Who else /no team/ here, but enjoys the footy anyway...

Who else /no team/ here, but enjoys the footy anyway? MLS is shit and I don’t have any passionate connection to any euro team.

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When I watch English matches I root for whichever club's stadium lies furthest to the North.

I used to be like that for english footy for a few years but eventually started randomly thinking about one team and even before I got into football I saw their badge and it always stood out to me, and now I support them. guess it was destined to be.

good strategy
I'm /no team/ when watching the premier league but there are so many southern teams with no personality now that I've grown unbearably apathetic about (Watford, Brighton, Palace, Fulham) plus Chelsea and West Ham are two of the most hateable clubs in England.

meant for

honestly thats the best way. if you actually follow a team intensively, it will most likely just hurt

I always support the team I think is going to win

I just choose who I supported after the result becomes clear, it makes bragging much more successful when you know it won't backfire

All these foreign "fans" are cringey as fuck. Sure you can have sympathy for certain clubs or players but don't act like a team who's country you've never even set foot in is your life. Or that you feel the same way as the locals and understand the culture of the club.

>the culture of the club.

Understandable reply from a gypsy.

MLS starts today, pick a side fgt

sup, I lightly root for Chelsea cause I thought drogba was a bad ass. Its kind of fun to not have a team besides the country of course.

What you are writing doesn't make a lot of sense when you think about it a little bit. Some zoomer in Manchester or London won't magically know or understand the history or culture of the club as it was in the 90's, while someone who has been a fan of the club from outside of the cities might.

Support your local side. Learn what football is really about. The game is fun and is great to watch on TV but nothing is as magical as match day

t. guy off to watch his local team in an hour

It does make sense. I follow ajax in the dutch league because i have been to the city many times, been to a match, love the colors, interesting history etc.
But i just lime them, thats it, i wouldnt call myself a fan.

good, keep it that way

MLS is embarassing

go to a fucking MLS game you shut-in

t. Bayern Munich "fan"

Modern clubs are plastic anyway.
Sure it has the name of the city on it or whatever, but it's owned by foreigners, mostly trained by foreigners, and filled to brink with foreigners. In most clubs you can only find few people from it's home country, and even less from the actuall city/neighbourhood where it is from, and all players play for it because they are well payed, if they were payed by a different club, with a similiar ammount of prestige, more, 99% of those players would leave.

It's nothing but money, bunch of foreigners, trained by foreigners, earn more money for their foreing bosses, sponosored by foreign companies. Claiming that you need to be from a certain city or part of a city support such a club is ridiculus, if you feel something for the club, you feel it that's it,

>i wouldnt call myself a fan

That's on you, you don't live in the head of other people, and that has nothing to do with what I wrote in my post.

My team play in League 1. I go to see them maybe once a month, but mostly just watch the big teams as a neutral.

this is what I do for apehoop

MLS isn't even that bad, it's probably at the level of the Championship (tier 2) here. Some good players.

His father, grandfather, neighbors etc will teach him. There's a big difference between out of the city and out of the country or even continent. If we take Barcelona as an example for fans from the city or Catalunya the club means more than football for them it represents their city and region. If Fc Barcelona wins vs Real its not just the team that wins but Catalunya beating the bastion (of the previously) oppressive government. A game like Celtic vs Rangers is a fierce rivalry not just because of sports but culture and history. Sadly most clubs lose this more and more as time goes on, compare highbury Arsenal to today's spectators. Basically "die hard" Barca fan ping from China will never have the same experience as Jordi from Catalunya and if Barca finishes 6th the next 10 years straight Ping will start supporting City.

Yeah of course it's different, that doesn't mean you can't be a fan of the club just because there is a real physical fan culture of the club you support.

>Barca finishes 6th the next 10 years straight Ping will start supporting City

You don't know that. I've been a fan of Tottenham since I was a kid, my father was a fan so it's only natural. There are real time fan cultures building up outside the physical locations of a lot of clubs and you claiming it doesn't exist won't make it go away.

Just because it's different doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I agree, the devotion for a club is something only locals can understand
what would you understand about loving a club if you just like them for the pretty colors or because they win a lot?
it's about feeling at home in your stadium, supporting them for 90 minutes and keep going even if your teams wins absolutely nothing for 20 years

>Basically "die hard" Barca fan ping from China will never have the same experience as Jordi from Catalunya
Probably not which still doesn't mean he isn't a fan.

>he will start supporting city
If he doesn't does that make him a fan?

I'm sure lot of asians will bandwagon croatian national team on international cups after this WC, they'll never feel the same as I do when croatia wins, but if they actually bandwagon it for next 3-4 world cups, who am I to tell them that they are not fans.

