>/biz/ 1-3 Yea Forums
>/pol/ - /3/ (now)
>/gd/ - /ck/
>/vg/ - /mlp/
no weebs or horsefuckers allowed
who the fuck do we bandwagon now?
4CC Winter Cup Final Day
Other urls found in this thread:
based /3/ removing the poltards
>who the fuck do we bandwagon now?
who /ck/ here
So, who Yea Forums here?
Day 140:
>Yea Forums
Make me leave, fgts
in b4 janny
Yea Forums's been really uppity because /u/ lost. you would think all the weeb teams would stick up for one other
>eating plain toast
what is moot's problem?
Please fucking stop the horsefuckers.
damn, this match is hype af
>two own goals
yt to 2019 anthems
winter cup has the best memes
Best day ever!!!
Watching horsefuckers lose is a special kind of pleasure.
/vg/ forever based now that they beat mulp on benuldies
So lads, from which part of /vg/ you are?
/swgg/ here.
See I wanna like them but they have too much anime memes on there which is shit. The board itself is decent though
/vg/ vs [s4s] is the only good possible matchup left
I hope /vg/ gets their second star
/civ4xg/ reporting in
>he isn't lifelong /3/
>Vg cucking mlp and sp both from winning it all
Alright so someone explain this to me, how can you call /vg/ a good board?
Isn't it just a bunch of generals that just stay within themselves? How do they have any board culture? They don't really have normal threads where they mix, they just post in one or two threads, no?
Each general is probably wildly different and has their own memes, so how do they have a board culture or have a board quality level?
Ironically enough VGL is as far as interaction between generals goes, except when they call each other's game shit.
wtf are those results?
>/pol/ and /mlp/ BTFO
Thanks God
rigging to make things more “interesting”
>not a single interesting team left
Shit cup
Agreed but at least with /vg/ there is a certain standard with the generals. You can actually get some good shit with the threads. Also compare it to the other Vidya boards
>Yea Forums
An autistic board hoarded by wannabe shitposters and edgelords
Imagine liking Pokemon in 2019
Good board but not the whole package because of it's time scale limit.
>Fucking /3/ in final
Team with literally a running joke being the number 3
These knockouts have been the worst meme wise
>/3/ in a final
I'm so fucking done with this cup if /gd/ beats /vg/.
>>Imagine liking Pokemon in 2019
>when the new region is in UK
Imagine suddenly liking a bareboned overrated RPG series because one of the games is in the UK.
Eh maybe, but it does leave me wondering how they even have a 4cc team. Where do the board memes come from and how do they confer? I know they have a 4cc thread, but every general just seems like they're in their own little world
fuck this shit, I'm done with the cup
This is true, I saw it as like the most used memes in the board. Like the best players from a certain country would play for their team. Either way I'm more with you on that.
They have a league and every team gets to put in one meme
>3DCG vs graphic design fianl
/vg/ is one of the boards that shouldn't have a team, but sadly the people who run the cup use that board.
In general, making /vg/ and not Yea Forums the board with the permanent thread was a mistake, but I have been moaning about how the cup lost its essence and became too big and too professional for its own good for years now. Like, I am still shocked that there was a council that had to approve our badge and didn't let us use the one with two stars. Let this sink in. And don't make me talk about the commentators, I might have an autism attack.
The level of bureaucracy and rules in place now is normal, logical, and yet absurd to me. Who the fuck are the people in implyingrigged.info
I don't want to sound unironically like an anarchist, but I do believe that one of the reasons why the cup is not as popular, big, and alive and it was and could be is that it feels like an affair for few people and very circlejerky, like real politics.
As someone who was a fan from the first cup (almost 8 years ago) , who has tested, and was there when we decided to use the roma kit for the first time, I feel out of place and time. I guess this is how people felt like when football got serious in the 50s.
Commentators aren't even hiding they are all horsefuckers
based lrl with the high iq post. Did you know they refused to move to PES18 because aesthetics are broken? What are you thoughts as someone who was here from the beginning?
was that someone's actual mum telling them to go to bed or did I just get memed?
thank god those arrogant /vg/ fuckers lost
I have actually been thinking about if aesthetics are form or substance for this cup, I don't know what to think yet.
What I do get is that they, at least partly, picked 2016 because of the amount of goals scored. More goals, more memes, more songs, more fun, right? But it gets boring. Group A in this cup had an average of slightly less than 6 goals per game and it's one of the lowest for that stat. All these goals, all the time, make each goal a lot less exciting.
It was more like
>ok people want out of 17
>do we have the automation needed for 18 or can we get it in time for winter
>ok what else was a preference
>16 tied votes with 17
>ok let's do 16 and also remind people why it's a bad idea
I think it was legit
I'm in the same boat (followed that shit since the start) and I agree with some but not all that you said.
The cup had to organize to survive, that's not the issue. Its main pitfall was including all these irrelevant boards such as those in the final and plenty more, which led to excess bureaucracy and so on.
