Please USA, you can to prompt a some separatist movements on my continent so that there are 2/3 more fake countries...

Please USA, you can to prompt a some separatist movements on my continent so that there are 2/3 more fake countries. Thus, Japan and other disgusting guests will never participate in the COPA A.M.E.R.I.C.A

Attached: copa-america-group-draw-stage.jpg (1200x675, 72K)

El estado de la Copa America señores...

Why arent Guayana, French Guayana and Suriname playing?


Because they chose Concacaf.

literal non countries, no one knows what happens there or if they even exist

Replace the two guest spots with the finalists of the Gold Cup.
Only top two of each group advances to next round.
Next round is the final - with six teams playing in the same game.

We have Andorra and Gibraltar in the UEFA qualifier

What happen if Japan win Copa America and Asian Cup?

Brazil gets relegated to Asia Cup.