i am the night
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i am the night
colby covington
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no one cares
Huge fan of bangers here.
Fear and Loathing in las vegas
First time routeing for Woodley tmmw. Mom said its ok so long as it doesnt effect my grades.
this is the thread
Really didnt appreciate this enough when it happened.
>Garbage thread deleted
It's like poetry
Is Rogan off the juice?
Good Night Sweet Prince
Thanks for the memories
relive it
what the fuck kind of pants is he wearing
>no neck
>visible cum stains on cargo pants
These ceremonial weigh ins are just not a drawl b.
UFC 235 will do 350k buys
Piss moistened
do you know who jonas salk was?
he was the jewish scientist that cured polio. he created the march of dimes to raise millions to fund his research.
polio was a crippling and deadly disease putting children all over the world into a wheelchair or an early grave. the vaccine for polio was one of the greatest medical achievements of the last century. its a globally essential medicine.
and this guy jonas salk?
he could have made billions from it. he could have patented it and made actual billions of dollars.
you know what he did? he waived the patent. he gave up billions just to make sure as many people who could be helped got the help they needed. he became a celeb after that even though he hated it. truly a great man and he left the world a better place than he came into it.
If I had a choice between polio existing in the USA/world and jews. I would choose polio every single time and twice on sundays. I would infect myself with polio and tour america spreading the disease in a custom built wheelchair or crutches if it meant all the jews and their influence were excised from my country like the cancer they are.
polio is nothing compared to the harmful effects of jews on the USA and world.I would give anything to live in a world where our biggest problem was building access ramps and compliance with the civil disabilities act.
that sounds like hyperbole. it is not. 100% authentic feelings. I cant sleep at night anymore. I wish I never started questioning things. I wish I was still a dumb rube out there able to laugh at things instead of a woke misanthrope. I envy the dumb.
"Trust me" trousers
>Diego Sanchez
He'll be the first UFC death in the cage, won't he?
Absolutely based. Hope he bloodies Gall.
what an autist
I legit had the exact same thought
Heeminder that Diego beat Craig white, who is a bigger, better version of Gall.
That sheboon next to Britany is gross.
Mickeys a bean pole
she's the only sexy one there, those other two plastic inflatables are disgusting
I was going to make a shitpost about how someone will miss weight, even though I know they already weighed in, so I could get replies.
But then I didn't.
Can't let Bellator get too far ahead in the fatalities department.
This but unironically
Except Diego got rocked twice every round and would have gotten finished if Craig could break a clinch or stop a takedown
Put money on Gall then, nigger. He's the favorite. Put up or shut up.
I respect you candour
What a cringe, Joe.
what is he askren?
There is no universe where i cum in Tecia Torres ass is there?
what did tony ferguson mean by this?
Did Rogan just say "fucking ben askren"?
Never bet on sports in my life but I'm seriously tempted to parlay Stephens and Gall. Is Stephens underdog or fav?
rate my humor heem
his nickname is Funky
LMAO did you guys see Robie? He has hopped on the rocket fuel. Dude looks the most ripped I have ever seen him.
"Chunky" Ben Askren hehehe
Lil Heathen is the dog for some reason. He's going to heem the life out of that cutbabby mountain nigger.
at least 200 upboats on reddit
Big Underdog, Gall is a fav tho
>Tony's meme rolls were actually him being unable to walk properly
You have to applaud the UFC for giving mentally challenged individuals a chance.
Stephens is a +240 dog
>starts of suppressing his need to capitalize every word
>Slowly Starts Capitalizing Every Word
I Love This Guy
That's my thing that I post once per thread, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT STOP
Robbie lost boyhood status when he got heemed by a darkie tbqhwymg
>for some reason
1. Stephens is a bum with a near 500 record
2. Zabit is a literal ninja Jihadi
lmao bro.....
does usman have the most boring highlight reel at 170?
Should I take 9.0 on JJ by points?
probably some code for him saying he's going to duck more fights
ALSO no woodley is up there
Remember when Rogan had a super high girl voice and a heavy Boston accent? That TRT, man.
None of you fags can handle this parlay
nice losing bet
I did Stephens and Lawler but Sanchez is too risky imo, I guess with a 5 dollar stake it doesn't really matter.
An actual good parley
Smiff should push Jones at this weigh in after being respectful all this time to start the mind games
I will LITERALLY show my 3 inch penis along with my face, name and address on /heem/ if Diego Sanchez wins.
