

Attached: 4F0832A500000578-0-Maurizio_Sarri_has_ditched_the_strict_rules_of_Antonio_Conte-a-39_1534318490918.j (634x422, 54K)

why didn't they just keep conté if they're gonna park the bus, at least he won titles

sarriball works?

time for a cig now to honor him. whats your brand spuh? for me its parliament.

the cheapest one available

here even cheap no-name stuff costs like 5€ per pack lmao

you have it so good here it's 10 euro minimum

Golden Virginia, can't smoke straights since I started smoking roll ups.

Despite being lighter non clove cigarettes make me feel dizzy

Attached: images (16).jpg (554x554, 22K)

>roll ups
Fucking gypo