Every year around this time, Yea Forums doubts him, and every year, Yea Forums is praising him and calling him goat at the end of the season
Every year around this time, Yea Forums doubts him, and every year...
i've always called him la bitch
He’s literally going to miss the playoffs
Don’t ever want to hear him mentioned in the same breath as Jordan agaib
>and every year, Yea Forums is praising him and calling him goat at the end of the season
giannis is a better lebron anyway
The greatest athlete and basketball player of all time and theres nothing boomers can do about it.
>le travel every other dribble and no jumpshot man
Literally no one on Yea Forums outside of your autism general cares about cuckhoop. You have to go back.
isnt he injured
>advanced stats
Praised for being swept in b2b finals? From whom.
he's like 100 games beyond MJ. Jordan was long retired by the time he had this much mileage. If MJ can miss the playoffs with the Wiz why can't Lebron miss the playoffs for once? And the Lakers are only missing the playoffs because he's injured, they were like 6th before the injury.
he doesn't travel his legs are just really long so one step looks like three. Also he doesn't need a jumpshot when he can drive from halfcourt
based Turk
MJ had nothing to prove with the Wiz. He was already the GOAT and on top of that, HE WAS 40 YEARS OLD schooling dudes literally half his age. LeBum cherry picks when to play and when not to play.
The Lakers won't make the playoffs.
>not commenting "3-6" on every one of his IG posts
he wasn't swept in 2017. He was literally the only reason the Warriors didn't go 16-0. And last year he should've won but pic-related happened on his 50-point triple doublt.
LeBron has nothing left to prove, he's already the GOAT.
yeah after two vacations. Lebron passed MJ in games played like two years ago. He lead the league in minutes the last two seasons, I'm sure if he was playing minor league baseball instead he'd have more energy this year.
Honestly, if you think LeBum is the GOAT, I'm ok with it. I disagree emphatically but I kknow this is a legit debate. To me its not close. LeBum is the best talent the NBA has ever seen but his lack of a strong mental game causes him to disappear in key moments. Thats how he will be remembered. Thats why Kobr and MJ will be remembered as greater overall players than him.
LeBum has all the talent in the world, more than any other player ever but he's weak mentally. No killer instinct.
Yes, JR Smith fucked that game up.
But you're fucking delusional if you think that would have led to the Cavs winning that series.
He has everything to prove. He's legit 3-6 in the finals my guy.
LeBeta is the Aaron Rodgers of apehoop, except black and not gay.
Literally quit on his team TWICE, nice mental game.
Nobody thinks he's better than LeBron.
user above said swept and I feel confident that if they win that game they would not have been swept.
It's almost like basketball is a team sport my guy. Put MJ on the Cavs last year and tell me they beat the Warriors.
Also MJ got to play before zone defense and 3-ball, his game wouldn't be nearly as good today
>what ifs
>Zone defense, 3 ball
Really? The game changes in the era. Put LeBrick in MJ's era and he gets pounded to the court so much, he goes home and cries and takes up some other career. The game evolves and the players evolve with it. There is zero merit to any of that nonsense about MJ not having to deal with this or LeBron not having to deal with that. Its irrelevant.
I'll put it this way.
If I can go back in time and start a team knowing what I know now about MJ, based Kobr and LeBrick, I would take MJ for sure over LeBron. Kobe and LeBron would be a tossup.
Dudes who win > Dudes who don't win.
>hurrrr durrr let me write a lot about how I don't know jack shit about literally any team sport at all!
wow user you sure showed me, openly admitting that you don't even know what a team sport it proves that you're the expert on all this!
Dudes who win > dudes who don't win
>get owned
Get mad because no comeback
Stay mad bruh
So why are you talking about MJ? Bill Russell is the obvious GOAT, he won almost twice as many rings as MJ did.
LeFraud is not and has never been /ourguy/.
>Robert Horry is better than Michael Jordan
you totally owned me!
>8 team league
No one cares
And I'm a Celtic fan
The NBA media and NBA fans in general have a habit of overrating regular season woes like they're in the fucking NFL and regular season games matter at all. Remember when the Warriors lost like 3 games in a row earlier this very season and everybody said they were falling apart? Remember when people thought the Rockets weren't making the playoffs?
But anyway Lebron isn't making the playoffs lol
Do you want US citizenship? I can make it happen.
>Dudes who win > dudes who don't win
The game changes in the era. If MJ were truly elite he would have evolved to fit his era.
>still can't disprove my point
have fun not winning titles with your Lebrick team while my MJ led team wins titles
>activates playoff mode
>loses to the grizzlies and an AD-less pelicans
Woah. So this is the GOAT
The lakers are in 10th place and have lost repeatedly to teams that are tanking
If he pulls it out I'm going to pretend to be a Lakers fan and shitpost in /nba/ everyday and if he doesn't I'm going to shitpost Lakeshit fans. I literally can't lose or be stopped.
