How do we fix the NBA?
Literally every single game every team just spams 3s
How do we fix the NBA?
Literally every single game every team just spams 3s
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I'd rather see teams jack 3's than mid range jumpers. Points in the paint seems fine.
This, I don't see the issue
Explain to me how a mid range jumper is more entertaining
this is better what do you mean
It's already fixed
So it's more skilled now?
Everybody team making the same two shots. It's like in baseball where everybody tries to either get walks or home runs.
Strategically, it's the right thing to do. But it's less entertaining when the sport is so predictable.
blame the analytics homos who came in and minmaxed everything
now the only way to change the meta is in introduce the nba jam random "hotspots" on the floor
imagine wanting to see Shaq lower his shoulder and jump 2 inches 50 times a game because it's impossible to stop an ape like that. What a shitty era.
How would you like if they made goals outside the box worth 2 in soccer so every team just played with like 8 midfielders and went for 30 yard blooters every time they got the ball almost as soon as they get possession
It would end up with like every game having 100 shots and that’s what basketball is like now
I wonder what soccer will look like once it gets minmaxed. Big clubs have only recently started using advanced analytics
there is still room for guys with a good midrange game
because of the 3&dunk offense a lot of defenses don't practice how to rotate to a guy taking 18 footers. guys just don't practice them anymore
happens to every sport
happens to video games too
highest level of competition is a fun vacuum. everything gets stale until someone finds the new hack and totally upends things for a couple months.
but mostly it will be the same thing over and over until the rules change
>now the only way to change the meta is..
...stop watching.
It’s already happening.
scoring blooters is exponentially harder than throwing 3's in apehoop
Ok then make a blooter worth 5 goals then, you get the point, NBA players realized how valuable a 3 is so they abandoned all other offensive strategies in favor of spamming the most possible threes and it’s what every team does
what could be done against it?
increase the size of the 3 point arc?
That's what I did with NFL.
I've officially run out of patience with pampered, spoiled, rich "athletes", and the marketing fucks using them to take our shekels.
Easy to fix—eliminate the 3 point shot. But I agree, this and super teams make the NBA very boring
Players today are more talented at 3s than players from 10-20 years ago. I'd rather watch Curry, Irving and Harden rack up 3s than watch Kobrick chuck
It’s just the difference in environment the kids are raised in. Many players from football and basketball play in a system from a young age/under coaches/in camps and they have the same game.
In football - One two’s till a cross into the penalty area to tap in.
In basketball - Either drive in or be a spot up shooter.
The creativity is gone. I played under no coaches and I can do a bit of everything.
Tennis is probably an example of a sport with still unique playstyles.
Reduce the 3 pts to 2.75
move three point line forward, introduce 5 point line, shots from half court are 7 points
raise the rim 2 inches and stick further out 6 inches
make the 5mm ball smaller
enforce traveling
Guys, it’s done. Creativity in NBA is dead. It’s gone down the same road as Baseball with Moneyball and Statistics accelerated by changing the rules on defense.
In 3-4 years, teams, small/big men will be chucking more 3s and Lebron will be the old guy who still drives.
Any chance of changing the course, is already finished.
make dunks worth 3 points also and add a 5 point line
Put the hoop much higher or much lower to reduce the height advantage
bandwagon another sport you retarded cuck
Eliminate 3 point shot.
Debate me.
The only way is for you to stop watching it OP
I see that NBA finally figured out the obvious.
I never understood why they took risky 2s instead of simply taking 3s. Taking 2s only makes sense if you're guaranteed scoring.
Good to see I was right all long.
There is strategy that involves screens, passing, and ball movement in order for somebody to get an open look from 12 feet out. Jacking up threes involves nothing.
You can't fix it. Basketball has been solved.
they run down one end do this and run down the other end to do it on that side and then back!
exciting and fun! i love the squeaks too! 110-101! what a game!
The only way to fix is to relax rules of contact and let defense get more physical and the NBA wont allow it
Players that have criminal records are banned for life.
I take it you want them to play on playgrounds instead of arenas too?
not an argument
>more memechucking & shots from behind the net will save the NBA
Ok, zoomer
Yeah they do, they finally smartened the fuck up and are exploiting the 3 pointers decades after it was allowed.
Just be happy we don't have NBA teams going full DeVry vs Troy state and just blasting up the score as fast and as high as possible.
Pretty much. It involves more aiming and timing now, instead of sheer speed and agility to close the distance, while everyone involved realizes that if you are going to even fucking bother shooting the ball any distance, you might as well git gud and get the extra points
>blame the analytics homos who came in and minmaxed everything
All they did was forcibly shove facts down the throats of morons who didn't want to accept what loads of people had been saying ever since 3 pointers became a thing
not an argument
Yeah, they gave up and just shot the ball before THE SHAQ could do anything
I don't give a damn about any of that. I just hate the commercials
The SuperTeams. Yeah, man the Shaq/Rapist Lakers at least had some competition
Oh they would destroy them. Because the current 3 pointer and deep penetration of the spread out defense was built for exactly that, to destroy the ancient style
>bring back hand checking
>let players be physical again with off-ball defense
>remove 3 in the key for defense.
