British club has a betting website as its kit sponsor

lifelong bet365 here watch your tongue mate

yeah it should and it's heading that way

>yeah it should

Back to Karachi

It's a bit shocking how many people gamble on a daily basis, it's a total mugs game. Wouldn't ban it but I'd certainly tone down the promotional aspects, the obnoxious laddish ads. Nothing will happen though because there's too much money and it's concerned with something more nebulous than a simple good like tobacco.

this. betting is fine but should be kept completely separate from the sport and even sports reporting

>having ANY type of sponsor bar the clothing brand on your uniforms

This is the current champions of South America

Attached: river 2019.jpg (1200x1200, 118K)

>being an american franchise

>be south american league
>every single team has the same BBVA sponsor

that's because ain't no one wanna sponsor that poor shit