>still can't disprove my point
no user, I conceded the point. You are correct, Bill Russell is the undisputed GOAT and Robert Horry is better than Michael Jordan. Nobody can possibly argue that because, as you say
>Dudes who win > dudes who don't win
and everything else is irrelevant, I mean only somebody who actually watches the games and understands basketball could dispute any of that.
>still hasn't disproved anything I have said
>is actually unironically illiterate
That 2011 stench is never coming off.
He's been a joke since 2010 and nothing has changed
Mileage is the biggest meme in history. Literally no such thing.
imagine being such a shit sports fan that you actually mock a guy for beating the greatest team ever in the NBA finals 33% of the time
Good teams figure this out. It took a while for the Warriors, but they've got it now
There's no real reason to give a shit about the regular season
Just chill and tune up for the playoffs
Lakers are shit tho
He’s like a top 15 player all time, that’s it though
LeBron on a good team in the weak ass east
>LeGOAT carries all his teams to the finals and makes everyone around him better! People WANT to play with him!
LeBron on a weak ass team in the good west
>You can't blame LeBron! He's trying his hardest and his teammates just aren't good enough and they aren't trying hard enough so they can be his trade fodder!
Extremely based
People aren’t built like cars you fucking retard. Human cells are regenerative. Read a book.
Lakers were a 5th-6th seed before Lebron's injury.
>People WANT to play with him!
The league's best big man literally got fined because of how much he wanted to play with LeBron. AD demanded a trade before the deadline and said he wouldn't re-sign with anybody except LeBron.
>better passer
>better shooter
>better build
MJ is a marketing product first and foremost, and if he were not a marketing product he wouldn’t have such a rabid army of defenders.
>3 golds and 6 silvers
>a bad thing
>and every year, Yea Forums is praising him and calling him goat at the end of the season
>celebrating silver medals
>durr it's better to lose early to some literal who than to finish 2nd place
I never said that
but nobody cares about who lost the championship
Imagine being Gisele in that photo and having to be all like "damn, LeBron, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your receding hairline and horrific ghetto bastard face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck another GOAT QB in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Gisele and not only sit in that chair while LeBron flaunts his disgusting pig nose in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing his tattoos and grayish-brown skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected not making the playoffs. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking visage but his haughty attitude as everyone on ESPN tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, LEBRON PLAYED HOW MANY MINUTES?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his jewish fucking agent contort into types of tampering you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of handsome, immortal, and most importantly, white, quarterbacks for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his coal-black stomach as he sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "kingly (for that is what he calls himself)" beauty, the beauty he worked so hard for with Kevin Love in the previous season.
>he was the only reason the Warriors didn't go 16-0
If by "he" you mean the refs, then you are correct. Game 4 was one of the most blatant ref-jobs ever.
>33% of the time
This would be great if you were talking about baseball, unfortunately for LeBrony, you are not.
>LeBron "I don't think a lot of people was educated" James
>LeBron "Went West like his mother in joining the Lakers" James
>LeBron "Once got defeated by an air conditioner" James
>LeBron "Once showed his tiny penis to the entire world on national television" James
>LeBron "5/10 wife" James
>LeBron "3-6" James
>LeBron "Le lose in the Finals man" James
>LeBron "Le traveling, charging, flopping and PEDs man" James
>LeBron "Not as good as Michael Jordan" James
>LeBron "Baldspot in the shape of a cock and balls" James
>LeBron "Get dunked on by a high school kid then confiscate the tape" James
>LeBron "1.8 pts in the 4th quarter of the Finals" James
>LeBron "Lied about elbow despite it clearly being fine and was booed by home crowd, then hosted a nationally televised show to leave his team" James
>LeBron "2 for 18 in a playoff game" James
>LeBron "Stuffed by 5'9" Nate Robinson" James
>Lebron "career 47.8% winrate and -2 pts differential vs TOP 8 teams" James
>Lebron "Once I learned how to beat good teams I was cucked by Kobe's bitch Dwight" James
>Lebron "GOAT who was on best team in NBA ONCE, despite changing team multiple times"
>Lebron "After my only legit miraculous championship was gifted to me by Ray Allen and a Greg Buttovich blunder, same Spurs team BTFO me into the fucking sun the next year and Kawhi personally dickslapped me worse than Jason Terry" James
>LeBron "Locked down by 6'0" JJ Barea for two games in the Finals" James
>LeBron "Didn't go to college because he always chokes when it comes to finals" James
he's having a typical season for a player with that many season in the NBA. He is leading his team in pts, rebounds and assists, as he nearly always does. No player in NBA history has led his team in all three categories as many times as LeBron has.
The Lakers made a lot of mistakes, starting with signing ANY player named Ball. But signing LeBron wasn't one of the mistakes.
Kobe > LeBitch
>he says on an anime website
Where can I find the animes?
That'd be pretty fucking hilarious if the lakers finish 8th and eliminate the warriors in the first round
But this will not happen
how quickly they forget
except this time he won't make the playoff
Imagine being this fucking butt hurt lmao lebron will never notice you beta cucks
>MJ is a marketing product
Is Lebron any different? ESPN is all over his dick.