Woodley has excellent highlights mate. They're just all blacksplosion knockouts.
Woodley looks game for this shit, more I see it seems the more I feel Woodley will take Usman
And I already thought he would win kek
Im going to parlay Jones, Woodley, Zabit, Askren, Gall at like +12.00 and put 30 dollars down
yes, because I'm not willing to literally throw away my money like a retarded degen
this but unironically
I hope woodley gets the ko tmmw, but usman might make it a snoozefest
>smith is shook
jon bless
Im expecting Jones to win but can see Smif making him look human
y r u all watching naked men do nothing but pose
>wearing glasses like a nerd in a faceoff
lol put your firstborn's college savings on Jones
Smith finna catch these picos
The shook fighter usually wins
was the top mole on Max's nose always this big or is that a fucking tumor?
i fixed it heem
They arnt naked, wtf are you watching. Link???
Zabit vs Stephens if OFF, Zabit and Ali in custody
>But dude you don't get it, he frickin wrestles bears!!!
honestly what we'll see is Smiff blitzing forward, Jones avoiding most of the shit but Rogan losing his mind like Jones is about to get knocked out and Smiff is the toughest fight of his career
>paying for your children's college
Jones is a cheater but he's a real good mind gamer. DC was the only one who ever actually shook Jones, even though JJ won.
highly possible
Jeez, the new black ring card girl is ugly as shit
Who the fuck is hiring these women?
I’m pretty sure we’re getting close to ring card men/trans women.
would you be sad if rogan died?
Post fascinating additions to the light heavyweight division.
Classic Rogan, yes
Modern Roidan, no
Bro, I sat down in Calgary cheering Stephens on loud and proud and Aldo dropped him with a tummy punch, Stephens is a pussy and a fucking fag for making me look like a retard like that. Zabit is going to tap his ass fast
Are you kidding? I'd be devastated.
Have a feeling that Jones is going to look like shit tomorrow. He's still going to win the fight, but it's going to be similar to the OSP fight where he doesn't really do much. Smif's stock will rise and he'll probably go on to get heemed by Reyes or Santos again.
she's been around for like 2 years now and she's hot as fuck. brittney and arianny look disgusting
>tfw keep seeing my heem oc years later
Have seen like 3 of my pieces the past couple days that I made 2+ years ago. Makes me feel all fuzzy like a peach
DC shook Jones? Wtf were you watching?
Word to the wise: limit parlays to either 2 or 3 fights.
If anyone hurt him i would take revenge
Lmao fag
>being this much of a homosexual
what if the post is retard speak?
I don't think so, he's fresh off kicking gustaffson's ass and he looked good in that fight and has no ring rust now going into this one.
I got a 4 fight parlay last time betting on Ngannou, Fili, Felder, and Aljo so im DOWN TO GO FUCKING NUTS THIS WEEK.
>yfw Smiff loses this but goes up to HW, wins 3 fights and gets another title shot
it's possible but I don't think it happens. Jones is a big gameplanner, and the OSP fight was on short notice so he hesitated to take any real risks as he never had time to study. He's looked through Anthony's shit by now, just look at what he did to Gus a couple of weeks back. Was vicious
Idc, feels good to know my artwork lives on
All Diego has to do is plant his feet, bite down on his mouthguard, and throw haymakers. What's Mickey "5-1" Gall bringing to the table that Diego hasnt dealt with before?
Ben Askren
Jones TKO's Smiff by feeling the distance with his arm extended, then doing his reach-into-elbow strike.
He's so fine he blows your mind.
name one example of a shook Jones
>hey pussy are you still there
>you suck
>brawl at the staredown
A non-shot body and a brain that isn't calcified from CTE.
Because of what he said about Eddie? Eddie has been disrespecting Poirier a lot recently.
How so?
Lawler was a horrible addition to your parlay & screwed you.
Join mijn kanker Whatsapp groep klootzak
Jones will destroy Smiff and JJ will only ever lose when he gets overconfident with his chin and someone lands a haymaker on him.
It’s called a repeatedly broken nose you fucking never been in a fight loser
If Anthony Smith isn't the LHW Champion tomorrow night, it means he lost the fight
immediately after Porier kod him he said "only reason you won is they stood us up" POOR SPORT
also claims he is 1-1 with Dustin after an Illegal Knee NC, he thinks its a win DELUSIONAL
I thought so too for a second then I remembered bloody Rory and clicked confirm
classic rogan was on more gear than current to be desu with you family
>everyone who's been in a fight breaks his nose
airtight logic aside, are you trying to tell me that breaking your nose makes your mole grow?
