
>gets beaten up without resistance

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>still wins
Yep. That's our boy Smif

link one of your fights pussy

This is what they meant when they said Lion heart

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>went limp

>Doesn't take the belt from a DQ and continues to fight
The absolute most based fighter in the ufc

No wonder his dad ran off, It only took 2 minutes for me to be disappointed in him

Dana gonna pay him for making what could have been a big problem go away don't worry

It didn't stop your father conceive you, m8. Robbie could handle it

Lawler looked like spaghetti.

the two evil fighters won tonight
worst card ever

Doubt it. Danas a piece of shit

>>went limp

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what how, fuckhead?

>expecting the ref to see that shit
>herb asks if he's ok twice to silence
>arm went limp

based retard

he literally gave up

he couldn't get out so he pretending to be limp to try and game it

Hahaha Dana would never pay someone he didn’t have to

>Opponent has his forearm on your mouth
>Ref wants you to talk to him

1. It's the ref's duty to see shit. He is there not to watch the fight.
2. How could he answered if his jaw was squeezed by Askren's arm.
3. Only his arm went limp for half a second. He didn't start to fall or anything. We don't know the reason. Then he lift his arm and it was obvious he is okay

>opponent is squeezing your face to death with no chance of escaping
>fags on Yea Forums cry about it

I hope people like him never get a title shot ever again. Really is just a can.

It was such a boring fight. At least if it was a dq win we will finally see Jon actually getting punished for his moveset.

But no... Muh honor. Got to be a good cuck and let jon get away with it once more.


Oh so you arent fighting for money? Champions get more money


Oh so pride feeds you and gives you a home?


Oh you want to make life harder for you and your people who rely on you

good decision dipshit

After the first round, he copped a flogging. Was afraid of getting hit, and Jones' offense was non stop. That's what I like about him, he never stops hitting.

Should've stuck a thumbs up. Lawler is a brainlet

This is why they get paid so little. Because they are dumbasses who can't help themselves. Why should Dana go easy on that? They deserve what they get.

For all the shit Floyd gets about not being able to read, he seems smarter than most MMA fighters.

...he did

His pre fight appearances were the saddest things ever witnessed

As a champ he would be paid $500k purse for a defense. What an actual retard. His honor thing is dumb. He already paid his dues fighting dozens of nobodies in bumfuck Nebraska for 10 years. Take the easy win , moron.

its so dumb. your family rely on you for money not for stories about winning and losing.

cant believe this guy isnt smart

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His arm literally went limp you fucking retard. He regained consciousness for a brief moment after CLEARLY going out. It's not like he got into a better position. Herb should have just waited until he died though haha.


Do you know what happens to a body when a person is knocked out? It's much worse than a limping hand and still it's not an immediate stoppage

hes actually not that dumb but hes not that smart either

probably normal


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>that monster

>I respect him a lot for not taking the DQ, it was the man;y thing to do
>But I think the memes and reddit tears would have been hilarious if he had taken it. Would have made it worth it