There is some Brazilian shitposter on FB, who posts on Croatias NT FB page all time, he supports croatia, and when you visit his FB page, you could see he was following croatian team for a long time already.
Now is he less of a fan simply because he is a brazilian, than lets say some croatian girl which started watching croatian team only when we reached the semi finals.
Was Eduardo da Silva less of an fan, playing for croatian team, than some Croatian who watches our teams games with as much of a passion as you watching some two random PL teams?

what team?

Yeah, it just stupid to generalize on these matter as if everything is black and white. I know a similar guy on a football forum, he is a football autist and for some reason knows everything about the Norwegian league and supports a smaller club in our league. I don't give a shit about the Norwegian league or any club in it, would be a silly thing to claim I am a bigger fan than him even though I haven't watched any games in at least 10 years.

It's stupid, especially when you consider how much the top clubs of the top 5 european leagues are dependant on foreigners.

>foreign players
>foreign managers
>foreign sponzors
>foreign owners
Even the much of the revenue, comes from the fact that not only people from that city or neighbourhood follow the club.

>t. Plastic Loserpoo ameriburger

you're wrong, it's much worse than that lol and I can't support a team that is connected to anything boston red sox.

Everybody in this thread should support my club tbqhwy

The absolute state of bandwagon fans

You guys agree with my point that a local will feel different about his club than a foreigner. The thing we disagree about is what makes a fan or a real fan at least. Can a Chinese person support a European team and call himself a fan? Yes. Will he ever feel the same pride and passion as a local? No. Does that make him less of a fan? Yes. That's what I ment in my first post.

not as embarrassing as being a euroboo and caring passionately about teams an ocean away

absolutely BASED™ and blessed posts
bully Euroboos and Chicanos at every waking moment

Yea but how much you feel for a club isn't only determined by where you live, sure taking some sort of a national pride in your club, like barcelona or bilbao, will make you more of a fan for sure, but I'm sure that there are lot of foreign fans that love the club more than local fans.
Basically if you are foreign or not isn't a messure of how much of a fan you are

being a local doesn't automatically make you a fan
but being both a local and a fan can't be compared to being a foreign fan

What our Chilean friend said. There are degrees of fandom and some foreigners can surpass that of locals who don't care to much about it, sure. But the pinnacle is a passionate local fan.

Spurs it is then

tough shit, go watch a local team

You've been brainwashed by memes. It's not UEFA tier, but it's watchable and can have kino moments.
t. Watches euro footy, but recognizes 2k19 MLS is not the same as 2009 MLS

We arent watching your league Joao

Probably, don't give a fuck for a single team besides our NT so I couldn't say

This, as some user stated, the players are overpaid buffoons and would cuck any fan wife and forget about it 5 later, but the stories, colors and games you enjoyed under the banner with friends and family it's what really counts

better than being a bandwagoner. not supporting your local team because they're "shit" is kind of cringey and juveline though

my team is 6th tier so pretty much. l like a good game and like laughing at big teams failing

watching is actually more fun when you don't support a team. dunno why people want to support teams. being a football fan is suffering

What club?


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Replace footy for handegg and MLS for NFL and that's literally me


I think we've got too much football culture, there's literally no plasticity over here. A person can know batshit about their club history and players, but they've probably attended home games more times than you've been looked at by a girl.
over here we laugh at those plastic customers that think they're "fan" or whatever you anglocucks say just for watching their matches or arguing about them on fly fishing forums

>view the game from multiple angles
>drone view
>slow mo replays
>local mindless crowd creating the atmosphere like a cult for you to enjoy with comfy

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ill watch any game just because
i want england to win because flag
anything else just make it a good game
ive seen amazing 0-0's
ive see boring 4-0's

Right here, lad.

Closest clubs are LA, and fuck supporting them.
We had a chance of being awarded a team, but San Diego is full of Handegg loving retards.

Attached: Bath_City_FC.png (263x379, 32K)

we have a yank fan
feel free to bandwagon

i only like arselel and my local team

there's hardly such thing as an authentic american english football fan. obviously none of us were born in england where we could support a "home" team. so we're left to pick one that we like

i dont root for any EPL team specifically, i just like to watch the matches involving any of the top 6 teams. unironically rooting for man united to get its shit together and for man city to win the league over liverpool this year

>rooting for man united to get its shit together
>and for man city to win the league over liverpool this year

Same. I enjoy soccer, but generally take it game by game. Used to support Arsenal growing up, but being a customer is only good for bantering with lads in school. If you're an emotionally healthy adult, you grow out of it. I couldn't care less now if Arsenal won the Champions League.

a good manchester united is good for the league.

Not if you live in the south of england and have to drink in pubs filled with plastic Kevins

Before they hired Rooney (or whatever you call it Euros have weird names) I used to go to DC United games for cheap it was fun

>Euros have weird names
t. Jebediah Axelberger Jr. III

No I mean like weird names for things like kit, club or pitch instead of jersey, team or field

>rooting for city
City and PSG are the biggest cancers in football.