Rampage, now that was a good fighter.
>cheering for a 6'1 featherweight cutbabby mudslime from russia
This is a new low for you, leaf.
But that's not recently, that was a while back.
what ethnicity is ben askren?
Remember when Rampage crashed his truck into another vehicle and actually caused a pregnant woman to miscarriage?
Well straight after the fight he claimed they were 1-1 and Dustin won because of the ref, then when Dustin vs Max got announced he kicked off about the interim belt being a joke. Him and Dustin are definitely not cool.
will win easily
Damn proud of you son. Fili has screwed me in the past, losing fights he should win and winning fights he should lose.
If you pay for the PPV, you should get the entire card all on TV. Fuck this fight pass > espn > ppv shit. It's fucking annoying. I dont mind prelims on espn, but fight pass sucks.
Look how shook Jones is here
all that head rubbing reminds me of a chimp. not even being racist, I love the brothas
Post Dustin webms.
On par with your image-editing skill.
will be the most easy fight of jon jones career, will not even be funny.
Everyone who fights mma or has had several irl fights has broken their nose.
Second, yes. You get a permanently disfigured, knotted, swollen or widened nose.
Go get in some fights you fucking faggot.
But now it finally reached his brain and made him absolutely insufferable
yeah Idk about either of those claims. simmer down, spammy. don't take the phantom limb pain out on your bros.
>he doesn’t have a cracked fightpass account
make me
Jones has literally never been shook in his entire life
Excellent strategy. You should be a coach.
Because you’ve never been in a fight in your life.
There’s nothing I despise more than mma fans who have never been in a fight or learned to defend themselves.
I stop fights before they happen
I grew up street fighting in S. Florida bitch I probably could have fought in some of the regional scenes for sure
lads what does heem stand for?
Why isn't there mma anime?
lol if you say so chief. chill out though, it's fight week!
bio, come back
based dockgod
Incorrect. 8ncooect, this is it and he isn’t go8ng to get there.
If you suck at one part of the game and rule one, then you're not a complete fighter
/fa/ meetup
I was about to ask “seriously, who’s letting Diego keep fighting?” But then I realized it’s Diego Sanchez, fighting is all he has & no one gives a shit about him.
>tfw you realize uncle Dana really loved Chuck
>never been shook
"This is gonna be terrible, this is gonna be messy. I gotta go. I was afraid, man. I freaked out. I was afraid to talk to the police at the time. So, I just thought I had to get away from this.”
- Jon Jones
Never having been in a fight is a virtue. Only the stupid fight on the street. Not knowing HOW to fight is the thing you think you're making fun of.
hate everyone even myself
Why would you fight unless you are defending yourself or are making lots of money in a professional career?
Come to Houston
Okay Jorge
>Diego's last win was over a downie
too bad she;s obsessed with tattoos. Although, I would still cover her mouth and fuck her until she taps
heem everyone even myself
where is matt brown, miss him, always with good fights, win or lose.
Maybe, he got width-mogged big time by Alex Jones, too.
I wanna place bets this weekend but IDK what site to bet with. Please help me out heem bros. How do I avoid getting scammed?
uh that was jon jones, sweety
He beat a bigger version of Gall since then.
Because you are defending yourself.
That’s literally what a fight is.
Okay. For what? You know you’d never show your stupid, fat, greasy, acne-covered face.
I too need a good site to bet on.
Thoughts on the dana white and colby chaos situation? When the fuck are we going to see colby wrestlefuck to another UD again? Hopefully marty and t-wood don't make it a boring wrestlefuck which they most likely are. Someone should ask Dana if he counts cards, and how many casions have banned him for life.
Doesn't Canada just have betting sites like skybet, betfred, william hill?
Didn't MJ gets trashed up by Nate right after this fight? Or am I remembering wrong?
>gently stroking his rapidly balding scalp while shedding butter tears
It's painful to watch what balding does to a man... every single lost hair is a piece of your soul gone forever.
you said "go fight pussy". Looking for a fight is not defending yourself, dunce. And I have something that completely negates everything the best of the best in mma can throw at me, a gun.
If you give yourself brain damage for no reason, you're a fucking idiot.