>stop handing out techs for every little squabble
Start calling moving screens, that's it.
If you have a elite mid range guy you use him, if no , you dont. For example LMA
No defensive fouls unless you hit their dick or eyes
statistically this is the best solution for shooting percentages. Not enteraining, but it is optimal shooting.
This makes less of a chance that guys like man in pic will appear again
Basketball should work with one point shots only. Any shot awarding one point. If in case of free throws, only one shot because there aren't 2pt and 3pt shots anymore.
How would soccer look like if it had weighted goals like basketball?
easy to fix basket. any shots outside of the big circle don't count, every shots are two points
It depends but let's say goals inside the box (including penalties) are worth 1 and any shot from outside the box to 30 yards are worth 2 and 30+ yards are worth 3. I believe you wouldn't see a major difference in strategy for years, but an instant effect would be that losing teams would become desperate at the end of games and shoot without thinking hoping for a miracle.
After an entire generation I believe we'd see the level drop significantly. Technical and smart players wouldn't be as valuable as people who had cannons for legs in the eyes of the scouts/coaches. Dribbling, passing and overall the speed of the game would worsen and interestingly enough less goals would be scored on average unless FIFA intervened like the NBA does and changed rules to make scoring easier. Like making the goal 10x10 feet or changing the ball's materials so it travels faster and it's harder to stop. Alternatively they could force the keeper to stay in the goal area or whatever that little box is called. So to summarize, it would ruin the sport.
isn't three points easier than 2 points? I mean with 3 points it's pretty much always distance so it's easier for the muscle memory 2 point shots have all sorts of distance so you need to adapt your aim more.
remove the 3 pointer. it used to be deserving of more points as the players were so shit it was a rare skill to be good at it. now its OP to the point it makes the fan experience worse and sports are meant to be fun for the fans first. if a sport isnt good to watch then it will die. desu i think dunks should be worth 3 more than 3 pointers because theyre cool to watch.
this would work too. also fuck free throws desu just causes everyone to flop and every contact is a foul now, how can you have a sport full of 7ft slavs and nigs then not allow them to be physical
Start calling moving screens and if that doesn't help only award at most 2 free throws for a foul on a 3pt shooter.
It's because it's a freak sport for freak people. It didn't used to be in the beginning, the nets were actually a challenge to leap up to, the ball was actually quite difficult to throw in the hoop without time to set yourself.
You now have 8ft tall gigga-niggaz from space who have done nothing but shoot hopes their whole life, the only challenge is making space and evading the other teams gigga-niggaz.
You make the hoop higher, you make the ball heavier, you make the court bigger - if not one all.
The only downside of doing that will be in 50 years these crispr Niggas will be ten foot tall and you have to make it challenging again but the way basketball is now it's just a freakshow
Really shows the intelligence of the people involved in this sport that it took half a century to figure out 3 is better than 2
>How do we fix the NBA?
Make the games 15 minutes long. They're too long and there is too much scoring. I could walk into a game in the 4th quarter and see the same thing as if I watched from the start except each side scored more.
Let the fucking players play. Best ref code ever devised, make it a mans game again like in the 80's
fucking this, there's no sense of progressing in a basketball game
Why did they introduce the 3 point rule anyway?
ok i loled at the 5 pointer behind the moved-forward goal
in 6 years we'd have a curry clone hitting 7 pointers from the forward circle
you'd see a lot more diving outside the box as a free kick goal would be massive
Nakamura becomes the GOAT
no more fouls outside the 3 pt line
How about you make every score go to a poll where the crowd votes whether it gets one, two or three points.
"Contrary to what most might think, players are no better at shooting the 3-point shot than they were 25 years ago; they’re simply shooting more of them. They made 36 percent of their 3-point shots during the 1994-95 season; they made 36 percent this season. Meanwhile, field-goal attempts and scoring have declined since the beginning of the 3-ball era."
even sportswriters will eventually tell you that only the 4th quarter matters
the game is such a meme that the crooked ref was fixing games for YEARS and the only people who picked up on it were mob-connected bookies
0-0s for days
so basketball is becoming netball
how sad
>As the game became more popular, super-tall players began to dominate the sport. In the 40s and 50s, critics were already concerned that it was too easy to score.
>Then, in the 1960s, slam dunks started to take off. They were a captivating shot that reinforced the role of the so-called “big man” on the courts.
>There was a political dimension to all of this as well. The dunk was becoming popular at a turbulent time in the country. >The rise of dunking was seen by some racist critics as a literal manifestation of “Black Power,” embodied in masters of the dunk like Lew Alcindor, who would later change his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
>Under pressure from critics of the dunk, the NCAA made a decision to ban the dunk in 1967. The NBA did not ban the dunk, but still faced criticism about the slowness of play in the league, the game was just too jammed up around the net.
>People suggested a lot of fixes to make the game more dynamic: no backboard, a bigger ball, a smaller ball, even a height cap, which would work like a sports team salary cap but using a player’s height instead of wages.
