like a pretty cool guy
Will you tell him I said, "Hi"
>niggers belong in the jungles of Africa, not in any civilized nation
Most based coach in the history of the league
See? atoadaso. I never been somebody to say atoadaso but I fuckin atoadaso
>make a lame joke
>literally just reply with stats
>endless chirping about seething and not getting a joke
>samefagging in a desperate attempt to get (You)'s
I mean this is really, really sad even for a leaf.
dont @ me ever again
sure lad. he's nice, albeit cheesy. he likes to watch hockey, but doesn't know it very well.
Thanks, Jets.
Is it wrong to like tortorella?
So do the Jets have any players other than Wheeler?
disagree, NZ makes the worst posts and it's not even close
lmao now poo peeland is typing diatribes about how angry he is about failing to get a joke
>Tortorella has been credited by East Coast Hockey League founders Henry Brabham and Bill Coffey with coming up with the name for the league during a league meeting at a Ramada Inn in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
I enjoy the way New Zealand and Canada are describing the posts im reading so I know how to interpreter them. Glad I don't have to decide for myself
He's the most alpha coach in the league
I'm not a Ted, lad. Just checked the scores page on the NHL website and saw his name up there for pretty much every single fucking goal.
This sounds like something Ted would say when exposed.
>"East Coast Hockey League"
>4 teams in California
nice name Torts
I like to drink chocolate milk while I read them
name a more unlikable team than nashville
Unlike Ted, I was very happy to see tonight's result. It just means that >my team's playoff spot is even more secure now.
curling still on
I dislike Pittsburgh and Tampa
Wellington Wickets
all blacks
nashv- wait you're right
(You) know who
>star sunday
neck yourselves nbc
Dunedin Thunder
this would upset me if i cared about any sport other than hokkei
i hate the calgayry flames
call gary
oh you might be right but probably only because there is an actual frenchman on the team
I hate people who hate the calgary flames
I like the flames and I don't know why. Maybe it's the fact they play in a shitty old arena so it feels like it's "strictly hockey"
*sniffs you*
Agreed brother
I just arbitrarily picked a NZ team for giggles I don't really hate them
cheers from iraq
*sniffs you in beav*
>only SHIT teams playing tomorrow
I fucking love the calgary flames
greasy little guy
yikes, you’re right
Calgary seems like the furthest west you can go and still be in Canada. Edmonton is laughably shitty and so is Winnipeg. I choose Canada as my western Canadian team and Montreal as my eastern.
>an actual frenchman
So they still exist?
Why are you like this.
take that back
team canada is my western canadian team too.
frig off poser
Beavers are pests
team canada is my team east and west nah'msayin
yes unfortunately and I suspect some of the blame lies with you Sweden you didnt rape and pillage hard enough
Canada is my Canadian team and Montreal is my favorite foreign team
love the Stampede
i said take it back
I like minimus 1000 carbon weave for my sticks but I try not to be an asshole about it
>another memeout
love de shorkies
h8 the cHawx
your team
thats funny because your mom happens to play for my team
Ruined my night desu.
god I need to get out of Edmonton, it's so awful here.
good one, m8
no wonder they suck so much lol
why do beanerbelt plebs like the shootout?
low test
Mr Cool Ice says:
``Fuck niggers"
- Mr Cool Ice
yeah she really does if you understand my inference
Where did you get this picture of me?
asking the wrong board, frankly
did i miss any good memes or happenings while banned lads?
the shootout was a mistake
how does that goal count?
fucking walked right into that one
well played
dont think im gonna go to work tomorrow, lads
He got it in before he pushed his pad in
>shove his pad into the net
thanks gary
better than Winnipeg at least
Caps are so good they dont even need to score to win in OT. Absolutely based
/hoc/ transformed into dead poets society for a night
based mr cool ice
fuck i loved that movie. any good screen grabs?
Let’s spin the wheel of >shorks
last digit is how many goals they let in
I make bad haiku
Get the syllable’s wrong again
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
im not scared of anything
except bears but they live in the forest
LOVE comfy Sunday night hockey
HATE niggers
Simple as
get pucks deep
scoring goals
thats the way i fuckin roll
bit racist if I’m being honest
Post you're beer
>fiala's debut in minnesota
>cant hit the net
together we can end bullying
>my alcoholic parents
>their alcoholic friends
Together we can fuck your mom
hark, hark! hear this lark
sing birds in cheer : "john t is
overrated shit"
Let's go Sharkies!!!!!!!!
you may not like it hoc but this is what real hockey families look like
Eat shit you little twerp
we'll do what we can
Some serious moonlight out tonight.
