Cord cutting for sports

cable is too expensive anybody recommend a service that covers lots of sports?

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>cable is too expensive
lol poorfags

How much are you paying for cable? I do Hulu with live tv for $39.99 a month. Sports are all I care about in terms of live events and this has most everything I watch. The ESPNs and Fox Sports included.

Youtube TV is bretty good

bump just for other user answers. I recently moved but money is going to be tighter. thinking I should just stream everything until something falls in place, I only watch mlb nfl and english soccer. just hoping I don't get jewed more money than I should because I want the internet only, no tv channels whatsoever



worst Bergman film desu

I havent missed a single event that I wanted to see in the last 5+ years and have streamed everything for free. NBA MLB NFL NHL EPL MMA Boxing, etc.
Believe it or not one of the best places to get streams is on reddit. Search "reddit mlb streams" for example. Theres a lot of good streamers but also a lot of shitty ones. Make sure you have an up to date ad blocker and select the high rec streams. After you do this for a bit you will find a few that always have a great stream and can be trusted. You might need to be patient at first until you find some really solid streamers. Buffstream for example is great if you see it, he does NBA and NFL that I know of and probably a lot more.

You can get most everything with Hulu.

I made the switch a year and half ago and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

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