This guy makes me proud to be African

This guy makes me proud to be African

Attached: file.png (400x400, 300K)

>OP's flag

what part of africa y'all from?

Why does he speak with an american accent? Nigerians have their own particular accent.



Is that a BBC? I thought they were bigger

Guy already spoke English, just moved to another area and picked up the accent. Like if I moved to Bongland in a few years I'd be speaking like a bong. Especially if I was in high school.

based and redpilled

He lives in America since age 8. I can't understand hyphenated Americans.

>if I moved to Bongland in a few years I'd be speaking like a bong
No you wouldn't. Over time your accent would drift closer to the accent of wherever you're living but you wouldn't completely lose your native accent unless you intentionally trained yourself. That's a

Born and raised in the rough streets of Sweeden.

Lewiston, ME



Me too

I unironically only tuned into this card for his fight.

I didn't give a shit about askren or Jones fighting some can(which was even more boring than I hoped)

Thank you based Usman for ending the Woodley meme. Truth is Woodley never had to fight many wrestlers that why got away with it so long.

Thank you Usman for exposing Woodley and proving he is no where near GSPs level in GOAT status.

By the way anyone have that body shot webm?


Pick one

>phone rings
>hello im marty from nigeria

Attached: 1516176022385.jpg (800x1095, 58K)

Helsingborg, Sweden






the absolute state of those abs

You might as well be from Africa


haha not so proud that you’re going back tho right? kek worthless fucking nigger


North Dublin