France/germany friendly game with the girls

Game start in 5 min who gonna watch it ?

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pity bump

Post the stream bruv

It begins lads

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Post more no 4, 18, 7

And german qts too

>who gonna watch it
Lesbians, beta males, and eunuchs.

new phone who this?

>8 bitches
>not a single set of tits or woman hips among them all
They should be culled imo.

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Handsome "ladies".

I'm a lesbian in a man's body

Anyway what an US guy doing in a women's football thread , wait..

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Yeah no that’s a hard pass from me dawg.


For me, it's Karchaoui.

Post her bf

surely you mean diving right?

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jesus christ that amateur tier level

we laure posting? my man

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I tried but this shit is fucking depressing

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I want to touch her seashell


ah yes

Nice job Germany

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we suck

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Can someone explain why France's men's team is all black and the women's team is still all white?

I miss this girl so much

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They have black boyfriends tho

such a babe

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>all white
we have many non whites. suburbs are very "misoginistic", minority girls don't get to act like boys

who is far right fucking tell me now I need to know for... reasons

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ève périsset

only passable frogette

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me on the left

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We need a Camille on the field not at commenting this shit

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imagine like going out for a drink or dinner or something stupid with them lol haha wow that lol like haha

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yeah ahah we would have fun, unlike those poor guys who are only confident when they're anonymous on the internet ahah

>used to do hot yoga with my one ex
>animalistic sweaty sex pre-shower post-yoga
dude sweaty white pussy is patrician, I would fucking destroy laure or this eve chick, imagine tagging them after a game
i'm super white too mostly german and irish but why amnI even saying this fucking Yea Forums has tapped my mind

ahah I'd just settle with cumming in their shampoo bottles, I'm a simple guy ahah

damn not even panty stealing shit? you're shifty

We suck hard tonight lads i have a bad feeling for the next WC ;_;

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let's post some random chicks then

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wtf why are we losing we have the possession!

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lol do you mind if I save that pepe? you can have this one

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sure thing, come closer to save it, come on get closer...

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We are not spinards..

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just fuck my shit up i will never impregnate a soccer qt

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You have more soccer whores than everyone dude, just go for it...

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Bouhaddi has been shit for years. Management has killed the teams potential by not benching her.

I would penis that tranny.

Like a good us guy, i never doubt about that

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>carpet munching football

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>shitskin delusion

My waifu is a big women's soccer fan