
making threads until /bet/ is back edition

>FAQ and abbreviations and helpful links

>/bet/ Advice

>How to set up fresh 365s

>/bet/ approved spreadsheet for tracking your bets

>Essential Reading

Attached: JlXtPpf.png (412x351, 78K)

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hyped for the women WC 2bh, I’m hoping I can make as much as the men’s one

>tfw I remember the /bet/ threads from the last womens world cup

Should be pretty profitable desu

Coric is gonna destroy Federror. You read first here.

ha, i wasn't even browsing Yea Forums (or betting for that matter) back then, but it was pretty fun to watch, how good was it for your bankroll?

Neever ever ever bet on football btw


It was very comfy. The bookies had the matches much closer than they should have. There were some huge blowouts.



>betting on women

I won 250 from europaleague

You forgot to put suicide.org/suicide-hotlines.html on OP


Bump so i can read later

it’s all about finding that value innit

Won a few hundred in recent weeks lads

What's the bets for this weekend then?

Work at a bookie lads. AMA

Attached: catmoney.jpg (1440x1162, 243K)

anyone here make a /profit/ from betting? /comfy/ if so

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any albanian man in

>betting on anything except MMA
It's like you guys hate money.

I do ama

how to find motivation to rball slave

For a living since 2005

>betting on mma
why do you do this? match fixing, robberies, many disciplines so there are many upsets, shit odds
even boxing would be better

dont do it, you will get burned, rball should only be used to confirm earlier suspicions in most cases

How much time per day do you work? I mean, watching, reasearching, etc

Free money lads!

Attached: bettt.jpg (474x635, 46K)

>unironically doing multis
Kys brainlet

>not gambling 4 fun

c r i n g e

Miss you lads, fuck discord tho

What happened to the discord? I lost access

I think it's still around, I just don't want to join it again, I prefer anonymity desu

Need a link like AIR

Any fixes?

Fuck Sevilla.

That is all.

dont bet mainstream, there is plenty of money to be won on other games :)

How can I withdraw my winnings from a Malaysian betting site into an EU Bank account?

What did you use to deposit to the site with?

Making money is fun lad