Bovada accepts bitcoin
this one was truly a /fa/ meetup for the boys
muh guns
Just realized Mirgliotta lost his shoe. Also realized Mirgliotta has a hole in his sock which means he's a dirty bum
How is Savate for MMA guys? Better than Kickboxing or Sambo?
bulgarians are born with brain damage m8
lmao he does have a hole in his sock wtf dan
Im sorry you don't have the freedom to defend yourself. At least your shithole government allows you to spar and feel tough.
Having a gun means I am smart. Jon jones can be the greatest ever and be in the best shape ever, but all of that is completely meaningless when a 80 year old woman with a gun could stop him easily
imagine the smell
Reffing is not a lucrative career. That's why they're all corrupt. Herb Dean is paid off. The fact that Dan has a shitty sock is testament to his integrity.
>he thinks you get brain damage from getting in a fight
>he thinks he would use his gun if he got in a street fight
Dude, I can’t wait til you get your ass beat.
You have no idea how to defend or handle yourself irl.
Imagine being such a loser that you’ve never had to defend yourself or wanted to learn how to do so.
ez money desu
dustin kind of looks like a cuck here
I unironically train bjj and kick boxing, as well as lifting. Im 6'2, 245 lbs and have a 550 deadlift. I also have a gun. I prefer a gun because it is more effective.
You called someone a faggot because they haven't broken their nose in a fight. If you're going around fighting for no reason and doing damage to your body (ie; a broken nose), then you are not bright. And yes, getting hit in the head causes brain damage. Look up CTE if you can manage a google search
Who accepts debit/global cash cards from the US?
Colby is lucky he didn't get his legs broken, walking up to a high roller's table blatantly recording.
Do you have Kelvin in that awful jacket?
you sound like a basedboy redditfag
go back
Zabit fucked you m8 + Lil Heathen is a huge underdog would’ve made your parlay much more lucrative
bovada and betdsi will take anything with a mastercard or visa logo
Colby vs Askren can headline the fightpass prelims on the next Conor card
Sambo is unironically the best MMA base until jiu jitsu 2.0 arrives.
Shut the fuck up nerd.
lil heathen is getting decision'd.
You should like an incel who view the world through a reddit/Yea Forums dichotomy. Unlikely that you have ever seen a vagina.
House Every Episode: Misdiagnosis
>watching old nate fights
diaz bless
>tfw no Sambo gyms around here
What do I do, I'm an Americlap and there is no where in my city that teaches Sambo. Should I substitute Kickboxing/Judo for a base until I move?
Dude a broken nose is no fucking big deal & I broke it in a professional boxing match you loser.
You don’t unironically train shit or you’d have broken your nose, been in a fight & know how to defend yourself without screaming “I’d use my gun if I got in a street fight.” You’re a loser. Nothing you say is true, I doubt you even own a gun.
Imagine being such a loser you have to lie on /heem/.
thats pretty cool
Thanks broski
will send you a cut of my winnings
Gambling is a sin.
I think you’d be surprised
I think Lil Heathen will fuck Zabit up
>breaking your nose for literally no reason
Yeah you're stupid. If you think all of mma training is sparing, then you are literally retarded. Jon jones doesn't even spar but he is the best ever.
It's cringe worthy how you brag about having a broken nose. How about you learn some head movement and not get hit?
after askren loses tomorrow, no chance he fights colby. He's not even ranked yet. Even if he wins a decision, i highly doubt he'd get a chance at the title, he's still got some way to go, he can't skip over all the other guys who have been waiting.
So Tony posted on his instagram that he has a learning disability, is that why we all like him so much?
thawlts on Marty's new look?
I use "betsafe" which is some UK based betsite. When I was in Malaga Spain and Googled it i got linked to other sites so maybe some governments don't allow it and force you to go to local places. Had to post a pic of my face, ID and a letter with your address on it. If none of that is of any problems then the site is good
yikes dawg
Shut the fuck up, nerd.
Judo is a meme. Find a BJJ school that works a reasonable amount of standing grappling and you're good. Then you Enter The System with John Danaher to make your jiu jitsu 100x more effective.
For striking, boxing, muay thai, and kickboxing all have their pros and cons. I went with boxing, which I feel is the best for self defense.
