>be looking through old files
>find this chart I made years ago
Does it still hold true in the current year of 2019?
Be looking through old files
Vinicius was playing in the Real B team and then they called him to main team
The only reason he is being criticized too much is because he was hyped by others so much and thought to be the one to replace Ronaldo but he isn't even playing in ronaldo's position. The one to replace ronaldo should be benzema. Vinicius is a talented 18 yo winger. He is still developing
I don't understand why all the responsibility is on him. Valdano already said that Raul had the same problem as vinicius and that these problems are fixable in training
pretty accurate but
How does tennis, world class handegg and especially fucking hockey (how do they see that fucking puck) not require super high skill?
It didn't hold true when you first made it. Luckswing requires 0 skill and is not exciting in the least.
that image is a bigger indictment on your lack of intelligence than your flag is, and that's saying something
>throw an egg
>swing and hope
yea this is bait
Id place literally everything somewhere else
Only time its worth watching is end of season or playoffs
see pic related
>muh luckswing
That's literally tennis though. Baseball takes much more skill than just "lol swing hard and hope for the best" like tennis
>nickname is literally luckswing
there are aspects of baseball that require loads of skill but hitting is often just aiming for a particular pitch and getting lucky. And with 162 games a season, regular season is absolutely boreball most of the time. At least american football has 16 games a season and every single match counts. I’d put basebal near tennis and american football on basebal desu
that's pretty much the case for all american sports because their regular season games are mostly meaningless.
never claimed it was an argument retard
Really harsh to say hockey requires no skill
I think baseball takes more skill than basketball but probably less exciting for most people
only literal retards think baseball requires no skill
basketball is "exciting" but shallow/hollow
baseball is slow but deep (usually mentioning this triggers angry basketball fans/europeans that stopped watching baseball after one inning)
Videogames are not sports.
sawp hockey with baseball
OK Miguel, whatever you say.
imagine using the 2deep4u argument in 2019
I've watched multiple baseball games before. The game is not as boring as it seems, and there's a tactical aspect to it, but there's no way it's exciting either and you have to sit for about 3 hours for just 1 game because of all the break in between innings
You guys are missing the fuck out on this sport. The personalities and the rivalries are insane.
Not an argument
I never said it was exciting. There are very exciting moments, not of every game necessarily. Basketball is considered "exciting" but the NBA regular season is extremely meaningless. NFL and NHL are more properly balanced in terms of amount of games/meaningfulness of the regular season. MLB is kind of like a grindy RPG. NBA is like fortnite.
>icefight is all luck
>tennis is more luck than skill
Alright now I see its just shit b8, you got me
It took the golden knights zero seasons to build a stanley cup team
Boxing is not fucking boring fuck you
>le pillowtap
End your life
>MLB is kind of like a grindy RPG
Yeah i'd agree with that
I forget how much autism there is in football until I try to describe it to someone.
Do you understand why that is? They took people that had already won the stanley cup from other teams. The way new teams enter the league is pants on head retarded.
1. They didn't win the cup
2. The expansion rules gave them a distinct advantage
3. They hired a front office with a long history of success to exploit that advantage
>hurrrr the sports i like best take skill and the ones i don't watch and therefore don't understand are luck based
Must be a 3rd world thing
If Tennis is a luck based sport how can you have 3/4 people win nearly every single major in a decade and a half. Clearly there is a huge amount of skill dependency for the same people to win at such an insane consistency.
>many players have consistent batting averages over their entire career
Are you fucking stupid?