As for what really killed the growth of the cup, look no further than 4channel's hard working custodians. Hard to spread the fun when they're on the ball.
Seriously? Sounded like a Bong, it's barely half 10 here, how old is he that his mum is telling him to go to sleep?
I'm confused af, one of you fags must know more about this
Ni, mods banning the threads (they were not completely wrong and moot is to blame a lot, but that's another story) was a problem because it led to /vg/'s general.
If we were the board with the thread, things would be a lot different.
Regarding the boards: we don't need the bureaucracy. All should be needed is a "judge" in case n people want to manage the same board but can't agree on how to work together.
>/3/ in the finals
Former /u/ manager. This post is based and right in every single word.
>Yea Forums
is this just me or every game tonight the winner of the match has been the one that scores first? I swear all but one game has been a back and forth.
Dat bloot
except for the /3/ - [s4s] match, yeah
Based post, interesting to hear. Why do they get so serious with it though? I mean I can't see any reason to and I am pretty sure they don't get anything from it. At the end of the day I love it because it's just a shitshow of memes starring actual shitposters put together and that's the most appealing part about it.
We have a saying in Italy, comandare è meglio che fottere. Having power is better than having sex.
>tfw have neither
Final time faggots.
Lifelong /3/ GET IN
You would be surprised by the amount of people that willingly put themselves into stress over this, some consider themselves a failure if they don't win immediately. Also as someone who has witnessed the evolution of the cup, everything has become so standardized, all in the name of efficiency and some people take the rules very seriously, so some of the fun is lost along the way. It's very refreshing to step down and just watch the things from a fan standpoint.
That's an amazing quote. Noting that for future reference. But yhh I get what you mean.
I tell you what boys, now you brought me in I'm welling up. What you got to realise, we're in the finals, i've been a season lifelong fan for near enough 7 years, I moved to /gd/, and I've seen Messi, I've seen Kerning and I've seen Mazinger, right? This is the first time, the first time that I've ever seen anything like what I've seen this season. This cup is just unbelievable pal, and I mean that Boris. With all due respect Boris, loved you to bits, loved you to bits, but I tell you something: Teapot, Blendy, and all the boys, are putting it on the next level, and it shows in the cup. We're now in the semis hang on a minute... we're now in the finals. I went to Yea Forums, I went to /trv/. I have brung my son up, when he was in school, "oh /mlp/, /mlp/, Yea Forums, /fit/, /mlp/, Yea Forums, /fit/" and I.. I stuck by my guns, I said "listen sunshine, wear the 3, wear the yellow.. wear the 3, wear the yellow, we will come through." And all of a sudden my son's turned round and said to me and looked me in the eye today - looked me in the eye - and turned round and said to me "Dad, Dad.." Amazing. Absolutely amazing. He's seen players, he's seen class players, like Boris, l-like.. oh, honest to God.. Now, tell me.. you cannot, you cannot, you cannot tell me we have not got a chance of winning the cup Boris. And listen, th-this is.. I grew up with you Boris. You cannot tell me, you cannot believe we cannot win the cup, please..
'ate logos
'ate 2D
luv me suzanne
luv me blender
luv me donut
luv me ratboy genius
simple as
Yhh I bet. I do feel that it needs a few steps back and less moderation to make it feel fresh again. Even being a manager sounds like it sucks the fun out of the whole irony of the teams. Well someones got to do it
You can blame a lot of this on Dragonfag. As based as he is for getting >us the star, he basically created modern day committee cause he autistically managed multiple teams and rigged it. And it was a domino effect from there.
The problem with the badge and two stars is because some of those in the /4ccc/ were around when Dragongate happened. And they're not going to give Yea Forums much favor. They still haven't forgiven Yea Forums for all the raiding they would do into other boards which lead to 4cc threads and posts getting relegated to only 3 boards. It's made it a bitch for every other team to attract fans and promote the cup because mods nuke the thread on sight. Doesn't matter if they leech off another thread, try a stealth thread or post it outright.
>Seven Nations Army starts playing
doopin mental > seven nation army
Take it from me, I'm an American
Worst 4cc final ever?
t. big market scum
Far from it lmao. try /e/ /soc/ in spring 18
>PES 16
It would have probably been shit no matter what because of all the flaws of the game
Summer 2014 mu - hr seems pretty boring, but honestly I don't remember it.
Are there anime teams in it?
Then shut the fuck up
Unequivocally based post.
I certainly didn't enjoy Summer 2018's final
how the fuck?
but /mlp/ have used more match fixing and no one tried to deduct their cups
No one likes that damn board. We can only hope the franchise dies so gookmoot will delete the board.
I wonder how much it would cost to buy this place.
The fandom is slowly, but surely dying. Hopefully, the same can be said for the board
bout tree fiddy
>weebs so desperate they're trying to attach themselves to /gd/
Pathetic lads
>implying vp likes pokemon
Well, see you in spring.
Lmao this ref.
>/gd/ won
I assume there's salt over a very small market team winning it all