What is jiu jitsu 2.0? Why did it get updated?I know bjj but not the 2.0
Maybe I'm just out of touch but that looks awful.
very cringe yikes, is that the nebraska flag?
lol. I could heem you and everyone in this thread
Don’t skip leg day bros
That whiteface isn't fooling anyone, dumb nigger.
was before
and he never got trashed up, it was like 29-28 and MJ only lost the last round because he got frazzled and abandoned the game plan
Alright, what do you think of Savate for striking? I plan on competing one day
imagine being the kind of pussy who whips out a gun when challenged to fisticuffs
Do you any of you remember on Embedded when Gus did that helicopter ride into the grand canyon? Well I saw that shit and it looked badass so I booked the same tour with the same company and I ended up having the same pilot that flew Gus and his team.
pic related.
Imagine if Ben loses to Lawler and then Usman beats Tyron. All that trash they talked.
>unironically doing stuff because you saw some retard doing it on the teevee
>Had to post a pic of my face, ID and a letter with your address on it
the fuck? is that typical?
Did you copy and paste this from r/mma?
>John Danaher
This one?
Could work if the school is legit, but wouldn't be my first choice if you want to compete in MMA.
I wouldn't be surprised if bjj Danaher actually wrote that
I've actually been wanting to do a nighttime helicopter tour around vegas for a while. My chick had never been on a whirlybird. But she was always kinda down on the idea. I didnt know that could actually land in the canyon. When I saw Gus' reaction I was sold on it. $1000 well spent.
Of course not. What a stupid question.
Yeah I was leaning towards kickboxing, I will have to look around for gyms. I am in the boxing club at my uni but I believe I have a better chance of being successful and going pro in MMA
can't wait for tomorrow, lads
No one has ever challenged me to a fight. Couple reasons. I am pleasant to be around and have no reason to piss anyone off. Im also jacked, and people sense that I could fuck them up so they never start anything. you think jon jones gets in to street fights?
cringe larper
Well you’ll have to
Get in a fight & shoot someone you fucking loser.
What caused CroCop to have a stroke?
You sunova bitch
Id arm bar you in under 40 seconds nerd
>you think jon jones gets in to street fights
he used to all the time. so did lots of high profile fighters in the middle of their careers, chuck, tito, BJ, roger huerta, faber. you're really a larping faggot newfag if dont know any of the streetfights big name pros have been in.
1 more day Jon
>Mirko has been habeeng dese uh, ellerpeptic seejurs, *sniff* it's tawlf my guy
Has there ever been a better career-ending streak?
Obvious samefag
It looks like his skull is growing. Maybe HGH.
this guy is going to make a lot of people millionaires...
>What a stupid question.
Just looked like something I'd see on r/mma
Has a heavyweight ever missed weight
based old man Crocop gadooshing goofs left and right
Justin Willis fucked up his cut somehow
This is cool, don't let jealous retards tell you otherwise.
I'm insulted.
Redeemed Mirko.
Tim Sylvia
This is my weight.
What event was that?
Based, the sport where Vegas always wins. Jones is being set up. Smith is going to beat him.
I don't think it's cool, if helicopters back motor malfunctions there's nothing you can do. You're dead.
get a second mortgage and put it on smif NOW
Taking Gonzaga out with elbows is one of the craziest fucking things I've ever seen, I still can't believe it
>Vegas always wins
Except for that one time. Who coached Holly in that fight? Oh right.
Schaub heemd both of those clowns
>not crocop edition
Pleb caz op
Makes you wonder just wudder we even doonin here?
Iz izmt murrko... Iz it?
>be Tim Sylvia
>bullied fat kid who just wanted to get his frustrations out in the gym
>Matt Hughes and his brother bully you even though they know that you used to look up to them as fighters
>become decent at fighting, lose a ton of weight
>become HW champ of the UFC
>crash and burn after losing the belt to an old man
>gain all the weight back and more
>get heemed over and over again
>miss weight at HW
Is there a fighter who has suffered more?
why does hyung man myung fight so infrequently. i was excited to see more from him after he beat huggy bear twice.
Watch ONE Championship.
Smif Era
Tony has a learning disability.
Guys i am in a love octagon and i cant get out. I wish it was a trianhle
He jus has one last scowlp to claim, bee.
This was the video that changed heems opinion of Schaub forever... the day the disrespect ended
i know people who know tim and apparently he's always been a prick. i'm sure people at miletich did give him a hard time but he was a jackass before that.
How can he just LIE like that
it's not a lie if you believe it
Was that part of their fat boy tournament? I had to look him up because I couldn't even remember the guy
But he stole Arlovski's girlfriend
Watching Nicks TUF season today. Diaz bless.