>The ABA competed with NBA at the time and had many crazy ideas, including half-time shows with bear wrestling. Most of their ideas didn’t stick. Except for one: the three-point shot.
>In 1976, the NBA and the ABA merged. Two years later, they added the three-point shot.
literally white boys got mad about getting dunked on
sure but the 3 was much more open then than now, much more focus on defending the 3 nowadays, which should make the percentage go lower
>a height cap, which would work like a sports team salary cap but using a player’s height instead of wages.
manlets btfo
i agree people want to see dunks and 3s and not some boring shit. without dirk there will be no point in watching those shitty mid range fades
>can’t rebuttal
Literally LMAOing at you, chink.
Did not Leicester build their PL winner team using analytics to maximise cost / efficiency ?
Other than that, football (soccer) is lucky enough to be quite random
Let teams draw their own 3 point line kind of like baseball field dimensions. Best teams would be the ones who could score from everywhere, while the bad teams could try to specialize in order to make up the talent gap.
>quite random
Purely down to Euro distaste of the statistical analysis of sports. Their leagues are currently the world leaders and trend setters so we're stuck in a bit of a rut in terms of tactical development.
It also doesn't help that the best statistical resources are paywalled (Opta, Impect Packing etc) whereas any sufficiently motivated person could begin to break down the NBA, NFL with advanced metrics on their own.
The data needed to revolutionize the sport is already there, it just needs to be opened up to enthusiasts and data professionals.
Lead lined basketballs.
A 10-15 pound ball will be too heavy to throw from the 3 point line, and much more difficult to palm and dunk through the rim.
It will also require modified shooting form (probably thrown overhead or like a shotput) which will dramatically lower shooting %'s and see more diverse (personalized) shot selection
analytics is a conspiracy by white nerds to make lightskins and yuros more effective hence improving the marketability of the NBA
Just check the points per attempt stats, mid range is the least effective choice you could take
It's amazing how long it took the niggers to realize that mid-high risk three points and low risk two points are superior to mid-high risk two points. Imagine how they will function without the white man and his owner the jew
The last 2 big changes in the NBA came from players that played in Europe before
Eurostep and big men taking 3s
Suddenly Lonzo Ball becomes the deadliest shooter of all time with his catapult form.
Only Americans care about advanced metrics.
That's why American sports are the best.
some people say to eliminate the corner three
Make a 4 point line.
It's already been analised by stats, it would still be more efficent than mid range shots, and that's just counting long distance 3s in todays game, where most players don't even train these
Don't forget flopping
Don't know about flopping but Harden copied lot of Euro moves and he gets more fouls called than anyone else
Depends. Usually midrange is still slightly higher %. But it's something like 40% vs 32% for a lot of players, and .32*3 > .4*2
Until either teams overplay the 3 pt line or players become consistently KD-tier at midrange shots, threes will be a "better" shot than 2s. But it's fucking shit to watch
Did some searching. NBA averages 35% from 3 pt, even with centers jacking up threes and stupidly long ones from Curry, Doncic, Harden, etc. Couldn't find numbers on midrange averages, but KD shoots about 51% and I think he's the best.
.51*2 = 1.2 pts per shot for the best midrange shooter in the league
.35 * 3 = 1.15 for the average league player
So to answer your question, yeah 3 pointers are way fucking better than long 2s. Something needs to change
I've never understood why non-americans don't care about metrics.
Stats are fun.
>Something needs to change
Defensive schemes will change and they'll defend the arc better
Check how some teams are playing with 4 outside players and a 6'6 "center" (Rockets without Capella)
Meant 6'8
Playing with "undersized" guys is really common in other countries, and the NBA is slowly moving this way. Also see the lakers when they play with 3 guards, a small forward and LeBron as the center
That's not the whole story because missed 2s are an easier offensive rebound in most cases. I think 2 pt shots (outside paint) also generate more FTs but would have to double check.
>Something needs to change
Refs should start calling moving screens, that should be enough.
Otherwise granting at most 2 free throws from a 3pt foul should also diminish the impact of the 3. 4pt plays would still exist but if the fouled player doesn't finish he'll only get 2 FTs.
>After an entire generation I believe we'd see the level drop significantly. Technical and smart players wouldn't be as valuable as people who had cannons for legs in the eyes of the scouts/coaches
This isn't true, and soccer tards think it so is amazing. The comparable distances are enormous, and in Basketball to hoop has no dedicated defender, in soccer it does. And that dedicated defender has much, MUCH more time to intercept the ball if its shot out from too far, meaning close in shots will always have an advantage
Weighted scoring for soccer wouldn't change a thing, it would just act as retard bait
Fix with 2.5 point shot. Unironically.
Lol, that slows things down but it wont stop it
Yeah, it would get them hurt
of course it would change the whole game, are you a numbskull? serious question
It would not change the game to the degree that using the 3 point line has, for the simple reason that the soccer equivalent, in proportion, would be much harder to do.
Good post