Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Attached: canadian national team.jpg (600x400, 42K)

Because of the corrupt WEEDMAN

I don't know, but apparently the people are allowed to choose their flags, even when they are flags.

Because IndianGODs LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY run the shithole formally known as Canada

Yeah i dont understand why America just doesnt annex them either


Attached: usa usa usa.jpg (600x403, 70K)

Mexico confirmed for best country in Northern America

Attached: mexico nt.jpg (700x468, 122K)

skinny pajeet boys not welcome

Attached: sep_29_wch_team.jpg (960x540, 92K)

>all these meme beards
is that a soibois meetup?

>tfw I would do anything for Burns and Thornton to be americans