You have to be 18+ and obviously they want your information to check it. If they have underage people bet they are probably into big trouble
>Woah, fights Saturday night? You gotta keep here late to reorganize and repost those FBA listings, all fucked up, contact customer support on that one. Thanks. Talk with Karen, I need to cancel the meetings for the next week
People have trouble understanding why I boy Smif. Its not to be contrarian. Its not because I hate Jon. Its not because I'm of my homophobia or racism. Its not because I hate WME and WME people. Its not because I'm from Nebraska. Despite all the USADA exceptions and the shortened suspensions, I just can't shake that feeling. That feeling I had when I watched Rocky Balboa. Was it real? No. Was it realistic? No. But is hope real or realistic? Is the dream of a child something to be ashamed of? Maybe I'm a fool. Maybe I'm deluded. I boy Smif because I believe that even in the face of insurmountable odds, maybe, just maybe, a man can reach a height he never thought possible.
Bad meme. Try something else
He's an idiot that says whatever shit his management dumps into his head before they send their army of phoneposting little fuckheads over to heem
I'm sorry for making fun you, Tim "The Maine-iac" Sylvia.
Get out
I wouldn't fight you and would probably be your friend :)
But if Jones loses, reddit wins.
One more day till Stephens finally pulls the trigger due to round 1 sub by Zabit
You’re talmbout Brendan Schaub I think. The man is an inspiration.
How so? Jones is one of the Reddit fighters like DC and kebab. Gustaffson was /ourguy/ and fucked up in the rematch
i dont recall if it was a tournament or not but i was just really impressed by him in the second huggy bear fight. hands were super sharp and fast for a HW and before him huggy had never been finished, let alone by strikes.
Sorry kid if
the absolute size of that lad
I really wanted to like Gall, but he's just so bland and his attempts to have a personality are terrible. His walkout song choice is the only good thing about him.
You now remember the Tim Sylvia Blind date episode.
is twitchy watching the fights or what
On that point. Whats a good TUF season to watch after I finish TUF 5?
I actually like that. Stephens is most unlikely of the bunch, you'd do better just betting Lawler straight up
Gall and Askren are far from a sure thing. Woodley could possibly be upset as well
Stephens could actually win a decision since Zabit doesn't check leg kicks.
>Woodley could possibly be upset as well
fuck thanks for that man i just spat my drink over my screen you cunt
it's not even a good walkout song. yeah it has his first name in it, whoopity doo.
The Uriah Hall season. The first coed season. 5 is the best.
>lobster, you're gone
It's a good walkout song, it got me hyped. Also, it pissed Dana off so much he initially blocked its use.
>Also, it pissed Dana off so much he initially blocked its use.
What a power hungry faggot. If I want to walkout to some black metal with lyrics about fucking aborted baby corpses I should be able to.
it could be good for a different fighter who is actually unabashedly flamboyant but mickey gall is not that guy. when it plays and he comes out it's just incongruent.
ur incongruent
Hope Diego walks out to Turn Down for What again.
would laugh my ass off at all the JRE brainlet faggots tears
>DC was the only one who ever actually shook Jones
Gustafsson 1
cody finna get heemed
anyone else here a big fan of Mike Adriano? he heems assholes. he's basically a superhero
Why would you laugh? That's really mean. Consider deleting this post as it is not appropiate.
If he's the mittens guy, he makes some of the worst, most unappealing porn imaginable.
It's only business, spammy
girls seem to love his coke can
That fat cunt gabe getting colonics and eating cake instead of cutting weight
>b... put me back in
does spammy sperg out whenever he feels phantom limb pain?
Ukraine? More like u cryin
Stephens is gonna put Russia nigger out for 6 months
Fat people deserve to be bullied
Post your walkout
Jones also looked like shit vs Gus and still got the win. Crumbling under pressure boxing and gassing quick.
it's unfortunate for him, since he could have rematched and beat mir, fedor and kongo if he could have kept fighting
in soviet russia gold car drive you
you dont come back from getting heemed by schaub
He's 28 and awkward, but why would he let a 22 year old stripper talk to him like that? Makes me cringe.
can you just tell me what happened to you legs?
Comfy picks. If diegos chin holds up he's got gall...by the ball(s)
they abandoned him on their own free will, as did everyone who ever knew him
He should be able to TD smif and get the gnp to win early. However he looked like trash last fight.