I hate to say it but I kind of like the sharts pbp guy
Any rags fans who can tell me who this is?
why is this guy not considered a bust? he was a 1st overall pick and hasnt done shit his whole career
It's 13 below here with a fuck ton of snow on the ground and clear skies. Very comfy
>Look at shorks roster
How the fuck does anyone stop them?
Who said he wasn't?
the shorks usually stop themselves
/shorks/ are /yfmoc/
>and based
i just never see him talked about along with other busts. even googling "erik johnson bust" has nothing come up and if stuff does its just filled with excuses
he is a bust but he destroyed his knee 1 year during the offseason never really recovered from the injury so he doesnt get scrutinized the same way.
>it was 3-0
then how come there's only a handful of blacks in the national hockey league?
me in the red
because nike doesn't make skates
Were talking aboutthe a playoff series right?
Chris Nilan i believe
they'd miss the playoffs in the east
they would be 1st in the metro but are only 2nd in the basedcific.
imagine thinking the >shorks aren't absolute fags and absolute shit
>13-11-5 against the east
you may be right...
Who is the most feminine-looking player?
I’m finna bouta jerk off
i can't even 2bh
nylander ofc
jack it to jack hughes
hharkh are cool dudes and they have a real shot at winning the gary cup
Reminder to thank the based Penguins for denying the shorks and redditors in back to back seasons
he's 17 you degenerate fuck
Hannah Brandt
I seriously have not laughed at anything for weeks until this and don’t know why
Mia Malkova
Blake Wheeler did the thing!
Who will get Kaapo Kakko
i hope this post was ironic
Colorado Avalanche
What a pussy ass bitch you're here for life faggot
Abso-fucking-lutely not
I don't think this website is going to be here for a lifetime
102.5 The Bone
#DGL Mia Khalifa FLIPS OUT for being called a FORMER Porn Star then proceeds to crap on Florida via twitter. #miakhalifa #shame
Embedded video
3:16 PM · Mar 1, 2019 · SocialNewsDesk
he said in 2010
that's what i thought 10 years ago too
isn’t she literally known for porn? how else were they supposed to introduce her?
I mean technically we're on 4channel now.
reddit is down so I am here to join all my fellow migrators
I hope everyone's official Timo Meier clock™ is set to Timo Time!
nice try reddit is fine
women are God’s only mistake
>slut shaming herself
I only found out about this place in 2017 after reading about /pol/ on reddit
Back to wageslaving tomorrow
Or maybe I'll die in my sleep
I feel like I need to post this everyday
I just got fired the other day. They made it without cause because I have blackmail info on my boss so I can collect that sweet unemployment.
Why are all black women obese?
i was let go out of a contract early on friday and therefore cant collect neetbucks against it
wheeler only scored 1 goal tonight because 2 were deflections and an empty netter doesn't count
Shitty diets and no exercise
they all look the same in the goal column
payouts for wrongful dismissals are fucking huge. like hundreds of thousands.
the fact that columbus allowed le assist man to score 4 goals (the only 4 goal game of his career) shows you how fucking awful right now.
I liek boobys
heh, let me guess.
I think he meant all black women over 30
that chick will be fat too in 10 years
farted in an elevator today lads.
i'd suck a khalifa titty to be honest
not proudly but i would
Thinking about a couple of thoughts for next thread
>putting your mouth on it
for me, it’s getting my dick sucked but rufusinf to eat pussy because that’s fucking disgusting
Was fun as fuck
got a couple of thoughts as well.
>being racist
>Wanting those Franken-titties near your mouth
just smelled my pucks lads
yikes lad worst post of the day
500 :)
oh great, it’s another /hoc/ is absolutely fucking retarded episode
>3 threads
based /hoc/
>hating the environment
recycle ya prick
/hoc/ generates enough autism to keep Yea Forums alive so it's ok.
for me, its the >rags thread