Having a really bad day today so be careful when you (you) me
I want to see Ryan Gosling fuck Emma Stone passionately with a lot of footplay.
Anyone else betting on TWood
hope jones dies from a drug overdose tonight brehs
He'll reign as Champion for years to come, get the Hammill loss overturned and continue juicing because if Trump is anything to go by, evil always wins.
Well heem?
no Usman is literally free money, Tyrone's washed up
would prefer you keep politics out of this mate, cant take a piss these days without someone complaining about Hilary or Trump.
please no more
Yes, of course. Usman has nothing for him.
Did you lose your life's savings betting on Till?
>tfw just dropped a cheeky 15k on anthony smith to win via submission in the first
how's life treating you lads?
shitskins are the hordes of mordor
Everything is politics. How can you ignore politics when a genocidal state is being built under our noses?
Based Woodley hasn't let me down his last 3 fights
not everything is america mate
go to pol if you want to talk about your feelings regarding a politician
Wait till they nail him for laundering money through Affliction
Till was robbed
Dana White Ranger
its crazy how Yea Forums went from comfy to an unrecognizable third world shithole in not even 3 years
There is literally no quality left on Yea Forums anymore. I honestly think we should be physically abusing all internet using teenagers. They run rampant on here spamming literally all day with instructions from whatever discords they are apart of.
faggots talking about off topic shit have ruined the board like old mate crying about blumpf
People are going to be disappointed thinking Tyron is going to ko Usman, this fight will be like the second wonderboy fight.
shut the fuck up cry baby
>ill try leading with an uppercut on someone at range, that's a good trick
Usman couldn’t finish roidsanjos
>2 weeks till UFC London
>ticket still not sold
are you gonna go Luke? let us know what you're gonna wear so we can spot you during the crowd shots
>i'll try dropping my other hand too so my head is exposed, that'll do yeh
yes but on heem I'd act like an edgelord to cope
>3-0, it's great, I'm really impressed
fuck off Dana, stop sucking Goobs dick
Not at all.
I'm not Luke but no I can't go now that's why I'm selling my ticket.
why can't you go? :(
>unrecognizable third world shithole
Maybe that's why I feel so at home.
are the sylvans in witcher 3 named after him?
Getting surgery on the Friday and they'll keep me in hospital overnight. I could have asked them to delay it but at the time resale tickets were selling so much I thought I'd just sell my ticket and not go. I was going with my cousin and his mate who I don't even know so I wasn't too bothered anyway. Didn't think ahead though that nobody would want to buy a single ticket even if it's the only one not ridiculously overpriced.
niggas tried to make me go to rehab I was like nah nigga nah -Jon picograins
How is Jon Jones not some cult rap icon like Tony Montana? Dude is literally a white guy at this point with the shit he gots off with
did you practice that in the hotel room?
Wake up, Max
wtf is that Audrey Hollander?
>im just looking for a nice guy who can drink and isn't too nice
what a dumb cunt
I wonder who has more perfect bowel movements, Bigg Ladd or Meeeegan Anderson? cast your votes
juicy slut
why does overeem have a bonereem
Alistair Bonereem
Is Johnny Walker the real deal?
Overeem seems like a nice guy, hope he doesn't get CTE too bad
looks like a big potato
He's surprisingly coherent and articulate for someone who should already be a drooling retard. Compare him to Stipe.
*herniates your path*
Whats this from? I've been watching chiropractor videos a lot lately. My favorite is the guy in Houston that does the Ring Dingers
I imagine Aspen Ladd eats her dinner out of a dog bowl with her dogs.
Should we all stop bullying T-Sperg now we know he has a learning disability?
Mark Hunt in an Aussie accent is my cunt lol
Lads I was interested in Usman as a title contender a few years ago, right when he gadooshed Sergio Moraes, but now that hes made it to a title fight I don't like him anymore, what is this effect called?
Excuse me?
Carnaval are going on in the entire country, but i prefer watch mma e stay here with /heemfriends/
He's looking like it, the true test will be after he KOs Cirkanov and gets a top 8 contender
Was in this one, Dr. Beau Hightower
I prefer Mondragon though
My favorite is Dr.Jason tbqh
worried about predictions bro and twitchy
who is more cringe?
colby "crash ur open workout" covington
marty "nigeria pride worldwide" usman
definitely usman
colby is just plain sad at this point
Colby isn’t cringe though?
colby is entertaining cringe, usman is a black person
That was a good one
he has transcended cringe
He is a kiwi
I've heard a lot of people calling Colby a bitch but I don't know why. He tried to sue someone or was hiding behind his bodyguards. Something along these lines
Anyone here actually picking him?
Werdum threw a boomerang at him and he called the cops on him.
oh yeah forgot about that one with the yoga pants, top 5 chiro vid
Asscum looks like he's never set foot in a gym in his life. You want me to believe he's an elite level wrestler? I would heem this dude into a living death if I ever fought him.
I've heard about it. I thought there was more to it than that
>You want me to believe he's an elite level wrestler?
He is though
I think he won like 2 D1 national titles, holds all-time win records and made the olympic wrestling teams so......
So he's still a DYEL manlet and I would flush him like last night's meatloaf.
If your designation of manlet is everyone under 7' then yeah sure manlet
if you are not at home shitposting on /heem/ on a friday night you are literally gay
>not a manlet
this, except saturday afternoon
Jokes on you, I'm a eunuch
>the boomer rea of mma is officially over
>tfw this is my first time around actually supporting Woodley
feels good lads.
> he loses the first time you support him
Lawler is one hunnit percent back on the gas
Is anyone here good at gambling?
no, but I'm good at throwing money away
life is a gamble kid
>ninja Jihadi
got me good, brother
big yikes from me
>conceive believe achieve
kenny rogers will teach all you need to know
Stephens is looking especially Amish
Shut the fuck up
>losing to a guy who went on to have a stroke a week later
Early to make sure its the right edition
>didn't link old one
i know you had an aneurysm Mirko but come on
just got home from Aldi lads.
got a 16" take-and-bake pizza, a sixer of beer and a toblerone.
i am ready for tomorrow night.
There is absolutely no feasible position for hating the JRE at this stage. His run of guests has been amazing and if you disagree then you are impossible to please. Joe's stand up is mediocre, his commentary is a mixed bag and his views can be cringy. But the JRE is and amazing cultural outlet.
>based aussie /heem/osopher
Joe is as good as his last guest
I've made 500+ betting on UFC, I just do small bets.
Alex Jones podcast
>the JRE is and amazing cultural outlet
heem urself my man
How tf can people listen to Alex Jones for 3 hours+, I literally get bored of his schtick within the first 30 seconds
Chael's jaw movements are very strange. Did he did something to his teeth or jaw?
Absolutely based. Couldn't handle a second part when bjj practitioner arrived
>churchill turning in his grave rn
How tf can people be conservative/right of center and think they're morally just.
This combined with how much weed he's smoked.
The trash talking between them always looks like its gonna lead to the hottest les porno ever
>bjj practitioner
Didn't you guys legalize bestiality? Something about a 7-2 supreme court decision regarding a father training his dogs to lick peanut butter off his ubderage daughters sexual organs? Asking because I'm a little fuzzy on it.
only the extreme white wing is morally just.
10th planet is already here.
>"Let's see... We got Linkin Park, fuck yeah, Eminem... ok, Jay Z, wait a fucking second... "Hey Micky, you're so fine"?!?"
What shade red was Dana?
try not being a self hating over socialized weakling
I can't, my chin is too strong.
10th Planet is a mess. They needa spend more time training zu zitsu and less time smoking da heefer. Dey will never pess my gward.
this was after sinead sung conors anthem so at this point its was to much
really fuckin bored lads
spending all weekend looking forward to these fights and festering in my own filth in this sun drenched sizzling hell hole
You don't even train fatcaz
go to the beach
I would tap *at least* 80% of your gym.
So fucking based. Are we all posting on /heem/ because we're mentally ill people who like ufc?
You would tap a lot at my gym yes.
Imagine being this man right here:
Beat Dillashaw in 15 seconds and still no one cares about you.
Watch your division be picked apart by weekly cuts.
No one thinks you'll beat TJ at 135lbs.
Could not have a job at any given moment Dana decides to cut the division.
Ask Nikki Bella out publicly and get rejected while she dates extremely handsome Dancer the following week.
Fame fortune and money still can't get you a used up 36 year old WWE diva.
I won't be satisfied until my country is at least 90% Dana Whites
>36 year old WWE diva
holy fuck i thought she was closer to 46
*ankle picks you*
We are here because we didn't take enough dmt to watch alien elves fight to death
Honor Cro Cop and use the prepared thread
Usman is getting heemed
Pathetic, will that even cover your next mcdonalds run?